Show TRADE INCREASE WITH ASIA SEEN MANILA Oct 10 UP Henry Henry F F. Grady President Roosevelt's special special special cial economic representative said Friday he had received assurances during a comprehensive tour of southeastern Asia that the axis would be shut off completely from the worlds world's largest storehouse of war war materials He told a press conference that officials of the Philippines China Malaya the Netherlands East Indies Indies Indies In In- dies India India Burma and Ceylon had pledged their efforts for increased production and expedited deliveries to the United States and Britain of several everal strategic materials Grady also reported 1 1 The United States probably will increase supplies of industrial machinery and war equipment ment to southeastern Asia while guaranteeing guaranteeing guaranteeing guaran guaran- teeing the absorption of any any- in increase increase in- in crease in production that may re re- re- re sult 2 China within a few weeks will have an effective air force composed composed- entirely of American Planes s. s 3 Throughout t r n nAsia nAsia nAsia Asia ex excluding lOding Thailand there is isn n no indication of appeasement toward toward toward to to- ward Japan 4 4 Japan will be unable to put the Burma road out of commission without a land invasion which is improbable |