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Show UMVEKSI1V 01' UTAH. Coii;rcn ttlnl fur n Slrli or Unci oft HlO lillrrTAtlnll fjr llitt IllllllUllOII. A bill was Introduced In the Kenate of tho Uulted HUtes ytiterday by Henatorrlhoup,uf Idaho. It provides for the granting to the Territory of Utah, or uny Htate hertaner formed from tl:e Territory, a tract of land containing con-taining not Ins than sixty acres, of! thowsatslJeof the military reservation reserva-tion known as the Kort Douglas ltcscr-vallon, ltcscr-vallon, which tract shall adjoin the eait boundary Hue of Halt Lake City, the tioundarles and extent to be hereafter here-after agreed uiwii, for k alio for tho University nf Utah, and for other pur-iHjic, pur-iHjic, and upon condition that such trait shall lie occupied by tho Unl-venlty Unl-venlty within five joara after the louudarlesaro determliiod, and per-pt per-pt tually thereafler. Iu coao It Is not so occupied ur used It shall rovert to the United mates. Section 2 or the bill provides that Hie Hurvoyor-Urnoral uf Utah shall layout thu plat and tlx the boundary lines thereof with reference to tho government rurviys, and such other natural and artificial monumenta ns may bo suitable tu dentin It, aud tn suaputlio location to have reference totherceiulrcaneutfer roads with convenience con-venience of access lo Halt 1-nk" City, and Its streets, aud as to trnvel between be-tween thu litter iilacu and military pent, lleshsll submit thu survey and 1 1st tn the coinmindant of the l'ort DougUs military ot, who, If satlatled with Iho location, shall aiprovu thu some, and upon fllliig raid airvey mid lat with the approval theriol In tbu ulllco of thecmmlsilonerof theUeneral I. and oOtce the survey shall lie noted on the t ubllo surveys, und the grant madu by this act shall Immediately attach thereto, there-to, an I no runner evidence of tho grant shall bo nectraaiy. The act Is tn' hike etlect from and after Its p rmsl by the l'reslilent. The bill was Intrudured Into the tiprerbranchof Ihe Territorial Icglili.. turu during tho first daj i of Hie present pres-ent se'ilon of tho asiemhly by Councillor I.und. It paseid both houses anl was sent to fjovernor Thomas for his a roval, alter whloli a certlDed copy was to t forwarded (o Delegatu Calno for Introduction Into Ihe Home of Keprc tentative. A srLond cui y was sent loHoiuturhlioup, of Idaho. It was Iho Intention that the bill should be Introduced slmultinrously In both brauches uf Cuugrees, (lov-ernor (lov-ernor riiomas, howevir, has not yet signed tho till, but will probably do so Immediately. 1 ho del ly has not teen bectutu of any opimalilon that Uovernor Thomas luaulleatrd towards the hill, but was U)t lu his ofllre uu-sliined uu-sliined lending Ihe consldoratluii of a proisliloii to aik Cougrisi for a more rximslMi strip of lend lying abng the entire western border of the Military ltcscrvatlou. Tliu lame bill will le lulnduced Into tbellouaonf HrircsentstlvtB by DslegatuCalne, In a few tlsyi. |