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Show COaNOKFsSSIONAL Inrllirr IcrllT llriMun l'odponcJ. A land Halm lllll raaacd ATTHC tVttllNO SC3SI0N Or THE HOUSC. rite 1ioiiaiul liollnra hand on the lldlclfucf Aiiroprliilloi lllll lly the Vrnite. Vj 1 earn h tn II a Saw, I IM1IIIH1. Tealrnlai'a flraalon r Itin lloiiae.-riia lloiiae.-riia Aennlr. IVAMiiMiToi, July IS. Thu jolley of aoiuu Democrsllo nitmbera to .al-nu .al-nu fuiihir attempts to roelao thu Inrlll priveuta netlou on augr, salt. Iumtr, Iron uo an I other irupoaid bllla. The lm rebabillly of nn additional ad-ditional tarltr blllsimirgiug from thu way and iiieam rommitue la in-Cleauid in-Cleauid ly Ihu Isct that thu IteUhl. eiti incnibe ra cf thu i ntnmllteu aro ni t aa uleineed na thu UemocratJ btl thu conimlltit. .Mcdsrrnhan'a hn telalm bill I a.ied tho llouto tudey. A tl'l woaa'ai I otae'l o ruing to conitlilon by loinl arehltectathviletlgn and obstruction tl (Ubllo bulldllir. CAinltltttlalao iuaunied ton euro the joaiagu of hi bill mating thu I alllurnla elebtll com-lubaion. com-lubaion. 'Ibn Krimlo Joint riaolullon waa lamd autljorlru g the ooinmltloe on labor to make- au luveitlgatlau of thu klunnot Ibuilllr. at Tin: ivk.ni.nu emmtoN of the lluuio about thltty membere weru reeetit. l'ilti rami or Tenuteiet ,ol.e in KH)ltlou lot lie furco lilllan I made no irfcrerico to the LVinr.Maii ixjiuBltlon. Jllngleyof Maine advoesltol thu ap. proiriutlun for the fair ou condition that no Inimical ng llijiiers boMld nod thu fair not to In upetiol on Hundoy. Oalraof Alnbatuaaritued that Cou-giea Cou-giea hnd nu oiiiitltutloual right to make in a proprlat on. Newberry of Illinois spoke for thu aprrilrlatloti. MeKelitau of Nebratka spoko In favor of freeioinst. liullcr of Iowa opptecil any appro- rirlaltuii extept for gverumunt vs ilblK. lie was eaji-clally o:0.e-J on col etllutlonal grouudato any HunJay closing or lbiior tunindiHktit. Aj. Joumid. Till KIVATI. When thoUi tlrieucy bill waa under noualdi rolloii In thu Henatu today I'ei-kliiBaaked I'ei-kliiBaaked uuiiiilmouaiojaiit tohaxe strutklruin thu bill thu item of (DIM fir tho widow of Henatur I'luaib uf Kanta. am readalilterfrouilMumt' on statlig that thu Item wai Inarrtut without hta mother's kuowledgu and uicalukt what alio behoved would be hla facer's Klihis. No elj-rtlou being made tl o He m wna struck out. Alter jiaiMuoul the D.llclency Ap-I Ap-I ropilatluii bill lodai , Ihu null Op'.loti till was liken iipl'J thuHeuatuand malu thu riiitulxr order, Ihu oppj-nents oppj-nents of the meaaiiru jnUrtuaod u aerleaof dllalry umtluiia dcalgued to eint tho antl (j Hon bill from ita poll. Hon of reeedenee. Hie frlenda of thu measure wuiu strung enough tu re-let re-let the elfijll.nill when theHeuafs adjourned tho aullOitlou bill win "uuflntshi 1 bueluei," to come up at -o'clock tomorroir. Allllllll Al MAI1IIM It. Iliil. lielliliiL-( Niatllliig.tntiire nKuur.I'llriir. Waiuiscu, IiIj., July 18. Nothing eiiellly now UuMloped lu thuCii-ur d'Alellu district toda). llodlia of troopaarubeltu tpovid from point to lolnt to keep or ler, nnd but few arrests weru mai today, rhu sol Hers have beenkeit In almost conatant motion ami the find thu duty very nrjuous. Wuik wss resumed atthe llunkerlllll uilnu thla mornlnir. Colonel Cailln. commit dlog tlm United lllatca troo , rcorhed n repoit toilny Irom Captain rhnmpsoureKaidlugtho learcn uiido In l'ourlli of July canyon. It sn)n no dead or wounded men erere fouiU there. iiiiTitieiri ion Nirui, lliullnl Knllroad In Ilia ttorlj lu HmUn Ihr lliniiae lUicnr.m ii, Man., July 18, Thu (.-i.-(I(e ays edllorlally tu-nlght: "Thu New York, New Jl.iven anil llaitford roud will probal ly bo the tlr.t ileum rullroad In the world tj aubatl-tutu aubatl-tutu eli etrlclty fjr ettam on a laro aeale.yi his road la know ti toteojii-strut toteojii-strut ting a four-track line, but It la uot known publicly that tlm tno central tract's aru to bueUlpml with special re.'eieiuuto the uau of olrotrlcliy In stead of steam tu roel belli freight ami I aeaeuifer eara oer that portion of thu llnubeltttcu New York uudNew Haven. Tliu dlttauce ia eefenti.four miles, and when thu plant ia ready tho distance between tin lwo cities will bu covered In alsty minutes, I'rlaonara Aarrn lo I oiii'iult Mlc,t., CoitlMlitw, O, July 11. IVann ltowiand and James lioyle, jurtner convicts aervlng live years lu thnOhlu prhon eaihfor lurglur) and lsrooui irom Ottawa u uatj, agreed KrMay to commit sulude. ltow Itnd killed tiiin. selfriuuilay iilghf, luavln n enniui. slon Impllcatliig a numlnrol men who aiuAtlarkuand Intimates that ntheis uro ecrvltig time for rrlruos which thoy did not commit. l)oi lebuojine Iniaiiu today believing that tlm i flle'lala wero going, to extculo him. lijjrWi had a liolttr strap lu his poclwl with wlilrn lo carry tut his agreement to ooiiuilt suicide. IH1T I nils vturlii klrlke. Ill i VI ll Palm, July IS. I he machinists, ripalr men, yarl bruku-inen bruku-inen and latsirets hern htvo struck, Although Ihu town is unlet tlm rlrlkers etc busy at hi aihiuaili ra. 1 he memlera of Ihu ndvitory commlttti nru kept well Informud mil nahnri loiikiulls being ket for nonunion men. Ilnrrlli a linlrmsi uf Ilia llemoernllr I'liiuullllar. hii Vi ut,, July 11. -It Is practlc ally auurid that Hrerilarycf Htutu Win. T. Harrlty of l'ennsylvnnla will on WedncsJiy lo uinulunuily rltcted chairman of tho lh-mocralio National coiimlttee. It la felt certain that Mr. Harrlty wlllaccrj t. alls Mnaliiamir.or lour.r. MlMlllif, July 18. Tniulry Into the iheuUI condition of All e Mitchell, who killed 1 teda Waid In January lait, commenced today, (leoru Mitchell, lather of tho atcuiod, was tlm only wltusBH cxainlnnl. Hu IrstlHeJ aa lo thu Insanity of Alice's mother oome years ago and raid Alleo had manUcttcd tlnro eeullarlllia loient. ly. Tho witness know them was an allectlonatu feeling lutweiu thu girls, ant Alleo told lilr.l she kllle-l 1-rc-dn Ueauie sho loved lier and Kreda had gocu back ou her. Tbey were ergaiccd to l.n married Hhe never talka aa II 1'reda weru dead but sjeale lu thu prisunt lemu of tier. H lonavir haa lakenany Intiieit In her own trial or fate. Illtlttl lu r frrilllar Mannar. I"A11. llivnt, Mans, July ls-I)r, ('. t". rrrj,n well known hy,lelan ol UiU city, wna kllluj toiilgnt lu n I icullar manner. Iluwiatiklug lis soi s lu fencltu from l'rilrsio" IVPitdl of Newhirt, when thu I ultmi on the latlcr'a fill br ko and inn wiauu awed Ihrouali Terry's light i-iututo Id Iralu. Hu remained uuionscloua until he died. |