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Show ix rut nut" nirauaeliirl.lt.ilaiiiit"lla" Hit D.alli ,.rlJtiiellii I'llllAtiiiiHA, Airll 2 John Mllihill, Irolhtrnf 1 Iota Idurello.liat ral.eit d )Ubla aa to the core tut oe I to ba that of hla .liter, tu thu Itenll tlcatlon waa mado altlvt ly Mn. William I.uirtllti, who rerugnlred Iho ttlmmlligaof the dead woman', linen, ljuirtllorola'ed om rclncldeucte of whliti every member of tho torn) any It Ulklig atuce thu dr.. He .aid Thotnaa I.aurello or Tin mat Alt I alidirllj, which la hla teal uamt wot borrr In l,ondon, aud went to hau I'laiultco whtuu loyjjohn I.aurello, Tom and I were laying lu tho "Dtivll'a uetlon," at tho (hutnut Bluet Tluatir, lu 16S3, when ll wat propotid that wo havn our (Icturia laki.li. John .old. If I havea (Icturu taken I aui libel) lo die let ro tho itg.Koment It over.' He waa l-ir tutded, honover, and In two da), waa rtrlcken with araljult an I tiou liitidnva, Tom had the mine un wllllugmaa about 11 ug phologlattd, but lu Columbu. alioul twp wrektago, roailiidul to havo hla lcti.ro taken, and, wheu he rrct Ivul the huto gratia, nmarkedi 'Now, INI 1,0 to I'hlladtll hla and die,' and now he It dead." The workmen at 1 o'clock Ihla morning morn-ing tu covered n ihatrei holy, tut Ittunltolu that ol riiomat l.iurillo. A few minute later another body wat dl.nivtrtd, Just behind tl e lint one. I ally In lh eenlngriovaial ilrcoaoi Htali and a l- rtlon of a .Lull wi ro uu tarthetl, whllontar by wan a diamond Iracelct, Identltleil aa btlmiritg to Mr.. 1 turello. Impcctor Mclitvlttof thu Inturanco jAtn 1 bt Ilevta that moie Uvea than thueo rtiorlcd were lott In Iho fire. The latt body recovered waa llerill fltJ aeHirah (isldrnnn, another of the III laud coinnn), a daughter of A. Uollnian ol Chicago, and only 17 yi art old. |