Show State Solon Eves Power hoard Board pe POd WASHINGTON D. D C. C Special cial Utah cial-Utah Utah State Senator Lorenzo Lorenzo Lorenzo Lor Lor- enzo Elggren D D. Salt SaIt Lake is a 1 candidate for the vacancy on the Federal Power Commission it was learned Tuesday The me F P C vacancy was created by the resignation of Chairman Mon Ion of Washington and anda a tuck nip battle is developing develop develop- ing in Washington D D. C C. for the post with numerous candidates in the field Among other prominently mentioned mentioned men men- candidates are Ray McKeough McKeough Mc Mc- I Keough former Illinois congressman congress congress- man William Villiam S S. Trave member of the F P C staff now on loan to the Petroleum Administration for Defense and Irving Hoff administrative administrative administrative ad ad- assistant to Senator Warren G. G Magnuson l D D. Wash Vash Senator Elggren a liberal i if Democrat has served in the Utah I Senate since 1944 His second I term expires this year ye As I I I V dent of the Utah Consumers T which he help helped its in in 19 1929 he naf Oi i in publIc long has b en Utility matters and other G GHe He is a native of Hooper County and a stir Ie graduate vers ty of or Utah 1 l t He le h has Salt Lake food broker |