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Show UTAH U'lilSlATUIli:. I III Mil. TllfnIH AntltNOclV. Tho readlug uf Ihe (ourml wns ills-uted ills-uted with In order to get doivu lo butlness on liujioitant bills. Haines j rerouted n petition frcni residents efHuuimlt cotiLly fur an appropriation ap-propriation ofj.'.two forroida In that county which were riprraeiiled nab. lug In adeploralle condition. Com-rullte Com-rullte e en v a s and means, A comuiunlcatloiMrasrectlvsd from thu Houie nunounclng Ihu nreiageof tho followlug nieasurci: C. 1'. .19, ttnldlug for and rrgulal InKthoiolleitloiiuf laiealii lnruriur-ated lnruriur-ated cities; CM. 42, giving mayors uf cltiesof the lint and second classes a lunlllltnl vitupoii;H. I. 77, rovl.l-ln: rovl.l-ln: for the correct vtelnhlnc uf loalnt coul mines; ntul tbo rejection of C.J, 11. 3, authorising the auJItor to pur-chase pur-chase 3IKI sols of Ulali rcHiltie. The nmeudme nis made by the House In C. F. V) an I C. K. 41 were concurred In by the Council. II. 1'. 79 was nfrricd U the committee commit-tee un mines and mining. Tho commltleu on clalmi rend public, accounts to whom was referred tbu claim uf Kly Hardy for $10 47 for attorney's fiee, recomniviieli I that the clalri be rrjcctej ni It was the opinion of the committee that tho turn should have toen paid nut of the school dlitrlct funds. Allotted anil claim rejeited. 'Ihe following hills were favorably reortidby the rcspiittve committees named' (luagrlculluret C. 1 74. On elcctlona: II. I'. 1, In relation lo eleetloiiB aud tenure of ulllce. On Irrigation. C. V. 61, providing for recording claims for water ilgliti, on agriculture! C. I'. HI, and on private corporation!! O. I'. 80, fixing the lla. blllty of corporMJous lu eni.es uf accidents acci-dents to employes. The comiiiltttu on claims and pub-lln pub-lln accomits, tu whom was referred the claim of Thomas Fowler, aheilll uf Utah county, reorted the same back without ricomuicndallou. The commltleu on World's Fair, to whom was rule rred O. F. 20. providing ferlhenprorlatlou for World's Fair j mitoses, rrt.ortect the same back without recummendalloti. The claim uf A. W. Uarr for!2 was also rejecte d rhn comnillteenn counties reported hack C. F o.', creating Young county, without re commendation, Hill filed forsreond reading. The corumlttou on lilghw ays.to whom eras referred the titluu from the residents uf Kuuci and Hun Junn counties forSikfO each, fur road pur iwses, reiiortcd Ihhu sainu baclt with uut recommeudathn, saying that It wus not within tlio itoilucuuf tbu commltleu to recommend un ap roprl- htlou. The sfiectal committee np(iolnted to ooufer with a like committee fruni thu llousooii 11. F. till (substitute), stated that thoy were unable to agree uiou either bill aud rt commended there Jectlou of thu sime. They had re-pared re-pared n siibslltuti, however, nud recommended Its rassnge. Adoi ted. New bills wvie preaeuled to: l'eters, tu amend section LIM Com-tiled Com-tiled Laws of m. Judiciary Coin-mlttre. Coin-mlttre. lly ilunes, turrgulatu the procedure In probate courts, lly Lund, regulating the salaries of public olllreri. Judiciary committee, lly I'tleis, en-sting inlea for the leasing of sihuol lanJs lu thu Tcrrl-tury. Tcrrl-tury. Ihe special order for the day, C. F. 02, allowing the Territory lo Issue bonds, was, ou motion of l.viina, made the eiiecla! order fjr Monday tn xt. II, F, I, regulating thn tenure of olllccs passed Its second rinding. C. F. 21, tbo World's Fair bill, was read the second time. Hill 41. TIIUI1SDA AUTHMIOV, Adams, Ferry, Mnrshall and Colton did tirt atiswer to their nanus when the roll waa celled this altirnoon; the tint nemc-d, followed by Cotton, came III during Hie reeling of the nilnilli", a transaction which consumed ac tue little time, about a third of tbu first huur. I hey wire adopted wlthuut turret tur-ret Hon. Adams naked leaeu tn withdraw claims tl, t., II nud II In petition 17. No c IJectlon ami claims wlthdtawu, A lomruunlcAtlou wss lei elve 1 from the Couucll atii.iuuiliuc that H bad r eetveel a communication from Hie fjovertiorstntliigthat huhsd at proved of C F, Ld, making labor day a legal hulldiy, also V rr, 40 Unit e' Hull .'.4 r., ( nnii lied l.ai'Joi-' t t. lt.41, Innlstlon to grintn if land fur tl.u AKiIoullurel C'ullige A cotuuiltciu vros recclMnl from the (Hinrll ani.iuooiiig that It had piiMil c. !'. 7U, amending the chatters ofrlllnofthe flrsl ami second clots. Also II. F. W, lu relation to thu befuiillnger evnleis, Also II, J. 11,3, n relitlon lo dli-trlbullug dli-trlbullug nuo (xiplis of tl o Compiled l.iwa. The Ihrio went to Hie committee com-mittee on enrollment. Also, Hist It had rejictod II. F. U7, In relitlon to Jolnliu; causes of action. A petition was in wiled nnd lend, from W. A. Ilringhutst and others, I rntrstlnej ami ist e-henglni; the loundarlis lelercin Washington and lrmi couullri, I'ummlttro on counties. l'etltlou7l,ly Atnett, from 11. H. Jones and nthcis, asking fur nniend-inentalo nniend-inentalo the lien laws and for obtain Injiiorsiaslonor rial iropcily, Committee Com-mittee on Judiciary. Olson j resented 1 elltlon 72, Iio n A, Hntcli ami utht r, as' lug an am tuprl ntlun for tonds In Wasatch County. Comntltteoi n hlghwutt. Also claim tl.frum Wasalch County, for 1200 for mala furnished the assisor and collector Cimmltleo on lUlms and public) accounts. The ti.uniltti'eiin education repotted on If. F. J, nuthorlilng the sale of 1 ubllo lends for thu University of Ulnh, evltlt re sul-slllule, eonitueud. lngthatthiiMitlltullw rluled and loss. lUirt adopte-l and sulslltule referred 10 the committee 011 printing. Nebeker, ihalinian of the commit tee oil education, retorted on II. 1. UO, ixliudll g Ihesyiiiin of frmlclioole to mctroliiau cities, Iteiint ndopttd ft'i I bill Hied for third leullng. Tho committee on ways nud means rirled on C. F. C4, rrtntlugalerrl trrl-el board of tquatlzillou, iiieni menilliig a (aiasnge. Adoted ami bill filed for third rendlnir. Tho committee on agriculture reported re-ported on II. F. 01, amending sections .1,4,11,13, and Id, or an act establishing the Agrlculturel College, recommending recommend-ing Its um ic.c. Adoptnl and filed for third reading. Tin enmmittee on statistics reporticl 011 C F. 41, creating a bureau of sta-tlallce, sta-tlallce, recommending Its tnssage. Adopted nn I tile-el. Theconferencecominlttro on 11. F. 00 aud Council suiistltute therefor re lulled that tiny hid been tillable to agree, aud ricnaimonded tho rejection uf both measures, nleo, that another bill cove ring the samo sul led w as resented, re-sented, thu pur-easeof which was rec-ommeii'fi-J, Ado tc-l. Huow tirisentcd two low bills, II F, 110 and ill, the former tuame nd chapter chap-ter 4eseslon laws of land, relating to aburrnu ofstillitlcv.uhlch went to Iho ouiunilltcti 011 statistics; the latter to amend chapter 4il of the act lu relation to revenue, wltlclinas referred to tbu comuiliteu 011 w ays and nu ans. Mnclray treientett H.F. U2,to amend iicttoni 2IM nnd t,ld0, chailer 14, Cuupllrcl Laws, In relation to Internal liollcu regulutloui. Judiciary commit lee. Tho special order of tho day, Ihe school bill, wus then taken ufe. |