Show Crash in in Davis County Kills Boy Gravely rave Injures n ures Companion Companion One Woods Cross Gross boy was killed and his companion was critically critically critically cally injured Thursday night in the crash o of a bicycle and truck on the Salt Ogden-Salt Lake highway The fatality boosted the states state's traffic death toll to and the Davis county total to eight The state toll is is- 18 higher higher 14 14 per cent above the above the fatality toll to date last year ear pavis Davis county's county's county's coun coun- tys ty's mark is three under the 11 death toll recorded to October 10 1910 1940 Berry J. J Goff 15 was killed and his chum Leland Mann 15 gravely ra hurt about 1035 p p. m. m Thursday when the bicycle they were riding together was struck and carried d 90 feet by a semi semi- trailer gasoline truck on highway I U. U S. S 91 two miles north of the Parkin underpass State Highway P Pat Patrolman a t r o 0 1 m a James C. C Hunter said the two Woods Cross boys were carried on the front end of the northbound northbound north north- bound truck with the bicycle Berry Berry Berry Ber Ber- ry sot son of Mr and Mrs Arthur J. J Goff was dead when a physician arrived a few minutes later Leland son of Orvis Mann and owner of the bicycle suffered a proba probable le skull fracture and pos- pos n Continued on race Pa Sixteen Column I Two O Davis County Crash Grosh Kills Young Cyclist I Continued from Page One On sible internal injuries His condition condition condi condi- II tion was poor Friday at StMark's St St. Marks Mark's hospital in Salt Lake City It has not been determined which I of the boys was pedaling and which was riding on the crossbar Ii The truck driver Ray Duffield about 40 of Little America Wyo told Patrolman Hunter he turned lout out to pass a northbound automobile automobile automobile auto auto- mobile and saw the bicycle in the trucks truck's headlights too late to avoid the accident The boys were on the west side of the highway but traveling north Patrolman Hunter said and were believed en route to their homes home Further Inquiry Further investigation was under under under un un- der way Friday by the state highway highway highway high high- way patrol and Davis county sheriff sheriffs sheriff's sheriffs sheriff's sher sher- iff iffs iff's s officers Berry J J. J Goff was born In Woods Cross on March 27 1926 to A A. J Jand J. J and Effa Taylor Goff He was a sophomore student at the Davis Davi high school Survivors include his parents two sisters Mary and Iris Ins Goff all of Woods Cross a brother Warren Goff Tenmile Ore and the maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs William Warren Taylor 1 of Loa Utah Funeral services will be conducted conduct conduct- ed Sunday afternoon in the Woods Cross L D S ward chapel with S S. S M M. Nelson bishop In charge Burial will be in the Bountiful city cemetery Two drivers were injured at a a m m. Friday when their cars collided at Seventh South and West Temple streets police reported re re re- re ported Raymond L L. Jepson 27 South West Temple street driving driving driving ing an eastbound sedan suffered head and chin cuts and Louis A A. 45 East Ninth South street operating a southbound coupe suffered head cuts Nelson S S. S White 56 Magna suffered for forehead head cuts and body bruises and his wi wife e Mrs Lillie K White 51 slight back hurts when a car driven by Mr White collided with a second automobile Thursday afternoon at Eighth South and Second West streets Police listed the second cars car's carsI driver as Z A A. Doyle 25 2528 I Dearborn street tl 1 I a wY ir N j J. J x u r j h. h I I BERRY J J. J GOFF Davis count county traffic victim |