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Show one r Holsirf IbionlcIeH. . ,Lu.j0.yol electricity ami I Tutb.hl.lory ff '!' " " '-rfM rci. are le kern loan Till ..Ttobc. I' '",l cur '"'" nh ou own tin... 1 "'" ';u,"m ,,h;; -.--" ' Ml w. find n.ver o moment & n Hi. KtuJy or contemplation of HIT i l..crei, c cannot aay Iron, knowl II '? Tui : lrawliw tl.-t tubll.h.r ol h. ..'. of I relimtf. hroi.lclea, or , "f Mlllou or Hwllbli 'hl.t- wl where I" ' ounK '"rt ""' 'Uj not Ix-unJ and t urn In the char. 'urcf WIIH-m Wall.c.? ToU.uru, to. tro hr-JoJ cIM ;.f om... .,, .cclJ.nl.lly inll "" f!!l ItlJiloKcnarattir of I.ady Helen .Mar, vrbcM IUI '"ulty -,,n"l ' ' a l,nJocyto .noon In "try aceti.ot nconl or Importance leveitlu'.a., tc.ttl.ri Ubiafa will uevcr lo.u It. I Mthlioil frrahi i"i l'aiadlao ' " ,bllmeitrandeiir, KroloMtt'a Cbroul. t!l, tUIr qualut hlitorlo Inlircet In tttrlctlni, I''" '""' of the l"t. . I elleve that reference to Bootlleb . ctJef. will OcJ riii It. tlir luvmo- It .ofniat.y rtadonof tie Nru a. Our It, T.irltory.ni people liavo mauy re- nirutallvce uf the rate over which that work and the wutra of Hlr Waller fruit tn' thrown a. roiiiantlo charm, -hlch i-ntiot be readily loit eveu lu ILe modem whirlpool. Jit era of c3kuttl.il Clili.fi will remember re-member Hi. Itnolent an I arrogant character ot the l.nell.h ambjanador, tur llucli If Jh S(om r, cf wlio.o fatu II. wcik doe. nut dl.o.e, the .01 aa tlooal end, In onu .ilir.1 fiinu.liu ,(n .(tue between Klitif l.dward II, unit j hi bea-itlfill .mien, Margant uf ill), frame, when the formtr betinio ' trabuauf thoiiijbtirlouani.d wouJcr- lul MIL.trel who wiuj uone other than IN William Wallace, lu ilhgulae, will tlM I UftHuimlri.il, Wlillo carelcly irtauiluit: over the tK uf rrivLMti, a Irw day. ni(u, the ling of dlr lluc,liripeucirl.ruuht tu lulDd the dear old lloiy, nail more than a decade l-elou, aud curloilty Jit J altonlluii ti til. ass ulikli irontl tuluir(Utl. Shall . lM,t, kind nnlrr, wamlir tokttber, Itli th clironlclrr, fur a f.W lliuUl.llU uwr tllf .anjiirf tliuro I ok iltal jrata uml trun If tut fur amu.rin.iit, a fw of tlit rrinui anil tU final latu Hut lirlrl aunio uf 111. men ami wuctu wlici. rr Inatli J Mtmnl tu frl, tliu MtaliluK of J whuiorjca wiianinrJ lonu 111 Ihorti juuoctrtlayautiiluwrait In He ttl.li Cl.Irtr? 1 r.i.,. itt anJ olh-r lil.turlana ilt.l(urrii Marenrit lli n.uiool Ian-Irlla, Ian-Irlla, Why .ho la i .ill. I Margaret b) tin author of ricottlrli Clikfa w Uitk tot !b!u li thn trouUo'lo InYt.llfrtlt., It ai lb. that In afttr yrira laaiirlla lecamu tli. mtliir uf tuo aunaanil Uailauiilitrr.. rimol liT aon . 111I.J tbc i ui!Mi throii. l-iluraril III ana tb.tiirr Okiiuhltr, l.au.lli, ninrrlril WmUivM Jtrucu of Hrotlaml, a aon if lV;lit Itiuir, thu hunilaoiiiu nnJ liOtitmluilidyuuiiK rlmo who wa. I.nrttly In. taclnatltiic In thuator ttia allarr liliu.rlf Rill fur wlio.u fn.tatm.nt ou tlmricnttl.li thrall., thr J.ll.r lo.t hi. 111.-, lliu. wn flu i th. l.oUnii.louiaal ItilauU niunciluJ by a uirrlaKr union ut tin tblUrtu uf Ih. tan cunti litlllnf klnur, Th. cjurt ltitrlurra hn ttlrrH rKr, jLalou.y aulillbtru.tafuliipt hU iu.in lu tli. weak l.na.l of KIvk MuilJ II wilit audi lilllililuv. ! mi tarailti. na aro lurMiul ti almtibt uvrry ruynl tuiiit Ttitj wtre I lu Unu of luliclla'a life, r"nly bti.l.hacUaril licr.rlf of our. fiK.cbarKu liforv hrr Irrltal In am! j iu, lclgu. lurd liail awallua 1 aiinllirr I Irool Ui liilvihliVoiH llm of hla favor-I favor-I It... Alnuni! tin, truiil Itiwulo nra .Ilia mo Hlr llugli Hucrr aa vt n.kul I audirrrJIoii. a. any of tin criminal iaca ol liU Urn. anil ruoro jiuwrrful I than otlirra liiruueli hla grratrr aa crnJanry ovir II u kiinr. lit. auc-i.rdol auc-i.rdol in tau.liiK a .unrrolUtiirni ttiakluic antl qutrli wlillll ratraiiKod tlirm rllrrtually an I at la.t tli. qurrii .. a.lvl.f.l lu lernu lUv LIliRUohl II iha wl.lml to rwi rve l.r hraa. Bho Vnrw that tin. nirulni; ilaiifrr of which atiLtiAilUcii noriirlwa.) rob aUr morr than IJIj fnr, for Kit. Imlrnl ifBlrlluuli hail nlriaiy falliu with ilra tly .iiict ii o,i Mivtral of lliu .oUMnftlmrtalni, Taking her iMrat ion, .he .tpnlllillj left thu I Inmlom ana wrnt to rrftiirtitu.itk thu irutue tlon anil ai.Utuncu uf KIuv; ClMrlia,lu r rothrr. hhohaJnot iin lur native landiliirolhnu'ay alio lia.1 hft It tu l-uoniu I he brhio if lilm whoioaua llcloui cru.llv liail Urlviu lur to rrtiirn alter joara uf lidit. actio, auJ thn Lrutli.r Into whutu urn. .helhi.w hrr.iilf aa aliuKiuinl Ititu bla tarahtr laloof raUiu.., wrl-tomej wrl-tomej her, imt an a wily ( rluco but ai a funil b;utber nJolcIiiKtuaiea .liter who hail been ao loue ..laint.-l (run. Lliu, In rouu-ilInK with lit. nilnl.tir. In Klitnl tu thu mllc) nhlch ucuKl In inott Jiitllrluiu tu iuriiie, ho waa a I JI.eJ to ailuw the qui in "to purrlia.u Iltleiilaaiiila.Kl.taiHulli thu IJinMuiil f lramr, au I that Ibo klnn .l.iuKI Hliar iitnoraut uf thla i uteri iIk, k.l 1 Incur lliermult) of the king of Lux-lamlaulbiliiKii Lux-lamlaulbiliiKii war iiion hliiouuiri, jut Hat un.li rliimi hn ahoul I niaM 1 rr lth i:ol I an 1 alltir which nru the UeUla nbrruwllh thu love uf nenttt. luinaiiil loorauMlrralianiiilrtJ," Iho l.uillllh laruna win ha I mr vlveilthr inachlnatlona or lIiiKhHpru-rr, lIiiKhHpru-rr, brromlni! aroueJ to a full aenau uf their onlnirtiirit, uiliriiiinul turll llinuHlvra ol their ilniiKrruua rival ana .uit wonl to lliu quern that If .ho JulJ rolHM n thuiiaanl men nt anna, Jnry wouIJ aulat hi r with wh it furrn lory coull iiui.Ur. riiu luu in. lu ei.o 1 Jvranl II, rxroulv lluirh '1 Himtr aul l.o IMwarJ III niion i,0 throne. I.abrlla hal alrraJy won kulnhta and notleimn I to irr Mb and her Lrolhrr. the , French klnir, had thu. far ro. inalnH her filind. Bhu had u.wl .e-ncy .e-ncy ami camion, hut the alorj 1. iU.I "Ut and Karluil llu cira ot Huirli , Hitncer, iievertheli.a. Hlr Hugh waa SEX.'".. i,lun of "the muni whor.-will whor.-will the loin of Eentltiueii ond poor olJIrr. U .o,iilri.dai well a.'tho Jj;oiii.tliira. Hoinuofltfonnd lis ,"-' totl.oIiriichO.iurl.nay, to the lirone Uralr when o, lovortf Jmllti, J "nor, iblvnlry, enthuiln.mto Uiftmil I Jhaoirruaed ovtu a Irothtr'a Iota IhL .? ,n2i". ". all vanlhedlu I ,? "' f1 "' f'n' lovoul main II Si"' i"."1. ?lr Uui(l1 Mlnr hil I l"J.d rlEhtlj. htu h i thouiiht that hi. mwt i rn lint i l.u would l i ,,.. ovrrto lil.liitritth.Miiol I ranee and for Ibl. pur.r hereut ovrr iru.ir an I mret lnn.ehier. la irlt with Cl i f ailvrr and rkh Jewel.. Ihe w. dMrltiuti anions thu Kim; aod hi. nilblataia Willi audi ell.cl that Hie hint; and hi. runncll wrreln a.liort tuna aa cold toward iho ciu.oof n bella aa they ha I ttfuro beu warm " rh. "Ioteo' Ui. l'naiU llmiui cardinal, waa inarnlly woi in Hit atue manner nnd t hirlra waa rum mandod tu aenJ Italella homutuhtr huibind undir wln of .aluminum-cation .aluminum-cation Hlr IlKjrr Morllnirr, a lrti.lt .1 friend whtiiha'tHl htrilaiiserand lur rxllr, learnud ot thn i hn on foot, to n nil ber a iliourr to 1, inland and wariual her toller, Hhorraihed the t-arlJim ot ilnlnaull, altuated north uf I'limit, and ft It at llbirly tnl reathroiicoiuore, (lallautrllrra of a..hlai CO wrrt Im medlatilj 1,11 talortj her ly Hlr John of llalnault, a Lr. liar of thot-all whore ardent yuun blood burn. I Willi the 11 ro of chivalry and the dr.lrr to du and darn ileediaoithy of a luiUht of the Cru.dt. Ittillaacctiid with rrntlluJellm prullireJ .trM.ta of the jouucktilirhtaiit In ali ut ten il.j. they tnilmlktd for l.oglaud with only thite hundred men Hlr llucli had rtcelvid Intlmatloua uf their ioniliii aulliadatutlun.daiiariiiy to rrr.1 or dttro them at thu lacu where they wrrrixeclt-l lo luid, hut a htavy iralodl.coucrrtnl and acittcrtnl them an I thry finally landtil In qulio a ilillrrrnt tilac. from that orulnally rho.en, Thla J roved their Miration, rhty wire kindly reielvi llii I nirland to the friendly lar na and uilcoined with pci ular dt mon.tratlona of Joy rtio Klu; and Hlr llinth H Kiunr lialrrllre.1 ti llrlilol on 1141111111:111 tho 1 opularlty of tin tju.ru and thither they wi re foliowt d by the laltur. 1 hty wrru drltriuliird to rnl.t and the tjiiecnV arty tlicldrd to I ralrt-t-, but tne city i-uuncll faorH the ((nun' ruue and ilrllvtred lliu illy Into lur liouiii. The Klu waa now foicMltu retire to thn cahtlo and lock hlm.rlt wlHilnllaatroinholl for aafity. The IJlll.ll lellliel tn ll.tell tu any caltu-lallonwltli caltu-lallonwltli the city that did not In. ilude au iiiicondlttuuul aurretiltr of thxi-eriouaur thu KlnKaiil Hlr llugh, Wu have nexltlted to lOentloll 111 theiarJltrartof ouratoty that Ihtro wiru tiro Hpencer. the elder and lliu ouugir lbeilderwaa bad tutlbe youuirirwaa wor.e, aod whllo hoth wire lullucullal, tint latter an Hie lirratrr fart rlteand thclelolv the lau.u uf the mlnhluf. ThneldirHiencrr waa ilelivtred lti tu Jlldrirjt lit, and thu Juditia Mid ainttmeuf death, whlca waa carrlid lutu Immrdlate illect. rtieKluirand thu jou nicer Spencer now alttuiptrd tu eaii from thu tattle 111 a email boat. Jur elevill or tw live day. the liiallnanuudutvortd tu row acrohathe llrlilol t liaunel toward the Wi lall onut, I ut wrru driven bad, h untrar wind, to within a Itaituo nt the laailii. At I. mth they were dl.ttivrnd mid iailiiir.1, A count li of kulilit an I I anna condemned Hpencer 1 1 tlenth nnd the Kim; tu r-etiial r-etiial lmri.unniint, with dueatitn Hon to tie Ald hi. rank, Hl.rlJr.t run wa.thou crowned 111 hla .It id a. Idward III. tjuetu Iaabrlla'a name ufterwartl fill lulo .IUijimihi lu ron-neitluii ron-neitluii with that of Hlr Ilo,itr Mortimer, Morti-mer, 11 fi lent an I fuvurllu if mauj jrara atandluir. rho Klnn, her mii, trlrred lur cunflnel lu a iatle, allow li ir hi r a rt tlnue uf lord, and Udlea to waltuton hir, and with ahaudionio allowance wl iruwltb to kttphtr.elf llibtru.ual rtical atato, but with Ihv hluiiutuui that .hi' waa nut to have tho ca.lle or .how lur.elf al ruad, lleliiirro clocl) rouniciuj with thu royal houve of l'raoco ahe at one time became rightful Inheritor of He throne, but the count 11 of )ire derided de-rided that the kingdom of 1 raiitu wa.of inch Krt it nobltnei. that It ought nut tu lall by ruccewlon to a female." JUIluui, lii rpoaklnrr. of thla eaclu alulitf femalti iuicii.li I), liiinlfolied that 110 law uf thtiiu Hinea can to lou lid to that tllrit an I Ih it he hal not fuun I direct tritlmony of a ly auclint wilier In record tu It. IYihn.lio uvtrluukitl 1-roloart. 11a provea, however, that fro 11 thla timu ftuiulea weio l.ctntliiwal the right uf .ucctit .Inn to tho I ruuch tluune, though uttni hal privloualy ottuilcj It wlih dlniilty and abllit. Ihua tnve wu traced the.iitHiurnt atorm lareir uf a in. of tho luteriut-lmruhaiactera luteriut-lmruhaiactera flr.t lulrudiicod tu u. by Mia. J-inu t'urter. In itu.lui, may we be iermlttud tu cuiumeud, to our ift I tllK friintla, the errual if Hcottl.lt Chief., that ftacluatluir aul lulerr.t-Inil.tory lulerr.t-Inil.tory of lire hi tin, ml I llo ata. Ittm I.AMuvr. KinimiLli, I'tb. lb, loiU. |