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Show H . , M:V tOlll'AMW. H ( ', .Three) of Thrtn llle Arllrln of Itcar- (Kirtllon nllli ILe lerrllorltl HP NcrtUry, faWfl j Tho Kiyarllla Creamery company ; liai Bled artlclo of lncorofallon villa mma I tbo Tclrltorlal aecrrlary. Kl& Tliorlnclpal filacoof builntu Ii ol (roSB KayiTlllo, Darla county, Utah, and nHv ' lliv obecta of tho ftaaoclatlon aro tho iHJiJj. comtuctlnic of gonoral faruilnir, alock- iJHJq, . v talalntc aad civatntry bualDene, to deal m r lu milk, obeeae,buttar, and all mattora "i af necttaarlly pertaining lo that bualneaa . MX Tho capital etork le placed at tUOO, I 3a': j ' dlrliledlutoHOabaroaof tlioarraluo I tro ofSeach. 'ftio ofllceri are Jlyrura I K ' Htevrart, iiroelJunl; J'.. W. I,ayton, I HI , vice pteeldent; H C. Jonea, lecrvtary j Ml j and treaiurer; theac, with John Ualley, laHW I Charlta Laylon, II. J, Hheflleld aud WR It. W. Jlarneacouitllute tho board of 1jB9I I ' illrectora. HBK 1 . UTAH AND OlirauN IXJIUEHCOUI'ANY. H , Thta company hat tllo.1 artlcleaof rflHBr aaaoclallon with Ihu aaitio ofllcer. wJK; ! John Benman, Honry V. (Jwllllame, 'IB1 Kred Koulger, AukuiI Carlaon, Joiepli a-MM, T. Jobnioo, Ucomo Htnllli, llyruni IkH'i llolknap and Joaeph Hi Iknaii, allot 'Blii Oj;dtUi conatllulu tho ehareuoldere, Wa 'lh objictla IhoconduetlnKOf a Rvn SmB eral lutuWr bualuoaa, atid Ihv capital la 'KM J.'O.COtl. Hji I OUlLLtllY AMI 1IAUNIS8 OOlll'ANY. H i Tim Utah Haddlory and Ilarneaa JH . company, of Oxdeu, orsanlied for tho fib; I lurpcao of manufacturing allkludaof jH) ftddlery and haruee aud nontral Wf , i . nierchandUv, with n cat Hal atock of ! ' f f M.IXX), divided tulo 1001 aharei of J-5 fffl ' lach, IM 'Hio rtockholdera aro V..O. l'llei, W. 9W W. lllalr, II. T. Miller, Jamta Hoop, VB i' 21, K, rltaUbrd. ilai! j |