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Show SHBBP AMD THEIR OWNERS. A Dtnccnt Visits a Sheep Canp Out East, AMI TIM.H IS III" ir. Tbo I'roni. aid !, I'lcatiirct and lrnalllra of llio llutlnraf-An L'nantntrtil (uritlon, Tho magnitude and rirowlh of the aheep lnduttry In our tnldrt are not oven urmleo-l by n vmt milorliy of tbo o.le of UL.h. Tbe aniiunl tn dol Ian and centa which II ylolda ro Jlrut at katt tlx flrjnrc to cxprwa It, twIiIIb Iheaum total repreteiitcil woutl rioel ono rooro and It, rhpa,not Iho amall cit of tho uumerali. During a recent vlalt up Iho Weber river lb writer enjoyed en-joyed an bljoct Icmjii In rotpoct to tho wool and mutton altuatlon, and tlili, added lo other imam of learning, haa produced, lot a chanzo of heart ox actly, for Dimocrata rarely experlenco tuch a tlilog regarding o-uiiiiiulo qui a IIod, lut achauioattotheixtcntof Infoiniallon regarding audi eltuMton In making Iho complete lour of tho cauyon wniaiird, 1 should ray, aome half a dnien henla ronlilnlng on an n virago 1150) eheep eajl), or lo.uooaltn Iher. riiren am worth no Iota than J I n hi r.J, or f WJ.O l In all. Willi goo I luck they jleld ihelr ownoraalKiit 3') Mr cenL of Ibilr value In waol every year, oraay ltt.uki, and In natural In create perliope SI'.'.OCM man, making a total pront of fllty per cent, on i a?r and lontldorably nioro that half of tint In fait; lor lhuexniea of keep lig, ahtarln, ttc, are not great, all tbliiga uin-i'l-reJ. Two men ara meded at herUerafortaih Heck, whow romblued waot do not generally tx cted V) n month, and their loir.l ilcea not at II ino llguro to ex ncdlng fn more. A herd of WtKI theep would Ihui coat Iho owner SU'uU a J ear and pro lucu for blin &, clear margin of '..SH). Daduitlng Ii(h) for loia by Utntli and othfrwl.it a very lirge it. Ilinate, I ahiuld eay Hit ro li atlll eiirligh lilt lo inako Iba theep men feel er comfortable. TliU, it will lai blxorvrd, It ltei upon tho amall hoi linga and Uoea not ovin ro. mntuly api ruacli tho inonty made out of larger hotda. Ihoio containing lo.doil alieepainl moio, far lniaiicc. In thiau tbo amount of wool l pruiwrlloiiately eularzed und tbo nntural Incnaiu cum tHindt, whllotlioixponinln auy cam la llillolf anygreatcri certainly it la not at all In t ruporllon. llioio who herd aheep aro, rti a rult, well i rovidcl for and I avo coraptia lively little tu do. They have a wu(i.ii who.u Inner tapwlly la greatly ajg. nientod by mani of a proji i tltii dock from both eldee and covorid and made ecuro all around with waliri roi f cauTiu. lnthofurlhor end It an ele. vated"bllllUl, foralaiplngpiirpoti'r.and under IhU la kept the hcrdera larder, In nearly evtry caio well etotkod with grocerUa and ta lee. In tholrontrndand at one aide a amall Itovo Willi an ureu la lerurely Uatolii"! lolbotloor, ami li equl d wltli all noeileU ulelialle. A liench, a table, and other convenience am alao on hand, and by brtplng hit ijuarlirt cliail the aheplivrd aliould tt at com furubloaa )aii Ir. If II ralua ho cii-l not gitwci.aud no matter how cold It may l-e, he rah keep lilt etove red hot with but very little fml, which eiltla trofuialy everywhere, it he hat a literary taato or a aludloua ditioiitlonf the opportunltlia for their KraliRcatlon aro well nigh perfect, for ho not only haaan abundance of lel'uroat tit die inaal, but la an altuatd that notl.1)), lut the chattering ol Ihe hu magph-o, thu low liiuimurlng of lli turu air through tho abundant foliage and tho"drowry llukllnKt" which "lull the dlttant fold" disturb him lly way of recreation recrea-tion lie i an tako lilt gun and Faultier over the mountain aldea In qut-at nf great or email gitiie, lath of which abound In placea, or can woo the Iriaky andelutlvotiut ininieroua trout In the nelghltirlug itreanit. l.verywtieroia an abtindauce of diluted auow, tbe very faaenco of puilty and all lut ellruulatlniflntho refnahliig nud In vlgorallng ecmmtlon which Itlmparlt to tbo Uiluker. ilia wagia ate not large, I ut they uaually grow u p to iulto ' dealrable tropottlotja bofoio liuhat a chtnio toijend thin), and thla la a good thing, too. At uight he ntuit tee that hla herd U bunched up and In I lace,t ut hladog or duit do Ihe gn nter lrt of tlilt; alioul every ten diya tho ground limit bo changed for 1 nelthir ahrip nor anMhlng rlie 1 can Itvo alter Iboy liavo I run upon It for that length of lime; twice a ytar the tlock mutt bo ' 'dl tied'1 ana branded with alut. and lato III tho a) ting they are abearod. 1 riila lull (rill much tho wliou 1 atory aa rrlaloa to the thei hcrJ, nnd I ' am euro there aro other occu.tlloua ' much liMdieirublothet dunjtiit at well, and that do lut jleld a tube of i tho real comfort. Tho grettiat real delimit to Iho aheep man aro the herd talngiaugl tin a aevetu ttorm or exlieuioly lovcro relief weather and mauy of tluni frozau, and the lutrnjucllun of aome dontruttlvodltvaie, It la only fair to tny that 111 cupltal, or that portion of Itlnvcetcd In thet,!a ulnaya men aLed by one or the other of tbeeu tinngrra, aud win ono of them loraee Iturually dcala a aoitre blon; but, then, there la aome rlik to be run In every tailing aul tlio fougolugli the onu to wiikli ho it meal aub locted. reltouall), I have fjuud ibctii lo lie rutin ritlng, well Informed men aa a cbua, and hoat liable to a de. grie. The camp I Mailed waa that of Mr. Andrew Htt vein, of tlil ell) , and hunndlt were Jutt at herein lit nut, rtiu fanclid ilaiu.er of the fialernity It frou wool, whh h tocyiau aee looming updaikly In tho coming ilctllon ol Ulevelatid and KteVelltoll, All the elloru nud they havi been iulto nu uieroui I havo broiibl tu tear In llinvr them m Li Her lUbt hive tieen only initially aucoeetiul, If at all. A II I (till III) iUeatlou tu lilt-Ill of tWiylilt tliwtll idirlrentrjln wrail aua higher In thla nountr) tlinnovir t'eforo ir tlntu, and novi undir the highlit larlfT a clvllluu Kuveruitmnt evtr bad It la lower than at any ollur Hull?" timaloa uimuaweMl. Hi an Caiuii. |