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Show a nii'iunr ni'itit. TiiLKmpcrorof Ucrmauy la getting hla name up aa an Jnulicrrt-t ajercb maker. Anlutervat ofalleneuon hla I art would help him toneldernbly. livery llmehoatxakaho exhibit Irritation Irri-tation toward thoae of hi autjeota who criticize the. courae of blf guveruioent, which he aeema to conclude la well-nigh rfect, and guided by Oranlpoteutu. Ula lateat ppetch doe not only raaulfeat Imiatlento at the anlmadveraloini of tho crlllca, but exhibit uoaiuall degree of tlellance. "My couth," bu ex-clalmt-d, "la tho right one, and It will bu puraued to thu utte-eu-t' A wlae ruler will nlwaye alot a courae to carry hla people Willi him In hla polity. When befall In tbat he muit fall In everything, forlu theae daya there la potency In tho popular voice. William aeema lo adopt n course lo di Ive hla opponent etlll further aw ay from him, rather than to win them oer to hla own aide, and dleaiter tau.t mult from a lotuaei of thla kind. The ruarrh of event la lu Iho tllrtcllou of poj ularUatlon of government of fuller liberty to the ewple. Xu earthly earth-ly power cau uow atop the j rogreaa of thla operatlou. Itlalnealatlble. Moll-archaaud Moll-archaaud rulera who arti iititeudlng Utapotawlll learn that lact lo their aorrow If they live many yeara longer. |