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Show I Kilt of TTu.lr SUIrk "Havo you ever noticed how people from tho dlUorcnt partaof tho country reulaterl" asked a hotel mau jestcrday. "Kentucky and Texas people, for In. atanco, lmvo a peculiarity all their own. Tiny register simply from Kentucky or Texas, aa if it ma le no dllTerence w hat pirt ot tho state they are from, just so they go down on tho register aa Ken tucklane or Tuxana. It looks a Httlo lcullar, though, to aee 'A. 11 Jones Ky ,' or 'K. Y. Bmlth, Texaa,' but inch inscriptions are soeu overy daj. 8oino timia Messra. Braltli and Jones, of Texas and Keuturky, iuscrlbo their count Tlioro is something arlstocratto about this) !tconve)susort of idea tlint Mr Jones, of K ntucky, la a legislator, or at !cat ao woll knowu tn bla couuty that n lettcraddreas tohlni In hla county would Wfcent directly tuhts ancestral homo, and that Mr. Kmlth, of Toxaa, owna an entire county, iwrbaps, and a letter aent to that county could not powlbly go to any ono else." Kansas City Tiiuca. |