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Show Anollitr larlliiiutkr aliiielt In tail. hiriilN Bav ritftCisui, April SO. An I earth (ualuthotk uaafelt hero at 4 07 tela), The vlbralloua wtro from north to couth. An larlluiuake .hock la riiorlnlat Vacavllle.U.paitjetnd Wlntera.hortl) after four o'llcck thla aftrrnoon. The thockMoaatrotig at VacavllUi, but lm damage I. ytt retailed, rim II ration waa.oteroat lNurto, but 110 tltmat,t) waa dono la)ond tlie full of tome .caf folding. Home brlcka ato reported to havo fallen at Wiutirr, and a man re lorlcd liJureJ. |