Show CALL AN EXPERT a Specialty Shop Shop 4 E. E E 4 CEMENT BRICK CEMENT BRICK WORK PLASTERING cement brIck work build huld work 1ST CLASS CLAS cement work Work Iced led Prices rees rel Est Eat free Ire 73 5 CLASS cement work Work guaran teed ted Prices reas rea Eat Elt free BEDBUGS EXTERMINATED without Guaranteed Jensen 3 i CONTRACTORS Day CONTRACTORS Day or Job EsUm free tree Non too ton to larg taree lars fi iRn 2334 2134 S SAVO I nunS a t TWO AVO tr tract carpenters W free estimates remodeling t 4 foa day or 5 contract con con- g CLEANING DYEING CLEANING DYEING a Cash Carry E. E 9 0 S. S 5 DOOR CHECKS REPAIRED EE REFILLED D. D new springs all al parts Darts part C. C A. A A Fowler E. E 3rd So 5 5 FLOOR FINISHING ELECTRIC sanding machine for tor rent and polisher So State 4 FLOOR FOOR sanding landing and polishing for rent rent Burton Lumber FURNACES FURNACE FURNACES FRNACES double vacuum cleaned Ig units unis chim sweep 4 SPECIAL vacuum cleaned re repairs ro pairs for tor all al makes makee ALL kinds of stove and furnace repairs Work guar ga 1047 W O th So HOUSE MOVERS H HAVENS VENS I CO Build lies moved oved and raised Go 2320 So Sa Main Halo 6 Ron Res Re 7 P PAINTING PAPERING PAINTING 41 P PAPERING A PERI N ClEAN G-ClEAN CLEANING ING CUl wallpaper aper paints Save av 25 to 10 50 o. o Papering and painting 10 Regent st. st 6 6 or 4 LOWEST prices price expert papering painting cleaning Cati Cal Pearson WALLACE VALLACE Contracting Co Remodeling WALLCE paint paInt papering Mo 4 PATENT ATTORNEYS THOMAS THOMAS HOMAS THOMAS U. U S. S Keg Reg ReI Trade Trademarks Trademarks Trademarks marks drawings Beason 5 2373 PRINTERS BOOKBINDING FOR private and public library F. F G. G Dust Co Co Edison st at at 3 RENT A TRUCK I 8 SAVE V Rent a TRUCK uve Gas Gu oil 01 furnished Low Lw rates rate rate BAKER TRUCK RENTAL ING So S. S West Wet Temple RENTAL IC 4 2095 2095 TRUSSES U RG trusses FITTED BY EXPERTS South Main MaIn Salt Sal Lake Laks ake City WINDOW SHADES I WINDOW wood or shades SLades steel lal and slats slats u Venetian made i Q QI b bv bY minds blinds in Co Free Fre samples aple and estimates I SANDERS lANDERS south Sout state Slats 5 2595 I la LETS LET'S LETS LET'S GO PLACES DESERET DESERT 3 II Enroll Enrol now Enjoy Enjo setter better nelt 2 AUCTION 2 SALES i THALES M H. AI DERRICK DERRICK auctioneer High class cia auction service 3 8 3 LOST 3 LOST AND FOUND I DOG bul male brindle 2181 Ic 2183 S 8 State Stale cabin 2 Reward LOST LOST T Imperial wrist watch on 3rd So Reward 3 after aler 5 p. p p m. m m truck tailgate bet be Pleasant Pleasnt Grove and S. S Lake Reward 3 SMALL part Persian gray cat lost vie 2 29 So East Reward BIFOCAL glasses tn In black case cae R Reward 34 So Main 3 LOST LOsT 16 16 head of rams Brand double circle and earmarked ear Reward Milton Mil hell Mi 1 J. 34 ton 45 Uman E E. E So Idol Hoi LAMBS 4 yearling bucks with horns Re ward 1840 So Wet Vest 4 PERSONALS 4 WOMEN SHOULD KNOW Thousands of ot married women should use us a cleansing deodorizing douche to protect personal charm and daintiness but do not know It It TAKARA 0 POWDER provides a cleansing ia I 10 soothing I g refreshing douche uCh for hygienic protection Used by bv women for r over 20 20 years Get t G GENUINE at dr drug viran and ept e stores s TOUR Y I Highlights pulse g h will quicken Mall Mail lOc t for 0 free rhea handling Happy If Sego ave aye SPECIALIST FOR OR MEN Dr Griffith So Stain Ph Reduce SWU-Reduce SWIM SWIM Reduce warm war 1 Sl lesson leson Prof Thornton Was Wu Springs 3 5 MASSAGE 5 AND BATH 2 LADIES O ONLY LY Massage He Reducing Graduate nurse asae A woman knows a womans woman's seeds needs By appointment ut on only 1 6 x U RELAX with massage powder rubs 1 baths bath 25 E. E 2nd So 10 pw Mrs bOrn 9 10 Sun 10 Miss Kay 5 LEC ELEC To ELEC-To Two tables table and oper No waiting 8 10 3 8 every day ay Ut Ut Sav Say a Tr Yr S So efa Main SCIENTIFIC massage malae shower bower Graduate nurse 15 Vi I S. S Main Haiti suite ule 20 Dial 4 11 to 8 8 Sun Iun 1 to 6 SWED MAS Scientific Scie Scientific lc technique Nurse ure Daily Daiy Out calls cals 13 Atlas Ata 36 ft W. W 2 S. S Miss MIl Peterson Peterson 4 VY VERY but beat bot bath bat also 1110 oil 01 rubs rubs birs 1 Atlas Ata GOOD massage vapor bath oil alcohol rub Hrs bOrn 10 open Sun Iun 35 Atlas Ata bId 9 0 MAES MAE'S MAE'S MAES RELAX MASSAGE HOT BATHS W. W V. V S. S Temple room 2 EX EXP massage bath bat Franco American aCt Rm 23 B. B 1st lt 8 S. MarIe Maria SPECIAL reduce cab bath bath Op Hotel Utah Temple Templeton 4 Nurse MASSAGE 1 St. St SI bath Miss Mil Lane Ti Tay Tay- lor Templeton 4 Sun Suit SUI 6 TRAVEL 6 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL AIR CONDITIONED BURLINGTON BURINGTON SANTA FE FERI FERIO FERIO RIO RI GRANDE GRADE SALT DENVER LAKE AND PACIFIC BINGHAM BINGHA STAGE LINES LlES 6 st SCHEDULES S And 3 Routes Routs East Eat Dal Deity Dally 3 Schedules dally daIly daly to Southern California and San Francisco For further information inquire SALT SAL LAKE BUS DEPOT 60 E E. 2nd South Dial 3 58 SAVE MONEY 85 l L LAS VEGAS LOS iOS ANGEL S. S SAN Ditico Bonded Insured Reclining GO DI Chair Bus PONY EXPRESS BUS PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 40 EAST 2ND SO 80 DIAL 4 7 HELP 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN THE TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM strive to protect their readers reader against fraud deception or injustice Rea Readers ers are cautioned to make NO payment to get a position advertised In the help belp wanted columns Ads In other oter columns which Investment in stocks samples amples equipment or a cash cah bond should be thoroughly Investigated before be before fore paying out any money All Al help wanted ads MUST specify the nature of at the work Sales Sale help wanted ads must munt mention the article artcle or service menton to be sold and state tate if jf the pay is In Inthe Inthe inthe the form of salary commission or both Only bona bOla fide offers of employment employment employment em em- with wih pay belong belon In the Help Wanted columns Kindly report re report re port any exception to this rule to the te classified advertising manager GIRL for general hawk City references 66 Rant Eat 2nd So TOUNG YOUNG woman or girl who vho appreciates appreciate good god home and surroundings General housework Wages according to experience and ability Dial Dal 5 WANTED Girl WANTED Girl gen hawk care 2 chi chi- chil dren Nice home Stay nights 5 per wk to start tat 1159 Stratford ave 6 EXPER woman gen Good wages Dr Roamer Homer Lincoln st t Mid 5 EX EXPERIENCED girl over 25 for house work Good wages wage References r re rs Hot Hoi PER mo wage for family to run and maintain room 50 hotel city To give hour 24 service service Do all al work necessary in first class manner Must have good local references Apply Box N 46 GIRL or woman to care for tor 2 year boy week days go home nights or room 0 and board Wages g 1 I St St. tO apt 5 YOUNG lady about abut 20 free to travel to California and return to take care of small amali smal boy Good salary transportation paid permanent job See Mrs SIrs Adams hotel GIRL wanted general housework plain cooking Good wages wage 2 adults In fam fam- Iy ily Phone Sat and Sunday afternoons after after- or evenings evenings 4 EXPER EXER waitress watrus call cal after 12 p. p m. m Good wages Capri Restaurant So West Went Temple APPt APPLICATIONS TI rS for salesgirls Aled are being taken at B Baileys Bailey's Limited f 45 5 50 Main Wages Wale GIRL for hawk Go home nights Live vie vic So E. E Apt Apt 1 Wages 4 GIRL for general housework 2 adults adult stay tay nights Wages 3 2 YOUNG ladles ladies 1824 18 neat ambitious free to travel circulation work salary 15 5 week start stat See Mrs Mr hotel 15 5 p. p m. m No phone calls cals EXCELLENT ELLENT season now to earn fine e erf profits selling photo o coupons p for leading lead ing rf photographer o h of fg the WEST is r le AUSTIN AUSTIN AUS- AUS g TI TIN STUDIO 12 So Main Main S. S L. L 1 City OUT TOWN OUT girl irI 20 to 30 for gen Exp Good Gd wages 4 4 Ien ER EXP steno must munt t be industrious n and se rl minded rious-minded noun l Ans own handwriting d t ForK Furn Fr refs res Salary Box Q 9 Tele GIRL for Ken gen Stay nights Good wages s. s Full time 1 or part t time 5 2 WOMAN for gen sen gen hsk 3 or 5 day wk Parents work ork children In school Refs Wages Vic dr Call Calf a fe 6 e evenings g GI GIRL under d 25 for gen housework and care a of 1 3 child f l Stay y hn nights o Wages s 1129 So S. S Eat East rear rea upstairs ae STUDENT STUDENT Can Care for boy 2 yrs yr rs 4 30 to 30 exchange for tor bd rm rm carfare carfare 7 J VANT WANTED Girl gen Jen 2 children Nice home Stay nights 5 per wk 1159 Stratford ave ace 6 EFFICIENT housekeeper and cook Private bath and living quarters quarter References Good Go salary Ilary Call Cal 6 GIRL for general care of nf baby Bd rm wages Ref et cae Frequent evenings evening v a afternoons l off 7 HELP l-HELP WOMEN 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN iRL or young woman f for house work new home 3 children Wages Wages 5 1010 1st lt Nati Bank GIRL GIRt for housework stay Itay nights Wages Wage Dial 64 6 1 G GIRL WHO GIRL WANTS WHO WANTS GOOD WAGES WAGES- WAGES Experience cooking and housework 3 GIRL for tor general hawk stay Itay nights 3 old ld child Wages Refs Res 5 GIRL for tor all I da day care re of children assisting assist assisting assiS ing teacher Wages Dial 3 13 WOMAN between bewen 35 and 40 of ot good Iod character char char- acter to assist with wih general house housework ouse work In nice home Pleasant rm cm and good wages 4 1430 1439 Princeton jod avenue RELIABLE KiM Irl wanted for housework I and New home good wages wale Holladay Holaday 46 or 3 WOMEN IS-WOMEN WANT WORK TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE Wishes position Go anywhere Maternity Mater Maer cases caes preferred Box Park City Utah s FOR FR PRACTICAL NURSE DIAL DIL 3 5 i. i 9 MEN 9 MEN WANT WORK EXPERIENCED ii D bookkeeper accountant typist wants chance for advancement 5 yrs Yr exp eP 25 yrs yr old Married Draft Drar exempt Capable willing to work Box Q IT IS Imperative that all al business keep books of ot accounts account An experienced accountant ac countant will wi Install and keep kep same at ata ata ata a a reasonable figure figur References given given- Iven Box Q EXPERIENCED man desires delre truck driving work Good ref ret 3 MAN AAN with wih late lale model car desires work So East Eat Murray I 10 TRAINING SCHOOLS SCHOOLS O-SCHOOLS- SCHOOLS TRAINING Us' Us Speech p corrected cor reeled t Public U I IP broadcasting dramatic t art MILLERS MILLER'S meER SPEECH SCHOOL E 5 2nd So S 4 LEARN French German Russian Expert Exper teacher just from Europe Studied 1 In juro e France Germany r Russia u Mrs r Per Pei- kiss 28 E. E 2nd No apt t A. A 3 Mrs Hrs 10 1012 7 4 p P. P m. m BERBERS ARE IN DEMAND EARN while vou you learn barbering in a few mos mOl Moler Barber Baber Col Col S. S L. L L C. C fw I II HELP II-HELP HELP Wanted MEN Wanted MEN MENTHE THE AND TELEGRAM strive to protect their readers against fraud deception or Injustice Readers get are t cautioned a position to tOa advertised make s NO dO In fa payment the een help et to wanted columns Ads Al In other columns which require Investment In stocks samples sample equipment or a cash canh bond should hould be thoroughly Investigated before before be fore paying out any n money All help wanted ads MUST s specify p the nature ar arof of the work work Sales help wanted wante ads must mention menton the article artcle or service to be sold d and state l if the pay Is in In Inthe inthe the form of salary commission o or both Only bona bonade fide de offers of employment employment em em- with pay belong In the Help Heip Wanted an J columns m Kindly lf report re port any exception c to this rule role to the classified advertising manager ONE DOLLAR PER PEP HOUR TO TOMAN TOMAN TOMAN MAN OR WOMAN Assurance of steady leady work Come Inand tn Is and let us show you that many are making this amount or more No Investment necessary 3 J. J R. R Watkins Co Co West Wet 3rd So UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Married couple experienced experience In apt house management Good Goad salary to parties partes who are willing and capable to do the work required In operating large date up-to-date apartment In m Salt Sal Lake City N Not an e easy eany Job but u fine ert t. t Write Box jp P 54 Trib g. g mer Tele employer stating age experience and former former for for- PER mo wage for lor family to run and maintain room 50 hotel hote City To give hour 21 service Do all al work necessary In first firt class clans clas manner Must Stunt have good local references Apply Box P EXPERT EPERT TAILOR for all al around work GOOD WAGES STEADY JOB for tor right man McCORNICK YOUNG also man young 18 g t to man 21 1 for to r ree delivery learn e machinist service h cl t trade Wages Splendid opportunity for right parties Utah Auto Parts Co So Main SlaIn EXPERT EPERT TAILOR Best Salary In City Job for right party Apply Box P BEET T TOPPERS PRESTON Ida FREE lda JOB AND PASS 40 W. W 2 S. S SHOEMAKERS WANTED TOP WAGES FOR GOOD MEN eIEN iN Machine men finishers jackmen Full Fl time employment In high class shop on Pacific coast Union wages and hours hur Apply Box N stating age experience and ability to move to o coast coast WANTED WANTED lat 1st class clas auto mechanics and body Dody men men Guarantee Guarante and percentage Apply Leo Hansen Streator Inc Chevrolet Dealer Streator 65 So Main Main Salt Sal Lake City COO COOKS dishwashers h hotel a and ranch hei Wages Q g tr 40 oJ W W. 2nd Soul Sou g BOY BOT for daytime delivery delvery Motorcycle fur Wages Foil Folland Foland and Drug Co Co 1500 So East Eat RAVE HAVE opening In ill Nevada for tor young man mail Stenographer bookkeeper Starting salary slay mo Any former Henager student call cal 4 DELIVERY boy over 18 with bicycle Wages Wage Crystal Pharmacy E B 1 S. S DRY cleaner wanted wanted man or woman to do fancy and plain spotting and finishing In modern dry cleaning e plant Mn gl d ll References r required Good o salary Box Q Trib-Tele Trib LICENSED barber for harvest haret and tion ton Needed by Oct 10 Wages Central Cen Ceo Barber Shop Box Shelley Sheley Idaho YOUNG man between 18 20 high school graduate legible handwriting nece- nece Phone sary Salary 3 8 9 8 p. p m. m only EXP steno must mont t be industrious tr and se at- minded rious-minded noun ln Ann Ans own handwriting d rt Furn Frn ret ref Salary Box Q 9 MAN trained In service station staton wk Greasing Greas ing polishing In 1 washing splendid opp Inside work wages wage See Sec Romer Packer Blair Motor Co 45 So Main CAR O CAR HOPPERS ln for drive In stan d stand also colored J or 1 Filipino boys or el elderly F r woman for r Janitor work gl B Box x P 50 Good wages BOOKKEEPER stenographer 90 mo apply Box Q el details e concerning concerning con con- fr foGa training lr exp p gen n education and religious affiliation Graduate of ot L D S bus college TELEPHONE repair man also Install and repair P phones 5 yrs exp ende sary Y Stunt Must t have high school tins tion ton Age bet bet 18 1845 Permanent 1800 1500 yr i in city Apply 55 W. W Broadway S. S L. L C. C STOCK boy ambitious enough to learn retail selling and merchandising Out of schol school school- should hould have bicycle Steady work and wages Seagull Drug Co 6 EXPER EXER service serice station slaton men also boys wages wage Apply Road Service Serice Garage ISO E E. 2nd So WA WANTED WANTED ll l Expert per exle hr al round all In ro city w machinists Only first girat class clas machinists need ned apply Box Bo Q 25 Trib YOUNG TOUNG man not going to school chol and an not of ot draft drar age ae for ehon hOD helper Wages Inc E. E So Wale EXPERIENCED cook wanted small smal cafe good Iod wages 1321 Vt West So Temple YOUNG man 18 IS n neat at ambitious free to travel entire entre U U. U S. S A. A with wih nationally nation naton all ally known company a Circulation work 15 19 week e ul start See fl Mr c Gay ns f hotel 15 5 p. p m. m m 1 I I |