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Show ROME IX THE EAST, An Allimpt In I'nllo I lie VYtr.ij llraiiclita of tlm tnlliollc (liurcli. nccsTAOListiMtriT or the pat- nlAnCHATEOrC0NnTANTIN0PI.C Tlio 1'e.pe Kalil tn llaro llirn Walking on litis rrnlilttu tlnee ss. I7 TelfrraelilolbsNawc A inn ii im a. The 1'oti Mama lAohm I I.r llrl.n. lal Ihurell In III) llotoliilaic Ili)l t:, July IS rim l.etlti cotinti-grrgstlou cotinti-grrgstlou and the Oriental cougn gallon ga-llon of tho l'roagsn la will shortly be gslherid together tudlacuu ii vu,l ro-jeel ro-jeel ot tlio 1'opu lor icclualuallcal n-or-gauliitluu of chiire lies carl. 1 1 rtlale In coi Juiicllon with I ranee and with luikiy to llarceitablMiuuntof the ancient patrlurtligi lie rnl of Couilintl uople. TLio 1'ui u hi I en occupying hlimelf with work ou this iiutetlou alitcu 1SX (Mpllnl nlra. W AeiiiMiiciN, J uly 18. The He unto toils) conltiuiKl thu folluAlllg UOtlllllll-Holla- I'istiiiaa'.ila' Callturilla II.C. rarritmni 1'ss.i llobles, It (1. .Mllehtll at I'uellle (Irovi. (llmell-U. H. Ilranlol Dilloi, Kaale C. Ilileiteon at lulipeiidri ee, liieutenanl-C'uluuels Ollwr 1). (Jr..-n, Aielstant AdJ Haul-Ueneral,anl Haul-Ueneral,anl Androw H. Hurt of the rieventh Infantry to Lu Colonels. M. V. rtUrldan. Al-l.tunt Adjutant. Oenetal, and liiniel W. Ilcnham, Heter.tn lulanlry, to bu I.'.euleuA.t. Coleituls. All of the nomlnilloiis weru grad ustnl last sHux from tho Mllilni) AiaJeiiiytoriec.iil J.leuleuanis r.nl thu additional Second I.leuteuuuis lu thuarni uvrucantlimed. not j.Aim.N t.x itiK iiiittijrr ur ct ion ttu v na recelvrd an impetua lod ly at thu hear lug beiuru thu Henatu oumniltttu uu In urs atf cutmuuriu . Ciloiitfl IljrJctt, inalJent of thu Iki.iiii ol ttliiihueii, Mitars. Hberluiiu -ii.it tleralJ uf Illinois and other leaders maou ajdrisue lu favor uf thu uatliiLal lilehuay com-inlsslou com-inlsslou UU. tlmeial Itayaioim of Nuw York, author of thu bill, ex-llsluedllsiestuiul. ex-llsluedllsiestuiul. Messrs. t'oatof llhiiuls aud l.lndcf Mlniitsits, ou Lehslf of Ihu inlucrlly t mimitteo apf olnteil to luvestigatu Tlir AUMI.NISTIU1IGN llf Till. I h-N-S1UN 01UCI today lubmlttnl the i Iowa of tlm ml-nurliy ml-nurliy to thu House. rimreKiit rlnJa ucthtngfor which tlm rouuutcilonsr can I u criticised, unlrM It Lu thu ap-liolntmtlit ap-liolntmtlit of n son aa clerk cf the bureau, llnurirs with the inajorily In thveugsealion In reganl tothuex ercliu by membera of Cunri-s ul the ao-ralled "congre,lonal rlvatrera'' rhu rt purt aeiert that thu msjorlly of thecomuiltleo siemed delfrmlnuj to fsiteucrlmu aud conuetlun ou tho conimlnluncr, but having ulterlt failed lo do so by tho ovlde-uce, the na a last resort sought lo do It by Infer once. ItllMlll'll Allllll ST. II anils I one I'rraniia Tlirlr I Ilea llttria Injurrd. Ht. Caiiiahi.su, Out., July 18. Tlu titesnitioat express from ilullalo collidnl with u looal train for I'oit Colturu aud (IranJ Trunk betweon Ht. I'athailnu and Merrlllou this nn rulug. Four iriocs weru killed, ihoir luidlcs lino lietu recnvirul from thu wrecli. They run those uf llnglmir Chapman of thu mall tralu, Fireman Hunt if the bent train auda pasaen. grr namml Vim Hlyke uf HuUslo. ttiu Injured are Couductor Ilsild, Ilrakelusu Welsh and llllgagcuian Wl toll. I a.o.ealnl. 1't.oliiA, III , Jul 18. rimcoroner's Jury luvosllEutlug the steamboat d ia-uitirnf ia-uitirnf list lueitiny returneJ n verdict ver-dict exonerating the cnltalll ol the boat, and attributed the dlauitcr tu thu Hek of proir laws governing stenm-boatsonlnhiul stenm-boatsonlnhiul lakts, and urging thu lettlililuru lo unset laws similar lo thoru of thu Federal Uovernmcnt. rrnale ml or. Luis tllalr, Dl.Auuotii., ri. I)., July IS. (Ico. Woods, ufulhrr of live iiillJrcti, suot Utorgo tioudatoud liiterday. Hood-atood Hood-atood railed lilmiclf aud shot Woods twice. Wooda died iu an hour anj Goodstood lu n fw mlnutea, fhe trouble arctu over (looditood lourling adaughtirof Woods's, who oljected fhe Aluilieraars or llin llsalll uf City ol Mkmoo, July IS, Today wua thu anniversary of tho death of l'resldenl Juarrx anl waa fittingly ot served. The altustlon a regar Is the aCarcity of fcod Is Iui rovrd somewhat. lurnrr Sli.oa luil.l I. AUK L'nv, July 13. Tho only feature of todsy's lempcrnuru im-etlng waslhulsying of Ihu collier Hone of ttiulrautus Will. til college. lllllrilliy 111111111.. Vim si v, Aril, July 18. -It Is re-IMi.tiu re-IMi.tiu that Mrs. I,. I), Acorudo and ehllilruu wern munlerol a wik ngi alouuon a ranch near thu Huachlca mountains, j rosumnbiy by Apaches. c loir I...... I. UTtOA, N. " July H A dliatch rnntid hele lulllght stale Hist thu tug Ixal Missing slimi I rilay night has Uenfouud nonrhtony Island. Ani-Hraii II lissllnrii. WAUIIIMITON, I). C' July IS.-- Full tlitiu Ihi.uaiiiid riiraonsaiuhire toatkiid tho Ihlrteeiilli annual unit. I ii k of tho l.tuuu ol Amurlmn I W heeltium, nn I It I exrttttU that fully four thousand will bo rt,intb I tomorrow. A lutnil er of tyclUts sj cnt i the. morning In short runs lu ami I I about tho olty. At 11 o'rlock n inrit llU was heltl at Hi" CuliimbU Atbletlo , t luh at which adJrit a of v Inline ' wero iiuiile uud resiundid to. The I club cui tain's iiicvtlug wu, h id luter ! mid aitangemi ids ri'tfected forna-radn forna-radn tomorrow. Thu most iopular featiimnfthoiuietlug will bu Hie rso-lng rso-lng on Atialoitsn Island, commencing at. 30tomurruw. A Itemll llrsnlng In Slalinnlalnn. Ia.iiio.', July 18. The tronlofe'a coirismiiuiitssya It la rciorteel lint man) Afghan tribes refuao fo rut tort the Ameer uv, lug to exactloi a and iup-losed iup-losed Inlrlgues with ltuisia. The Atn'trt'tMOs wero defeated. A gell era! tu'toll la vcrlalu. llisllsniiaii llalaae In ItimiJ. Ill ill IN, July IS. A dtrpalcli from Troruioeaj that Ihu "Kalur Adle-i" with l.miorer Wllllnni on bond la li the whaling grtunda iioitti of ICarta. On tl u day tlm Im) crlal arly rt achml tliugnundathu l.mvroraaccisleU lu catching a whalu lift). 'our feel long. to Illun ItKrliMt. I.riuvo.i, l'a, July 18 Twenty thoussut touujs of ammunition ar rived lu the Hlnte camp till morning, ulu twoliuw I'hiMilx guie to replstu Hu- old l'airoll guns. A lumur lu thu etlict that tin. tiuops will nii.ve fliur. day and the Ihlrl brigs le tsku their Iscu at Ml. Urcths. is curienl. |