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Show Hie tt totUMillrri.u; llrpurlnl lt.tlil.r.t. New Voitif, April :. Watlilngton tidvhea rc'ort thorotUryof the tub. truaiury In till ell-, tonlcht of a larr-o aumof luouey. llum la nooMlblo ay ot vciIijIdb tho minor tonlijlit. At ollce hiaitiiuMrleraub.oIutely iiolh-Ir.r; iiolh-Ir.r; It known of auih n reuort, uml tho reoitlallihtly lieatol. 1 llli II. I.ol.erli, atklttant tnaiurer I tho United Htatia, told a reporter tonight to-night that uoliodi hail tanitid Undo Haui'a itroux box In Wall .(rut. Ho Jiuialiml at tho olllco lu tlm tub. treu.ury liullllnte lot g aflir Iho I ut. ihm day ivaa ovi r, ami when he wont lioiua ovorylhliig wni In ro or uu. l'liiuwiiitiA.AprllSO A ironil Linlftew Vork llnaiuler loleeraphid "'''niilntliU city tonight that tho Unlttd btntcj iiutrvamry at Now Yorl had bieu roblmil of IJ3,iJ0O lint hilirlliocloaoof I viking luura. Iho illtpatch javo no taillculara of the Allulr, |