Show b if lF J r Sr f d r r 1 a w p y Jiro t t r F i d Y ita jY J. J b WED IN L IDS D 5 TEMPLE CEREMONY Newlyweds Mr and Mrs George Stanford Goble who were married in Salt Lake l D S Temple Monday Bride is former Joan Buckwalter Joan Buckwalter Is Married i iTo To George Stanford Goble Quiet nuptials als were solemnized solemnized solemnized solem solem- in the Salt Lake L D S STemple Temple Monday uniting in marriage marriage marriage mar mar- Miss Joan Buckwalter and George Stanford Goble The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 J. J E. E Buckwalt Buck Buck- walt waiter r 1371 1371 Zenith Ave The bridegroom is the son of Mrs 1 Maysel 1 I I. I Goble Highland Highland High High- land Dr Harold B B. B Lee L D S apostle apostle apostle apos apos- tle officiated A wedding breakfast followed in the Empire Empire Empire Em Em- pire room of the Hotel Utah with Mrs 1 Goble presiding In Inthe Inthe Inthe the evening a reception honored honored honored hon hon- ored the newlyweds at the Alpha Delta Pi House 70 Nr N N. r Wolcott 1 The bride chose a gown of white slipper satin entrain styled with fitted bodice deep I yoke and Bertha collar of Chantilly Chantilly Chantilly Chan- Chan ChanI I tilly lace long sleeves which tapered to points above the wrists and full skirt A crown of lace adorned with seed pearls held a tip finger-tip veil ven of I illusion and she carried an allwhite allwhite allwhite all- all white bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums The matron of honor was Mrs Douglas G. G Clark Miss 1 Marilyn Gadd was maid of honor and the junior bridesmaid bridesmaid brides brides- maid was Miss liss Linda Buckwalter Buck- Buck walter waiter They donned like dresses of emerald green taffeta taffeta taffeta feta styled with full skirts and Bertha collars in varied shades j i of pastel green j |