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Show . WAMIAKIK. A Melt to tlm Indian Nettle liicttl on Hie Jl.lal. IlAVinga Hunday on thu MalaJ, I vlallid Ihu Hhoahono Indiana, located at Waihtkle, and found many thlnga of lulerrat, especially to one engagod lu the Indian inlutonary labor. Wnihakle la a ward of thu Mala I Htake, uumlierlng lllty-two families aud idd members, resided over by llltbop Moroni Ward, furmtrly of Wll lard, aud later from Mud ly Crick, Malad. llu has served for thlitetn )tars In thl Held and still ha the spirit of hla calling. The organization conhleta of one rioventy, tweut)-elght tweut)-elght 1 letors, n quorum of Deacons, ItellefHoclcty, Buuday school and i, M. M. I. A. They havu a good dlitrlct school. Tho latter Is asalile-1 by the government, which allows $10 for each Indian luptl from llvu to twent)-otiu eare of age. Thu school la well Attended and gosd beodwA) Is being made. All are Indiana In tbla ward except the lllihtpund hla family. Ihe people own their uwn Jlltlo farms and tlwtlllDghuunta, aud havu altogether tittl) 13Macrca, only 2JO of which itru uuler water. At Hunday school tut re ws agood nlteudauie und cuuillerallu Interest waa maiilfeated. Theru la uti elirulmelit of aeent)-llve, with All n.erage attendance ot 35, the olllcera nnd le-jcheiaall being Indian tictjt thtilllihop, who leaciic the Hook of Mormon tia-a. The nuperlmeudeut, I Ider Muroul I.tiudel, (In Han) who was a ery tiaelul man Intliewaid, tiled on the 6Ui ul!., I. Ing Itru Hun day school In chart,u of Ammou llugt-bee, llugt-bee, u )oung matt whu blda fair to be cumuli tirelul man also. Iluirtaldtd with dignity nnd at emalo havu quite on Inllutnre tor good. The singing waa Horn tho Prim iry Hymn book. Pra)tr w a olltrud b) nut, of iia eldtr) men. The stcretat), n buy alnut nlliettcit )eara ol age, allowed ii rtciiiil of well wrltitn agea M mt luenl) lx t It'ldien are taught fruni tl u chuit b) a jouug man All reciting and concert reading la done In l.ngllah. Tho realarriul tlisaol nine or tan young men and boya la alio taught by one of their number. The mile els it belong to the young ladles, while tho llnok of Mormon class. In which much Interest I taken, la composed of men of moru mature jean. During the reading ex-erchea ex-erchea two elderly men la Ihe capacity ol ward leachera move around among lh women and Iho older men, Inatiuctlng tl em settling any diniculllrr, ihould Ibtru Tie any, and enquiring alter thu geueral lutereet and aplllllial welfare uf the peo le. After tho reading exrrcliea a ro-gramme ro-gramme la gone through, when they llateu to songs, recitations, etc , anil testlmonlts are borne by the young nun. I.ldrr Hilly i'Adzlpr, a fine-looking fine-looking man about thlrt)-flve, spoke well, Wll In Indian and Lngllah. Ho h. tilled to the benefit derived from Attending Uuuday school, and exhorted ex-horted all to dlllgentn And obedience, obed-ience, old llrother Moemburg, one of thu II rat to recelvu Ihe lloate-l, and to commcuco to colontzu, told ua that wh shoul I reinemter thu l.oul tut wudtit not need lo remeiutcr the evil one, because hu would keepua constantly reminded of evil thlncs. Vegah Tlmtynbo. (son of Kagtiltch, thu old t hlef who fought General Connor Con-nor on llaltle Creek) la realdent of the V. M.M.I. A. He spoknnel! and gave an oxhortatlon to diligence. On learning that a Cherokee missionary mis-sionary wa intent, the company dealretl to hear something concerning their fellow l.aiuaultea In another land. At-!p, m. there were over severity II v iraona btaldea chlllreli In Ihe meeting bouac. Thu Indians sang In their owu way, which la a coutlnuoua rittlll,ni of broken alng aotig "grunte," reiideretl In tho cuiumcit metre. Forty nilnutta wuru occupied In relating lucldenta about tho Chero . kt t and other civilized trlbea hen I Interpreter! by lllahoi Ward all seemed tu t-s vet) much Inttnatid. Tlu iaker waa fnllowetl with eager attention. atten-tion. In parting with their Cherokee vlallor the) shook Ills hand with feel, logs of biotherly love, and one tald "Uood bye, Uod bits you." A. IC. mai ap, Feb ;;, un.'. |