OCR Text |
Show THE UTAH tmiUIVilON. Argoi irnt of Hon. John T. Calneln Con' grcrur II Abolition. In thu Houeeabf ltepritintaltvra, July 1 1th, the npMrt of the committee on a propilatlon being under con-aldiratlun, con-aldiratlun, Mr. Forney who hail the reirt In charge, yielded ten mlnulie to the delegate from Utah tu apeak on theaiproprlatlonfor the Utah Coin. nilatlon.A reported In the GjngrtHhn af y.'ccord hu taldi Mr. Hpeaker, I have taken no tart in tho dlii'iiiiloii upon thla proportion lo nliolleh tlie Utiih Commlialon; tut now that It I proK!id to reitore ttila bod) I t !. In Jutlhuto mynelf and to my couitltuinu., that 1 ahould le heard lor a few momenta. Thehonrdkuowu ai tho Utah Com-minion, Com-minion, to which tho mragrapli under un-der conalderatlon rifert, wa created tiy the act of Congrie of March 22, lb'i2, commonly called the "Udmunda antlqiol gamy lau ." Tho i Igtith ate Hon ol that act readini follow a: That no rntt guinht, bhramUt nr uny jtrriein e diabltlng wtih mure than one woman, and no wouttm cohabiting Willi any ui ttm iiereune iUa. rlU'd aa ahireMild In thla an lion, lu any lerrtiory orother i.a over which the Unltwl riutim li.no exilualie Jurl.dlillon, alndl be eiilllleil In voto ut liny otoi thm held In any aiiob T.rrltory or iHhi rnlai'e, ur Iwitlgiolo for etc Honor appollifiiiunt lo or he entitled to hold any oilli u or place of pubhe truai, honur, or i uinliiinmit In.uii ler,or for any euiti ierrliory or plato, or under tbo United Matea, flu' nljeit aimed at by Ihla rovltlon lacliarly exprieted In the lauguagoof the alttlon; It wat to UlalMlllhlauall liolygamlaU and 1 rolilt.lt Hum from voting and holdlug otlloo lu the Tirrl Inryol Utah. It una maerti d at that time, and gen erill btdtovuu, that many ol the nlllcea In Utah wire In 1 1 by i olygam-lata, olygam-lata, uud In order that thu law might bo put tntu Immediate etlectthu nlnlll avitlon vucatul ull thechctton olllcea In the 'Urrltory, nnd provided how they thould be tilled. '1 hit It the hiiQutgeof thetectlon: (Mr. Uilno read the tutiouaof tlie lMmiin'a act rilatlng to tho Com- lUlbdoll.) Tlio bojrd of flvo eMont rrf rrod to tn thi tecilou toon biCttiueknuMnat tho "Utah Comnilaihn." Their dutlea were clearly dellnid by liw, The) were eupuwired to atolnt nil regli-trillion regli-trillion and election i Ulcere, canv.iea the returiii, and control thu intlre iliitlon machlniry of the t'erritury, Mltlectlon, munlill, county, and Tirntunal, mm phioi-.! under their direction. WliativiT pjwir In thii ngarJ Ihe liir (ailed tnglvolhem Ihoy aiiumr i, until by ruUiUInn ol the Hu rrmo Court of the I nil I Htatea the auuuiid poiri wtru ui ilured llliga'. ThewliulaiuriiiMof the ldnuind-act, ldnuind-act, ao fur n, H re at. to eleillim, waa to prevent ilykmietliom voting or hold Ing cnire, i . ( ut ihe i ntlre gov-ernmenlof gov-ernmenlof the lernlniy lu the hand of Ihe niouogamltle. leinimrariiy, until un-til Ihn Drat Itaaloli ol Ihe l.egllallve Aiaembly of the Ti rrltory, u authorize author-ize u nou-rcildent i mmlielon to ap-tolnt ap-tolnt the regutratnn otll in and election Judge. Tho language of the law width 1 have rial make It very cleat that thla Iward w not JjitonJed lo be u rmanrnt oui , I ut w J merely ull exrllent to au'eull'lleh a lolt.ln ol Jctt, tu Dual all lw.ygamlaU Irom the otlloM they lield aim l HU their (dace Willi nnn.olygaiiiii, ai nn cicourgc-metitand cicourgc-metitand liiuucemintto tho latter to continue lo live within the law In thnrt, n huiulhute an I deuaio Iho polygamUia and I. h nor Rud exalt the mouo(alnlli. ll wa never Intended In-tended that till, luinniialutl ehOUld I continued lor nj length of lime, much lt to U come a puuiariunt In-tltutloii. In-tltutloii. .... The law clearly contemplated thai the Commlialon ah oil bo aupeiecdcd luthviiiarlutur. rnry wereonlyto "continue lo iflln until the l.egla-lallve l.egla-lallve Aembly i.rill renltory aliiil make provlrloii fui tilling ald olllcee." It la a mailer of tn-biry that at every eailouof thu Liglilaiuroexcirt one, ilucnthecreatlouof the Cuuimlnloli, provlabiu hot r en made fir aiircd-mg aiircd-mg thla eiH.n, i i unnectaeary, and un-American Ujr i. I be aamnbly of I8S4, nnioedintli.ly of monogam-tile, monogam-tile, iaeaed au in t In every way tull-ablonnUiroprr, tull-ablonnUiroprr, irovldlug for confer-ring confer-ring the iuwi rt i rihed ny the Com-mlaelon, Com-mlaelon, lu tin iolnllnert of regUtratloti and e lion oillcert, upnti elrelor of the Terrlt iry, who could only lie nionogatuiru, but the governor reluaul tn npi roe Ihe I III, and X) thn govt rnor i Ulati Im the mwer of nn alolutetln,lbellllcould nol become In, IiilDbUand 1WH aluillar bill wiru paieul and met with like trratmtnlfrom theg"Virnor. 'I he aeatlon of Ihe iglalalure w hich alJourticdliiMal hlutpaaieil a very coini roheiiilve ilettlou law embracing Ihebett 'M'.urraol the more recently iiiactml law of tlie levnal Bale, Including In-cluding what It known at the Auetr.ll-laii'baliotajiUra. Auetr.ll-laii'baliotajiUra. Phu hill made provision pro-vision foraupircdlnglheCu'iimlaaloii by a Territorial i invawlng I oanl, to be appointed ly the Uuveruor, by mil with the advln aul rotieeiil of tho li-ifMallvo council. The board wai to ronalil of ttvu member, nit more than Ihlen of whom wrle to be of tlio tamo political parly. The bill, like tome of tho other li'ivlng the tame oUici tu view, veil honored wttli a rocket veto, lllatxcelleniy tbo governor dtl not i veil favor Ihe ! i reeentatlvea of the .oi le with v. atateiuinl of hla objei.-lion objei.-lion to the meaeiite. He proUldy could llli.lnufia.pl.. nhjil'tloil to the bill nnd thought It linprudetil.lo J lace hlniaclfiirou re. r Now, Mr. Hpeaker, I itibmlt that at thoi:nmiudactwn aulely aimed at polygamy; that aa Congrei did not at-tenqt at-tenqt thereby to IcgHdatuagnlnat but rather lu lavtir of and to entourage the monogamlitt; Hint u nn iol)giimlit ha been able to take the oath rcqulrtd tiy t'ongri, and ton eqtieull haa not been nrtnllted to regtaier, vote, or hold idllii' alnce low, that ever nnc that lime the law-abiding cltllaii o Utah, of all cln,.i nn I creed, havo len uiiluilly deirlved, by the absolute abso-lute and arbitrary 4iwer ol Ihu gover-nor, gover-nor, of their right ol local telf-envrrumont telf-envrrumont tn tho couduct of their i Iccl lout. A glial deal nf credit lia lien claimed or the Utah Comralialoii for the wonderful tervlin It ha rendered thu cour.try tiy the tupcreeaton if nnljrganiy In Utah. Ijitmeaek what regard. Thulygamletlu Ulib,after the laaaagu of tne Kiimilnd Uw, neither nttemtcdltu rcghtrr nor vote, and there ha not leetlitalngle convli-llonof convli-llonof onnnf ttntcla-a fir Illegal rtgli-Iratlon rtgli-Iratlon or Illegal voting frjinthat nay loth!. Aa the Couiml-ilou had no dutlea tn ierform rwiiri ting ,olygtny, nutallu of reglitralloii and election tliille, ant aa no K)lygnmlit ever clalmod uratlemted It exurclae tlie right to reglater or vote, I fall to tee when In the (.'. nuulMloii can i lulm any cndll for the luppriaalon of lolygamy. Whatever cxtenialforitahave brotuht about thu ilicouttuiianoo of thai rac the, the t'tub Coiumlatlon tla)ed a very imall part lu lit accompllihment. Aa n fair, uopre)tutIced preaent'tlon of the oxlallng tutua of atltlra lu Utah, I am permitted to quote Hum n letter rimitly ricelved by rt dlillngulaloJ number cf Hit bojy from two prom-Im prom-Im lit gentlimen, Ueutllea ru called, ouo of whom waa formerly a mtubr on tht Moor and who ha lived tu Utah over twenty vtar. The otbir w i ut there ime art ago at a feJeral Judge, remalued alter hla term expired, and lia become n permantni roildcut of tho Terrltjry, Hear w hat lhy j t "-dx month after tho fuaiico t,, the ntiulrcauiof Iho'Morniou L htirili, mImii ftnlllDirtho pro tlie of iHilygamv, it tat. utiino aiiiaireiittootery ralr niln loitelil. . n that tho Mormon woro alucoro In tliolr abanjontillill of Ihe prte h-o, Hint were anxlou to dUeonllnuit the uiiphti. ant and unpro tUtite hghtwhhh hl ho long kiql thi Mi.rninn and uon-Mor nion ai,rt. 1'rop.ial loni woro ma In bt loading lion-Mormon to prominent promi-nent Mormon to ooun, out from thidr polltiral p4ity (the Vu lo'a irtv), dlaaiilto It, and Join with iheniluorgittilttnglliti two griHtuatlmul jiarllov llio liomotralit' and lUnut lliMn -Ihroiijh.iut the 'territory, and thereafter there-after con tuut tu, iHttlliovoftlielerrlti ri alilutly on nutional parly line 'thla rtropoaltliiit wa rnaeiie-l bv the Mormon Mor-mon aul their dd party wa funnily dlaaolved ami ilubundod In oter doling litjlnit lu Ihu Torrlmry. Nluiv then lailllha in I lah he Uken a rillinl ihinue 'theuld btlt6rutaa whlihexlated between Ihe two liarlle Tur o matn-jeara matn-jeara lota been i nllioly nbilteruted, uud Murium and (iniitllee are now pulling nnd tlghlluir Inrietlier a Inirniiiuloiiely it, though noillllurincoa had tir kc tthom tfuirt. Deuio-rAllo a.iletlo and Republican club lut o t ten nriiaiiticd In marly evir i leotlnu l rt nut ortho I'urrllory, and Hie lttt'lirrltnrialelettlou (Augllat, M'I tva llio tit ellrat and moat lutoreallng potiilcnl atruggloln Iho nlttiiry ol tliu i onle of I tub N'o hlng but null ill ll Itauea ttoio ire- uted In Hie loi le, mid tlio gieal I oik . f lliem bate already allied llicm-aultu llicm-aultu with ono nr tha otbirof tho two Cril purilea. It I Iran, lionet cr, thai a perl Inn of the old 1,1 In ral 'lliutlle part I opiKialnir the a loptiun ut nail ,u-al ,u-al pulltks in Ulan, but their light la llm lied. It la tnintlned lo but tttonr threo i .initio, aul ihero Ut mulu ulned nn. flue the lealerthlp of Ihe Halt Uka T' burn; tha notmpipor Willi ll tUlfouglu the M .rniiin pe.ip,o Moiinroloulni.lv for iiianyiur uml la atlll ilelerniluiHi llun thuy ahall not I iioriulitwl tnaurrender, tlilier enudltl. uillt nr iincondiilonallv urtitdn antlhliiK elo lu iloanllm war 'I heir idea for r.ton well lindur.tood lore, la inn the light luiial bo kcni on i id in 1 1, i a bill, it.pn e liulfovf II nliy uriiini.oniil .ol I'uli doubt il. ami t f 1 Mirinm I pie 'n B it 111' i t 1 I Hut i)ltlfj I v Hini Iju and areanxluiMt in li Mann ua i all r. ivandil. i,n I low t . nt t ihlllii.iii n riguu a irajid aeatou of pmaiicilty wli! lirinonb Ik a corcl byunllcdand en. ige i aLtlou Hpeaklng ol llio Utah Commlielon, the wrltrt tay. f J bu Im y of men have long alnce dem-nn-lraml thai limy havo nnlllted iheir oacfiilneii a an election Imard. Frnii tho day they llrat cino to Utah lby have lnaUte.1 tqion excrelalng legliladte, (udlrlal, and exoeullvo .twer which It wa plain t any rtaaonable and candid mind Oimgrea never Intend"! they ahould exerelae. A hen Hie tward wa llrl crcnleil 'bytbe it of Marrli .., I2 tVingreira Intendetl tb it ll ahonkl re-main re-main In eilln Im than ear, but by lh falie end aeandaloua mlareproenla-tiolia mlareproenla-tiolia and la?ronl lobbying of llanuin-bee llanuin-bee thiiybuto Indllceil f "negro by ait or March 1, le7i lu faaten ihe I'utumlv ai m lil.ni tlie Territory a a perinanoiuy or until abol.hed by I'angrea thev have a-rltently inflllgiictl tin len I of Utah wlilinut any cane Hiercfor 1 hey have rxluand I', intnignixe tho formation of the luilui at turtle. hen , and altlinugli the lati domlnanl trty lhe 1'eople'a lairtv ha-l dihlaiu.loil, Hie), declined In appoint any Judge nr Judge uf eleetlmi from i ilher Iho Democrtllrt or llopnb-llmt llopnb-llmt tatriy, aft, r being rcqucfttod breat h ntaalil nitlea ixllililo, Ihirebv violating the lkn aptrlt and le ter of tho election law id Hi. 'territory. Thrae eoimnlaaloiler annually loud out. In their rert lu tho "ecretary of the Interior, and oan'e lo t puhllhed, abaili. fid and llllou atlacka upon tho iroplo of tho Territory, oaloulate.1 to uiliWd the people nt tho Klate and l,ugrea mtn the Idea that the tier petua-ttnn petua-ttnn or the Comtnllon aul Hie pa yineut nf ilielr olarlo (which alone Inaiire their divine preaeneatn Utah during Hin healM term, when It I far pleaaanter lu apend a few daya raeroailug In Iho loia or iht inouutain and at Hie ahnree nf Iho 1401011 hike a.1 noted for Ha alt bathing llianll laloawelter In Iho heated elllea and plain of tho Dti'li 1 oaatntlMt lit keep the Mormon peoplofrom making anuie a..rlno nulhnak which would en tanger Hie tlio ol the nation Tho henilc corn lu laalnnvr aro lllt lixlou lo aairlncn HieliiaeiViat lor the gooil of tho nalloo. on the taiala of making an annual thren tteeka' trip to the mountain lor il ea. h and their expenne. Wo any of lln.in thai they now aro and for mny y,rahatoUn lining their utmoal lo prntent a aolutlon of the Mormon jrohlcm, to tne en I that they may be rfitillmtct! In olllco al long aa noealhlfi. There la mi need for them liere. 'It a oplc are competent lo cat and count their own tolcai and If Coli-gi.a Coli-gi.a will onlv alHtllall Hie I otniuia-aliill otniuia-aliill II will aoon Im n.allli-et that iho only fur entertained are uy these Ihrllty and aniloua ooinnilatloucrii. Now, Mr.Heaker, I with It lo bo illrtlnctly utidentoo J that thee aro the expreraloii not of Mormon but of reitati1e non-Murnion citizen of Ulah, who know whereof they tpeak. Hut It may be claimed that thi ttatcment emibatid from a Dimo-c.atlo Dimo-c.atlo ecurre, rermlt tne lo elvu a lti til llcan view of the t'lah Cimtulralon. 1 will road an extrnci frvm au editorial from the Jn'iulrtr, pulllalltd nt l'rovo, Utah. It I u Republican ahect. Mr. Culno riniaouie extract! from that paper favonug the abolition of the Utah Commlatlon.) Mr. ileudiraiu of Iowa I would llkoto atk the gentliiiHUlf any bill ha paaeed thn l.tglalalure uf Utah providing for ilecllun In that Titrl-lory Titrl-lory and thu illKiiiilnuancu nf tho (Vinmleiton which ha betn apjirovcd by thegovernot? Mr.Calne. Nu, air. Thlaboirdha ten rather an txi t nilve luxury to the country. The talariea nr ItatnemUra were fllld ill the law ut $.T"J each er annum, tiut it wa ftared that atnti-a men Huflli-leutly patrlotlo enough could not be found to undertake for tucb u meagre talary Ihe. onerou dutlea of provenllug Hie polygainoua Mormono frnm voting, and u Iho talarlea weru Increated to $VXM n joir on an appropriation appro-priation bill, and have been continued at that rate ever tlncc. ltya ttatennul rermlly furnUhed by the Hecretary nf the Tn aaury to the chairman ol the Home committee on Terrltidle, wo It aru that the coat of thla boar I to the keneral government (tWinucrf on wye &. itontl'iu'ilmn wjw 4 ) IT , ti lima ofus crtaiiiu up lo Mt.liUls-il"'u!l''w,! 7 ,,,,. el Oianelsslaa - ".'I'M1", , ,,. I .! 10JIMU l'A.-SK.",,,r""-- Telsl . - .tt,,ta. Any lurthrr aproirlallon fur tlilj L'ouiuil.slon II m needieis and exlnva-Kaulexiinse exlnva-Kaulexiinse '" lh" Iteneral (soveru. nieiil. nJ una Must J iw askwt or do "ltr IU.i0.le'f Utah, riiero Is Ml Si.'- ' "' 'T"'k "" Jo"" uJf the entlio Oniinlsdou, and thu whole l.tslce ran te rsultred under Ilia Ter- V ,itoilllawlortiotioccedJO) for I tue entire territory Whatoter neeeeslt for this hoard Misled at lhe time of Iti formalin, It no toiler "Ms. '' '!!" n ,l""" abolished. 1i' "' p'oniiuiirM m ronenU ' Mormon stem hare admitted that Ict. It was aumitled lint loni! ilnce ly those, who oposi-d I therastafceol whatla known ns tliu Homo-rule" llll before the House ' committee on the lorrllorles, "that riolet-smrln l"u WM Jo"' aB'1 cou'1' in t b ri stored " Furthir than this, the Oovirnor and inrelary of the lerrltory the four federal iuJum, ml lhe Utah Com. minion have nil doi-laled that isiljii-anir isiljii-anir .'dial, and thiy hate npiiriTuI of llio granting by iIib Prrslletil of amnesty lo the t-olygamlits awl tlio r rreturallon of their civil rlnbts. - Both btlnK the cute, aud a.surulng that lb Corumlisloii was appointed to aid In ni'l rtmlon t-oljri:niii)r,raii Ih.r t any furlln r excuse; for mulntnlnlnu; tlieOiruniltalonaner the extinction of ther ractlce of pol i;amy and llio en Irani hltlng of those who were, ills. IraiifblseuJ Why, certainly iki. It la nor toaicd by the Henalo ami ndmcnt uixler cansldi ration to r in, i tiirir ulatlw ta!,n I tr annum, aud thus save IVlOU ear oil in tnlilla fund. Hut I roidind, Sir. Hi-oakcr, that thl U iiot inrrly n matter of tlio ravlni In tliu (J m ru ment of n little inoury. It l all rlKlilto ouiUlloxlrataut salaries, but thero In k prlncli l behind this mom precious than col I. Tlio continuance ol till ronimlnlon, at r to mall a lalary, Otptlt till. ril" of V till of Urn (Hilt of bcil nrll.fuTiTnnienl, n I rliicli l iliar to ivi ry Amnkaii cltl ' 1 ttitrrforr, In tichnlf oftho txroplo of Otli,tklUUlUuo lo rrjett Hil.ru. iwrtanillU iviumintiiilalloii lo ricodo from in formtr aolnii In illinnitvlnit to llii Henatn ainiuilment, Hn I by llir orlitlnal rivnoilllnti BbnllthliiR tho L'ommUilim I rovlilml In llio I III Itiawtiltlii' llouii, anil tu (rmrrTu liiTlolntc our of III ilruiii t-.t lmlw..tk l Amrrb an lllwriy "hom rula" tliu right olthi. olu to KoTtrn tlitni lelri-p. Ailotw IbeilmB"'" folbwtnl by Mr. WathlnuUm utlr n colloiuy with tvtral miimlri. .Mr. aililnittor Mr, Brknr, Itli always uiilJiit not tu leahluto iRrtrnlthu conlrrcnio connnllltii of wliUh tliu iimjirily U of joiirowii I ally, lutl Iwilliat I will not Uu. cliarcn my ! ity ti Hit" Drmocratla lliumiiorto Ilia country If 1 nlluw tliUconlrronce ifrl to lw aJoltd wltlKUtRlTlniriomvriaioiii why llm I1oumjIioiiIJ lliilit that tho iiilifiriri ball ttaut! by tl o artlon of tho coin nililro on 'ro'ilUiji.i uhlrli oiulnally riciuiiint'iiJiil In llili till llir aliolltlon ol llir ream! Utah Com. I tnUilon. Thiroli nouin on rarlli fur ' tbr triarnt Utali CommlMlou. It li aUvlutfly unnicinat). ItUan allrn lioily, out of tourhanu out of yni athy Willi llio rol of Utah, mitlnUlnru at an rnurmoili rxjiiuiiu to tliv roilo of llio Union, llcoit lhatarriof thl country lai iir J11,60i) tu uialu Ulutlmollviiuiru lu what lino whu wan formrrly a inf inlicr of thla llouit. from Kentucky u.eJ aiirnirlUly ti llralKnatr, with a molt I rcllllir utrl III, nm "mini' cuii o" that la lo aay, a Job w llli plenty uf pay and no work. i; owl to nialnlaln tho Utah Uoinmla- I alon, oenaliiaalaryof JjWJ a jnr, j; la toculltlLUotlirirlilrlilnaallitcun. t Wo ray to flvo mm S.ixk) u yrar, and ,t roiitliiKOiit vxirnpriii aniouiitUiic to SlO.uCO pir atiiium, tu polo Utah ouco In ImIto luiintlii, BMlntcltrl(,H'xli. i traia, and otbir rleitlun olllci i, and lo I ' ruinlio Ihs ulectlon, cmint llir ru turna, anil iirlllylhr rcaull. Wo can JL uavothatwoikdunrlyaUiardiMiualit. g Initof llm governor and aicrttai) of g tliu Trnltory and tlivthlef ullro of 9 IhoTtrrltoryatitnomt ali'uitnlfSll'Jrt, I ortll,iK)leMlhan thla bill aarrporud I froiu Ihla cuuriiemr carrier. In tho a naniu of economy, In the namo of the H laipayira of llila country, I rl. tlila ft llouholo mluiu to conllnn thla oonfor Jl enco rvKirt and Jet ua make anolhir if attempt lo brlnir. llio Urnato In our i ruj.ltl')li. Thla llimoiratlo llouio liaa Iff li unaulmoua an farln u poitul tlietlTarlof lliwoof liaon tblaadeto ahollili the Utah Uoiomlailou u It I now rxlata. i HyuTotuof two thlrda tlio Homo ' poind thoothtrday tho lortl xovvru Iinent bill for Utah. riijrled trom llio commltleo on trnitoriri, whhh wlptd out Ihla nikn coioniliitun. You endoiird lait wiek a tcinirt of the coiumltteo on n pro lUtloca rooiliiK tu abollih Ihla Utah Com. jalulon and luUlllullnj a board com poicd of tho coTernor, tliu at oretary of llio Turllory an I tho chief Ju.tlco uf llio Territory, la thero any reawn why wo ahould recodo today Hut lu . alJlllon tothatficl, o llul that tliu I unlUd Ueiuacraoy of tlio Henatn liaa I alood by the untied Democracy of llm H llfjU'o lu atiollahlDit tlila ahull com- B minion. Iu tho Houulo tho y.'cor.rif K ahowa that uviry IHmx.ritlo aud m thrio Hopublloan deuatora cjuilnf D from bulla lu the fir Wrat, and whu theiefore mmt nnderbtnua the condition con-dition esltllue In Utah, Toted lo ai. Jih thla uichaa and unmet aiiury com. lalahlou. h,then,I re eat, ahould wu riCLdotoda)T Theru can bo no rcaaun Kleu, ixcei t ono ivhlrh carrlea lltllowelithl, that Ihla bill ahould be. ruihod IliruiiKh the llouao to larllllato adjournment, an 1 that the report of the couferincu commltteo ahould bo euitilued, uhoroai. by Uklnif a little more lltue, by Klvini; tho conferiiico ooiiiintltio iiiiotliLr chaiiro nt tlila Itim of llm I III, wo will iuv $11,(11 to the tail ayera and lift from the peoplu of Ulnli tlut outrKioua ttli;uu of I linTlugan alien, carjid ban uom nla ' rloiiloeuperTliiulhilreleollona. That will In ihno well a out by tho Ameil. iuu longrtai. I hopo that when my frleuJ from Alabama, In rhariirof tlio bill, aliall make hi) motion for the provloua nation, na-tion, which naturally etopa ilebnto mul will cut oil Jill amendmeiila, that tho llouie will vote down the pruvloui cjuratluti nudKlvu uaanoiportiiully lu Ilurther loatruci tliu loufenea to Hand Urmly tho ntialtliin tbua farullnred t by llio II me of It pruientutlvua nud ny oiery Dtmotrut In Ihutjeiintu andtlinu lleiibhiina tu abollih tho Cummtnlou hi thla bill, lhe llepubllcanniemboraof the Hen ate tliamaelvia cunfiaml Ihut the Uiiih Commlaalon fa a uieleei and exiunalve Juiury, when Ihey aijrted to a ruduc lion of tbclr attirlea from J WOO to I f.'nuiliir aiiiium II tho Henito In I tltouKht Ihla Ciiniinbitlon tiecexpary to lnure fair and honest ihctinna Int'tati doynu auivne the Heuatu commute woul I have voluutarily ruJuceJ their aa1nr? No iiood reiton em lie clean why we ahould i otitlntie for another y-ar three roinmlraionera at n aatary of ovtn r2,0id cucti and $7,6(li) for travel Intfani other cipenaee, eiceit that II la a lly to turn them out all at once. 1 eupponu that wn mutt let thnn tlown by eaiy ataitea Inrlead of oimli,itat nnco tu the prop' r ropotltlon of Klvhu Utah a home colnmlailou of reildetita, nfclllMiiaof tho Territory, every nun ol whom are Uentllea. That Istueay, they are not Mnrmune, and liavo no coniirclloii with the Mornnti Churrh, and noeymiathy wltli tnuse iraitlcea of the Mi rinon Church which Imvn heretofore cauied the ureal clirerencu betwiu the Mormon jicpte and Ihu l-Kit lo oftbe fiat of the lltpibllo. Aloraover, tlitae three iroptaei com. itilMlouers are all llepubllcana. an that our lteubllcan frlitida rhouid have ho otjectlou on that ecure. Wo are wlllluif that a hoard of three lleulillcau, homo llepubllcana, reel. dculriullhnn, In Utah ahall tarry out for one more ear at li aat the eke lion under the l.dinunla ait, and then have It lo the Irfiilihluro of tlo Territory, aa It haa Mm left for Ilia Ian tin J earn, lo Uply the loci maihlnery to control and rtgulato ilectlona. I liellet1, then, In tho namo of lua. lice, of economy, an I ifruhl that thla llouao ought not tu rallly thla conference con-ference report, I tit to allow fuithir lo liutrucl lh" conferni to atani by theorljlnal Hull In the Home I III, wlileh created a coninilialon of three retldrhtiof the Teirllory uf Utah to u trvlau tin Ir i lection. |