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Show HIQU13T. Lut J 'I' spent a fow il ayi with final, who Is jmlco if tho oonrt nt A ,liillioloilycoutitryof I'rorencfl. e lircnVfuntlnif. nn 1 1 was retall-,, retall-,, th .i il lit(nH',rilieiiarv-i lit(nH',rilieiiarv-i ml ami I'KVo wylioat a wry VI mr I J a ill lii H ml 1 mv frlonil, "I aos I , i i i (r in Ilia iirkou tin 1 1 matt i 1 n nt nn VI i In liml finlaliwl lioaaetnoilfiiilto , i i-i lr one vlio lut I sueti ninny I, nlsltlB" MlllitlCoil to llMltll Willi- n i . llii) Ii ml tinntluti II 1 It ' ho MM, lalMitljr iMItlie 1, i Wir J K r 1 1 icintintai 1 n li B -My ttlnl li set for tola to-la n 1 liiioml atonal to explain i aire I Hi jmiDK Inwyir whoiln-f whoiln-f nil t t f n m Ma tiuuiii r I think li r 1 i nr nli aro tinea In n. I (tin ai i 1 1 eia,uf Ittuymi i n.l for llwt r ii I v in 1 nr lou tlio llliert) llo-I llo-I ii mo nr, 1 m i mi liotieat man and . n k i. mil in thief J I nol ilwnlslveiltualmorwnli'l In it i In tiinia inst 1 was qulto ' rllif I isli iiiins)ilrklirt, U i in r ;u: win II i nurrlva IHIuuiie, 1 rl ml) Ih nliouiost In lull1. h v i i ml M m-o limn oili uiiii- wiil mo on uiir ucxliHnff tiny , V i i hupps llxry Monlnit '. 11I 1 I him llrl Willi tho iUj(h j t 1 1 a, 1 1 r fci illo mnniil $11 t tn A IIUlu (.irl, UnnllfllUilUu 1 1 1 1 11 1 run 11 unr lmnriiiicM L 1 1 win nt 1 "t lacking, uml 1 il 1 v ih n Komi will. 1 fonr my 1 I r n III lio m ry luuf , Let I mint i,ho y ir.llllui 1 tall. 1 m 1 lj, flnillnA onrwlvpn letter ofT, LP 1 tin 1.11 ! '1 1 1110 hor uinbltlon 111 Malll 1 1 oivn 11 il Jtikl-y, HUoaol! ' Iniitcr mil mi, In tlio toira.uiul llio ill aiiro Mil loii on fout. "With 11 1 1I1 uk y" tlio Mil, "I cinidtilly 1,0 to 1 jtV tn I ml o Solanjio 1ili iiu-" S o lall 1 h 11 llufrnlic jiIwimi for Hi 1 f 1 11 I (f onr littlo benat, tuil ino ' I inti.'iil i ring iiminlnR weatnrlM nt So lkt ho tint on lUolkll nttlio ' I county fiir. 7o Miilkcl along Rnyly mi li r tlio fni h tficcn follago, nn 1 1 can rtiJl rinll how nioriily tlio inotny cllnltcl In my jiocliLt After valkitii; f r an honr 11ml 11 hilf wo irrivMnt tho grounilf Wn hml tnkcti turns curr) t IiiKlltllo HoHiiko, Slio wnafimr yninl ihliinl aollil un her tin) fwwlmt not u I to w ilk aurli it illatuncti il.crov. rontl uat thirty ilonkfja for talis I cln wime hut II1I011110 mil it In 1 n wic h. 1 look. At Uat. by nnfnl rcarrlt, wufottnl ntry atimllono IIo Moijoiinjiir.il iul 11 1 hi) fill lilllonlr tot ho intviil tho en tin 1 liiipntltiitly with I1I1 rnitll 1 oofa. Hi) hail hull 1 -01110 dirk cyciiiiiiil VHKi'l hia huin; eara tit eury aouml XVo ktnw ho tmut lai p ullo.f r,SoliinolmvinsrIIaNliiway toKotiunriri il liii.hoimtkiitlyallowoil hrr t y uat hint. Tlio onu r, ruiiiK Hint tlio limit inlteil ii' iial.nl f riy fratir for hint 1 0I1 ri.il tw ml) tilt After nn hour li ut li lHirnliiiii; wo tigreotl niaii. tliirt) Touuril 1 vi nitiK vro atarteil for ' S. l.niun, llo t'o 1 lltlli' nnlnul following A ni nt) UlinKly with holanso on hl B Kick. Tho liultilhttion of oar lion jioa- II acialonwaa ipilto nn atTiilr.hnt honji- 9 jeureil to nnireriuto It all, for from X tbnt llrno 1 think ho i rally hueil in. Wo iiamoal lilm lltqiict,"' Kutynioni I Iiu nt hnnkfimt tlino hottxil tovotno I I forhU hit of brrml to tbowluilovii hit I pritty hcml frutnod In airtiit iwiannt ) luonitn glnrica, bo ironl 1 ruh oiirhniiili j k'liitly Willi his noo to oiprou hl ial Jmtniwobail jlantiril, ttticonwock ' IHhmnowiiit to town villi her Imtter, W rtK anil froali itctnbloa inoiioboakit fl an 1 HolatiKo lit tlio t tin r for 11 1 onntor-X onntor-X hulaneo 1 conll wntch tiiitit from n V lonu ilUtaneo n they npi roaibo 1 our ' :K lionie.nlnayanllttlotlnil, IM Hut lliro 1111:10 11 ihj, after llireo IV irnra of continue I lupilnoai, whtn ! IHlouiio eonll nntlonio lar IhhI My I B lioor ilnrlliut Shu hnd tha I) 1 1 nbl fever BH JlHtiir t rmm from town llayLittoff nn her lanutlfitl U.k hniri Ihoy ut ico H " in her In 11I. hut uottiliigvoul 1 am 0 her. li him illeil while n iantiUn' to uliid a lit-lun lit-lun tlo aon 1 couU halo wiaheil to ilio nlfo nil wna o ihauifiil for ino hut 9 bo tuno waa hfu hho wnl tfrowiiinl jl nrv fiut mil lookeil onall) hko Ii-r Inotlier On Hun Irya w 0 two rbjlnngo nml I woull go to tho toiuitery wliluh aur-ti aur-ti nuiti 1 our little ihttrUi nnd atit) tbi ro lvtl.utfraio tintll uftoritooii, when wn ti'd to ttko 11 wnlk, tho lilt lu 0110 mound 1 on ltiiut flim wo woull nml to 01 furn lonirVliatnneo, truihitiui; r it htmihedof gruaa fir tlioilonki)'a ail prr Onu nf Icrnoon It was ilurlui; tlie olii u bancbt-tboro were aljiu 1 f it atornt , an I tho nutter In ido 11a work until ily- Ir iktilltihhtlie lirkiiiK Iiouldnot , ; 1 li 1110 Hi it day or tho in t, but tlio 1 f lntliik evcnuiic 1 atnrtod, Imppy in I thought 1 f oniii inoro aeoiut; SolntiKo . 1 o mv gn ul aitrpri e alio ill 1 not loiii i t uu'tuiu nnilon jilting nturtr uur eotlii 1 could ni tin light In tho win- ' rrimniiiM with fonr 1 ontvred 1 h ua 1 hiw III) (licrlahoil lltlla P H 1111, ntho 1 ul nil ilrowod 'I ho ' C riM n 1 11 nml llli.itit alocalntlha I till 1 liniibri but 1 uly hi 1I1 ulwiu Ml In lot no II I ti , Minr buior. for t Uln f I 7 1 III viiguii hutvhin isuw-tlio ' lU rnbld iUJn irlyloatmy .iisui Ibo f of tinir hit her blio had n lliotifliitil fiitu k tVimottnieaaheirrew' 1 nle, her grent eyeo alnuttig ery 1 rinlit-ly. rinlit-ly. Dilotiun waa tho only friend who rotil 1 mako her antilo Hho often had n lutrd coititli, wbli It exliunaled har conv hite1y nnd I Mitjrlit two brilliant red riotsto harilieeha Hho growwenker ati wroUr Nothing neraied to giro nU mil alrcmith Tlio do tor ml 1 very little, btlt orileieil lilt Ikinoa ililihnt inui.h mono) Iionld no longer work I amid nil day hy tho ahlo of my Utile tmnlid. Ikini alio lotihlnot lonioher iKal, nnd theji alio I ml tituny fnntnalla withea, alio hmiteil foraxpenalio frnlt, for to) a and lliwcra U ad no Horn), nnl not knowlig whnt to ill 1 ni fonoil to horror. How could 1 rtfiuo . my thtrltiig? ' A iieiglila r lent mo tbo money, for which ho mndo mo aign 11 nolo I w-uul t lime tigneil nwa) my hopo of n lac 1 1 iwrillio to iiako Solmijo lmt,) o wntch her rmllo oracournyof rttnni lug hcnltli. Ono nf li tnoou in apring alio wild to lite, in tin littlo loajliig oiie which I coiil 1 111 or nalit, "Denr father, Ifwlwclir li mi I" aeo tliollnveta. WIIIjou bring Itunot mil ttt moon lim nnd tnko mo out 11 littla wnyT' 1 wrii!illor up warmly SI10 wn ni llglit iu 11 fanllier, Hliititt aoimeil 1 Icnaoilrniiuirh when ho felt thta tiny iiurilon, nnd bel 1 Ida earn irort na if to ahow bin good lntvutloua. Holnngo rhil out with jor, h wna ao itUl tuhnin tho fruit air nn I bright auinbliie Her ainnll luttala which woro nlimwt trnna intent, Knroelv held tho ri.ln, but Jlhitiet ltoliel of hta owit tvecord at nil tho lout plan for her to gnther wild ioaeiaiiil 'print, "f tho ljiwtlwni, whl h 1 ehclltiwliitiiluiU llko ano-v on tuy llltlitTarllng Oh, It la ao nho hero, la It rot, rnimT Ai tlio poor ehll 1 an id IbU her iiead driii)il. Mlio I in 1 n ort of eon-liilahin eon-liilahin mid fell linek on my nrm r-blch waa nliont her 8I10 wna dend Tho doctor told mo ha had riwctod It, I Tl e) took her from me nil 1 1 wna nlono. I Asl had not il bach tlio menoy I liorrowod nnd 1 ml eiirnod n unto for it, Ihey enmotom) hoiu-nnilacltodoMr)- j tiling. The ahotift lookeil Into nil tlw (.loaeta, fuinbleil In tho bttronti ilritMon, wont ham otllar to nttic and out to lh ftnUo, nnd l'jinll),on All Halula' lit), the) held tin aale Tin auctioneer atood on 1 ur large 1 iblo l'n m n dlmani 1 1 1'oul 1 aco hllil tnko raih ertlolo In hta linnd nud hold it up to low onr oltlim tiitdglnaa, tliotlock, my cloth, tho bah) a in I'a-eM r-thlngwu r-thlngwu roll Hidden In ttlitth) tin rou re. 1 arbor I wi'clml It nil, and 1 filt iny heirt Irmklng na ono thing nftor ntii Ihir went itnUor Ihobannmr lin ill) , muHiig hia loico, tho anctkniM r anil: "Thoro U nlo n )-otmg donkey I. nod for n ork, Ij thoro u bit) nr at for ty frnncaT' No one apoko. "Atllilrtji' Not a word Tncnt) llo Thin ha !!, "Ooiitlimcii, bo il worth moro thnu t hat." rhoy went to Mill Illrrnot. Ho enmo Tory alowly, rlillng up I1I1 lon r- nnd looking deiiatice front bUi)ea. IIo heened to rcnllio thrt ho n to l aol 1, 1 uud that for him ulao hn pluciM wna nt 1 nn cmh ( "Ibla donkey It ofTonxl for fifteen , franca, getilUmene "rwtutyl'aiii 1 one. "TwentyHinoI anl 1 nnother. "No 01 0 1'hla higher? Uoucr nn 1 n btirl), red 1 tired, ml factd f.iiiiur ilnlniM him Toor Hlipivt, who had ulwn)a lwett ao centlc. tile 1 tn II. k, hut hta new mailer truck him with 11 heaiy allck nnd drag-pod drag-pod him nwn 1 auioao it wnsery foollab, )onr honor, hut when 1 saw th it I rim off aobblng 1 liml tn lira, an 1 "villi In n fanner III tho m ItJiborhoo 1 w ho hired mo 1 y tho tin). 1 workml like n hruti, nnl tbnt tin dine mi ronilUteljr Hint It 1 opt 110 from Ihlnthu of my grief. At night I skt Aoundh , but tho nwiikitilng wna tirilhlo, n 1 realised tiuro and moro ciich diym) burdui of sorrow. At tlo end of 11 )enr tho f.irimr'a ilaughUr wna married, nnd there wna 11 gland feto nt thohouti 1 hut tho aoiind 1 f the w eliding music wna n dentil km 11 In my heart, 1 felt Hint I niuit gtt nwav frutu It nil. Quito uloiin I walked, ncroat tho cunn-tr) cunn-tr) , tin 1 lit spite of myaelf I took tho rood to tiorgas I snonr to)ott, sir, I hi I no nil intention In tn) mind I wont nloni: lu a half ihtrixl manner, foil-liiaT foil-liiaT Hint I had grown very old Life li I nnl for tho pi r. Kin Hug mj self nonr tho enroll ry, I thought I woull iWt thograicaof luywifo und tlilld. Not wiahlug to lio reeoiiilseil, I took n abort intmroaa tho Cehla. Tho corn ban eat inaoer, ami as 1 walked I heard tho ttul 1 lo crmlliin- uadi r tuy fci t. All nt 1 nco, 011 tho other sldo of n illlih, 1 a donkt ) and heird n Ion 1 nnd pndotigoil Irn). Coming iloso, I saw ltwai Itiipiit. who hn I mognired mo IIo stretched his neik ni far u bis turd prnnlttoil, nn 1 looki d nt mo with IU lnwttlful r)es wido onu II 1 ti pjiwl iropi lug tlio gntas, and whin I una nenr oitongli hn tiaik iny ennt ver) gently txtween hli tooth and shook hi 1 houdHuraltlmw 1 enrersed him nml nit down to look himwell over 1 foun I lilm mmh ahusiHl On his baek worn soros tiiade by wli ing too huavy n sad silt I la logs w are 101 nml with blood) simtouos, 111) his coat, formtrly so (.lossy, win now all rough tml mat), 1' r Uliiustl IIo laid lib I roily head ou my kneoa nt tho tamo time looking bo-hind bo-hind luo to see If liy chain ol hail a inor-si inor-si 1 of bread blhlen nwoy fnrlilmu ell' I rick of his. It wns Ibo moiling if old It lends after 11 long nltsenre bit at iieiuuu upiiouinmi it vsrotorcidtu I art. Tnkliisytliiuct by tho head, 1 mid poo Hi), turning link omo for n ftro-w ftro-w 1 11 look I hud KHtcoi) gono n hun iluilbtis wbanl filt u kuoik 011 my luck It wns poor Kl jiiut He hid hroki it his hnllor to follow mo 1 stiotr to it, your honor, I meant lo take hi n bai k nud thi lilm aecuroly, bnt wbiio I wiialeiiiliughini ho lookeilntiuoioeatlly Hint I fairl) lost 10) strength I saw, us lu 11 dream, Ibo lis) py morning win it l)il itiiiaitud 1 Mtnut uibu) ourdonko), It' lug villi its littlo Hflango Do not len 0 me, I nut so unhnpp) ,M blslun pliiiittio i)eaeQinil tosi , und hi look of mini r lllk 1 1110 i I 1 )lt) ihunlv d u In 1 with n Ml I I 1 fill imI d 10 him with n pouill r lit I lung 11 I that ho knew w , (. mil' Hull billing him by tbo ltd hr wllh my hand ,wotlnrtod nnd nn II ovirltnl lathi vi) Wo bath 1 emil to hate riuowti oar louth. I ran. thinking 01 1 Hint 1 hair irilnwlalli tlo of in) I ut Impt nn 1 1I0 n t know liowfnrwo hid gonu win 11 I hearl n volco lulling ufter 1 te ' Instead of sto ping 1 ran nil tho faster, fast-er, Hlqilrt loading nnl fairl) driving me nfter him It wna n wil 1 chnae tbo cnrtlt fnlrl) Hying from un hr our feet! I was brenthleM, Imt nml 1 still h ur tho v olco lfcbln 1 us cnrrleil 011 the wind TboUiKMlwns ringing In in) ears, nnd mvbroatlntinpoil lu my throat Hul-deuly Hul-deuly 1 felt 11 heivy haul grasp my sbonldi r nn 1 n conraov oliu said, Tlii ef I It li an nil that the mill loull mv, fir he, tiKi, was at tbo en 1 of his strength. Atlaathoiogntucd Ida hronth, mil ns wo woro nenring n vlllago ho madn nn tfforttu mil to some men who wn drinklog nml laughing nt 11 Invent He dill held 1110 by in) inllar, but lin I taken Ibo halter out of my linn!. I.thpi t no longer led tbo way. IIo wns hauled I along, nml had n tricky look In I1I1 e)c I lbe lm 11 nnawi n 1 the call, nnd ns tho grasp which was choking ino rcHxed I recognised tho man who hail bought lit met. I Two ofleors prevented in) escnjie. A crowd cnlhi ted, nml I bid nothing tn I an) lu si If defense. Tito fnrmi r tol 1 of my wiM flight, which nf conrso nggra luted ihmlt too Yonrli.mir Iaaattro ) n Klquit sci mod to comprehenl It all! Tiny iit ne In prison nnd tnr rliniki y In tin iim 1 tnnwnlt the trial 1 milv akk of you t giro orders that I librae alull be will rure.1 fir, ThUts the whole story I liure loll It truthfully truth-fully 1 am hero bcratise 1 am guilty Infect, wo nrolaith of ns guilty. Hut I still mnilit iln I nlu not agenuluo thief Kci-i'i Hull) )oitrairvant .loan. I shall not lenvo until utter this trial, ' I said to inv friend "I wish to hinrynurjuilgintutliithe case of H1I1 joor fi How "Thoro Is aoinothlng lietter Hum Hint I whhh)onciti do Mi replied "Inm I 1 nt ut lllierty to d 1 it, but you can nml I th'e fainter who claims tho donke). If I you pny him tho prb o of tho donkey I ami n suuill sum In addition that will I end It nil " No sooner nnl 1 than done Tor 10) ' franc I coul 1 have tho littla julmal I then nnd (hire, nnd tho man was mly ' too glad to w Ibli Iraw tho complaint I Wo rotttrnod Itlimot to hi drat ma- 1r. Ono lookinl aa ban y n tho other I 1 hnvo alnco mn them lltliig pcaiefnlly I togetlur, going frou illlego toilllage aolllug snmll wan Trie frlinds nro I rare - Trnnslaii 1 from tho fniuli if Jnnuos aloraud for Uomunco ly Alum K. Alia 1 |