Show ROSEHILL EXPEDITION IS ARMED FOR EMERGENCIES Col Thomas Fitch Fich Says Force Will Wil Be Used If Necessary sary to Hold Marcus larcus Island Islan f HONOLULU T. T H. H Aug 2 via via San Francisco Francsco Au Aug S. S S. According S.-According to the I Honolulu m men n who are interested In Inthe inthe n the Marcus Island guano Cano expedition Iton against which i Japan Pan has sent a a. war vessel as by the last a advices received here from the States the vessel vessel ves yes sd sel which left leU here for the Island carried carried car car- ried ned a a. complement of Mauser rifles and her c captain had Instructions from the tho company to t. t plant the American flag on the thc Island Islan and keep keen It t floating until compelled to haul It I dovi o I Captain A. A A. A Roehl the discoverer I er of the thc island Islan who left his claim caim to I II cr it on a n cocoanut cocoanut tree tre on Marcus island In is In command of the tion Uon ton The company's claim caim is based base on this title tte which la Is on record with wih tho the State department at Washington tn No intimation that the thc vessel left leCt here lh t an any arms on board boar was given civen but ut until the news was wag received that the Japanese Javanese Government had laid claim to the Island and had dispatched dispatched dis dis- s- s patched a war vessel there then Col Col Thomas Thornas Thom Thorn as Fitch FIch then made public the thc Instructions Instructions tons given sven to t. t Captain which while designed to pre prevent nl any conflict were intended to Compel the thc Japanese to allow the Americans to land and to use Ufe force to drive them away if I necessary |