Show 1 M to Russia Russi May End L Told SEATTLE EATTLE Wash Oct 10 INS INS INS-A A warning that American Maid t aid id to Russia may result in such a totality of death and andio ruction io as almost inevitably will crush this earth was given list t annual American Federation of Labor convention Friday I re e lost Rev Gerald Shaugh- Shaugh bishop of the Catholic ese of Seattle p p Fridays Friday's dj pal al speaker at the meeting cognizance of the fact tact that convention earlier this week m ed a recommendation from fromA A F L executive council that such aid with aid with the so that it be understood 10 et Russia and the United s a are re not friends and never f IL be friends e e bishop termed communist the sixth column ass asserted that they were far fd dangerous than the fifth colin colli col- col li in the United States because p proper authorities have the column cornered Contamination Con ou mf cannot handle pitch and your hands unsoiled he n hued ed You cannot extend i any more than to sni sm the right ight hand of fellow fellow- without running the very risk of adopting at least In inthe the Ithe philosophy of warn you my friends 1 labor movement that not I I I in the wildest dreams and accomplishments accomplishments accomplishments of the Goths and goths and Huns of ancient days when they overran Europe was there ever such a totality of death and destruction as almost inevitably inevitably inevitably bly will crush this earth if in our zeal to overcome the enemy of freedom we raise on high as the winner the steeled and triumphant triumph triumph- ant arm of conquering ism Again I proclaim communism is among us writhing its slimy way into the deliberations of labor labor labor la la- bor councils into the of politicians into the very precincts of our legislative halls and into I the bureaucratic chambers of our centralized government I Urges Elimination Avoid as you would the deadliest deadliest deadliest dead dead- liest poison this virus of communism communism communism ism and exert every effort to stamp it out or know men of labor labor la la- bor that your movement is doomed and unionism is condemned condemned condemned con con- to die A prediction that even heavier tax burdens will be placed upon the American people was left with the delegates by Assistant Secretary Secretary Secretary Secre Secre- tary of the Treasury Herbert E. E Gaston |