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Show IIII) -NOT HUE TIIK lOUl'AM'. it lien Arretted lie Malet a llrcaL fur liberty Hat It lto- taplurid. listl ulgbt OlUcen HullUan aud Learn at Ogdeu had a running tight with a clothluir. thltf.but tbey got their man alt right lu tho end. About II o'clock J, i:. Iteynolda waa teen carrying out of the City hoipllal a new tult of clothea on Ida arm. Ill actlout arouttd eutrlclon and the ofllcera ket blm under aur Tolllanrc, A abort time liefure mlj. nlgbt be entered the Keyatone aaloon on lowtr Twenly-llftli ttnit ant trlnl to ule or the clolbee. Dfllicr rJulllvnu at once plated lilui under urn it and tlartcd with bla irltoner toward tbe tlallon. At tbe corm r of Llucolu and Twt n-ty-flltli Iteynolda made u bri4k for Ilterly and ran tuutli. The olllrer fired at buna he vanltbcil under the trtei wblrli line the aldewalk.but wllh-out wllh-out clleit. Hulllvan waa joined ty lrtarn who bapieliOd tu be In the VI-clnlty,and VI-clnlty,and the two gaecbaie. Itey uuldawaiaeeu tu pa the Loruerof In cut elxth, turn wett and ruu among aomo old t ull llugw near tbe middle of the block. Aa hedleippear ed Hulllvan again tlrod but for the aec-ond aec-ond tlaie mltted bt maik. After n lengtbv eeanh Heynolde waa fouud lying Hat un lilt face uiar the wall of an otithoute and wlien uhlereil tu git up pla(d Innocvnt, but It dlt not work, riiebraceltta were clated on blawrlata ant toon lie waagivinn butli In tbe city Jill, lie will have a bearing today on a (barge ofitlt lirctuy, |