Show L Lets Let's Explore Your Mind Overrated Love Upsets sets Sons Mental Balance B By Albert E. E Wiggam Is there a general danger that we will overrate mother love Yes according to psychologists Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward Travis and Mother love is held up as t the e noblest attribute of human nat nature something something re-something that should restrain all lovers from going too far andall andall and andall all criminals from crime Mothers Mother's day puts her on a national pedestal The psychologists say this dwarfs her husband and makes her almost forget her role as wife life When we remember nearly al allA all A VOLS and shocked shell-shocked G. G Is were boys its boys its it's worth thinking about Can everybody become a perfect speller Yes Dr Grace Fernald has been making making making mak mak- ing practically perfect spellers for 30 years She says the methods used in many schools school s produce poor spellers These schools have children spell from dictation or else copy cop words By dictation the fast children o or r those with good hearing get ahead leaving leaving leaving leav leav- ing the others behind In copying words word the child looks back and forth and doe does not get a cut clear-cut picture of the whole word Look at the word then put It out of sight sigh t and copy as a whole picture from memory is is one of her best suggestions Are you nervous edgy Cant Can't sleep sleet nights falling down on your job Then The n learn how to relax Thirty years' years research by such noted authorities as Dr Edmund Edmun d Jacobson University of Chicago Dr Josephine Josephine Josephine Jo Jo- L. L Rathbone Columbia university and Dr Harold Fink tell you how to ge get t these wonderful new freedoms The superb page 24 booklet entitled entitle How to Relax by Albert Edward Wiggam Wiggam Wig Wig- gam sent at at cost Include e stamped self-addressed self return envelope Address Dr A. A E. E Wiggam author of Lets Let's s Explore Your Mind care of The Salt Lake Lak e Tribune Telegram Home Service Bureau Salt Lake City 10 Utah r Copyright 1948 John F. F Dille DUle Co |