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Show TIM. Ill Mil HIM. TON IIIIAI. Tlia T,.,linni It. lor- ilia 1 011. ill. r Hii Illi.Vfr.IIrl Hai I iiAtcifCo, Atll M .Tin .learner "Jklglc" today broLght from okol)amadrtalla of thoilotlngevtnta ot the llrthiriugton trial. Commaud er ll-irtlett, hit wlfo and othera gave further ttttlmon), and Jtellivrlngton li.tlMc.lat gltat length. Jlololdtho ktol) of hit Irvublet, arid, coming down to the latttr jart of tho affair, .aid tLat In Jantar), whlin HobltiMii wsanbimit III Kilo, Mrt. Ilothtrlng ton made a tonfe.vlou (o hllu of her relation, with Hollntou. llrthtrlrg tor, In dm llbllg It, eald thut It waa a long andialuful atory, I. irouuitd a rovul.Itu of Irellngliihlm, an, when ho ULderttood all, ho luely lurgxo her. ilia fctllng agafu.t Hobluaoii wea Intentllltd, and, wlillu ulawlfo had dono thing, whhh wtro Inex 1 llcablo to him, he loot td uiiOli her a. an outraged it 0111111; ho bat novur herr 1 au)lhlt)gmoio terrible, and osuldii't denrlbo hi. focllnst, Hjbln.cn relurntd from Kubo about February lulh, l.leuteu.ut llrthirliiitoii de .crll-nl Iho itatu of frellng whhh Holln.ou'a return I rodmeil In him, and laid that oil tlm day of Iho aluiot lug hla 1 leaa wcro contused. He tired tho ahota more to atop the carriage than with any I Ira ol hitting Hoblnion.aud did not know (ot tomo mluuteathat a biilltl had .truck him. Couiut title t-rou, t-rou, lu rt uderlng hla dtclalou, gave an exhau.llvu revtuw of tho teitlmouy aid calleti atttnllou tiil:i!ly to tlm conftttlon whlih Ml.. Kelhorliigton mado to hur hutband thortly btforo tho thoollng, and which the de.crlld her wild midnight rldo to Hoblnion'a houao laat October, and told of tho thriata Hoblnaonhtld oer her. In rinding l!clheriu,toii not guilty, tho Contul.tr Court Utclart'd that thia confet.lon, to gtthcr with thu othtr long train of itlttrtt.lng clrcuui.taucia In tho caiu. had -roducid a ureal atitoof inilital ttliturtaniulii Iho defendant, and lio wat not reel ontlhlti for hit nclloLt lu tho moment thu fatal thot waa tired. |