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Show HH Troliite (ourt. Bfl TtafollowlnitorJin wrr, mail, by BJ Jud(,llaMcli today! HJ KiUlo o( Jaiim llUMtll, dfCroxil, Sjl ltlllon or order reruklnic foimrr lit- Bj t,ra and foraj polntliii; admlulatrator f! Mra. i:il Jmklna aworti anJ ,i K amlnrd. OrJcr mad, invoking lormtr 17 Mliriof administration and ailnt fti Ina: T " I'owla admlnUtrator on 111- V Ing londa In aum of i,im an 1 taklng Wti thorr(Ulrrl oalh. W llitalo ol J. W. C'hamtiarlaln, da- w raaaed; petition far order autilluicre K algnaltoti tt rtaetit admldttratoti, SJ and lortlieapolnlmeiitotadniluUlra K tor preiinted. l.lluUlh Cliamlerlaln WW aworn and raamlniHl. Order iiindnap HI wlntliiii Wm. Henry CliemUrlaln M almluMraloroti (lllnic bond In mm of MR J8,lk) and UVluf tli, lrriilred oalh, Qt I a'at, of Wm. Ilonerar, dereaeed, Hwj jtillon for rohats of Hill ram, on HW renulally, Mary Jan, Clark, Tliomaa VW) llorlaae, M. 1.. llorlate, M holai 5k Markaaworn and einmlned. l'ermU- IfK alonKrauied nwlthiliaw will to tend KHZi aim, lo 1 nitland and eleik lo make S and fll, ctrlllled ropy ol aim,. Con V Untied to Aui,utl E l.ntati. of MllleliAttwood.decea.ed, n probate Judgi banded down ileclalon H on petition of attorney fur 1 iorenre H- Attwootl forallowane, of eoali and at Bl loruvyt' feea, In which It, helj that WL onuuel leva rati not to alluwid, tuf H Ihattbecolalalaitxl aalnt th, i. latr. Noilly lliowmianl Jtonderaon jft and they may lak, excti lion. P lutat, of 1 rai.k (IroiKer, deceahed, flm It M, 1 lalivr atrorn and examined. MBj Cuullnuod toJuly HI Rf 1 ttato ot H. H. Walker, dereaiod, ii- PamJ reutor'a account came on rmularly, EW rred Walker.M. II Walkeraml lloborl HB Walktrawornaud txanilned. Account H allowed txret llem for 114.1.1, wlilih BS waa paiaed without rejudlre, Mpt Litalo of Hllaa Itlcharde, dereaiod, KWj order made llxltiK Auiutt 1(1 In hi or KB llnal account and petition for dlitrlbu Hj Hon. M 1 itat, of Hiram 11, r.ldrcdgt, de. HHF riamd, ordtr mad, HxloirJuly Ld to MeW btar imlltloii lor order toivll jraoual BjB properly. |