Show LAST DRINK WAS FATAL Prohibition Went Into Effect Effect Effect Ef Ef- Ef- Ef at Midnight and Took Big BigOne One DALLAS Tex Aug 8 Prohibition S. went into effect In Hunt county at midnight midnight mid mid- night Greenville Green the county seat scat was as full o of men taking their last drink all da day Much ugly feeling was aroused during tho campaign that resulted In voting whisky out several sevc-ral weeks ago ngo and much of oC tho the drInking indulged in was wasby wasby aa aaby by members member of ot th the anUs antis who Vho wished to show their contempt for tOI tho the gospel of or tho the pros B Bean Bearl arl Austin Tobe Jackson and Pete Warner arner formed a bunch of oe anUs antis who d determined to drink until the last lost mInute minute min mm- ute und under r th the la lay lav All v were far advanced advanced ad- ad ad ad- in drunkenness Each got a aquart aquart l quart bottle of or whisky half an hour before before before be be- fore midnight and ana the bunch hunch stood steed 1 up in the box of or a n Urge farm Cann wagon wajon In full view of ot passers passers-by alternately passing pas and drinking from the tho three bottles Just as the clock struck 1 12 Austin raised a a. bottle to his mouth saying as he did so Here goes the biggest biggest biggest big big- gest drink k ever er taken In Hunt coun coun- ty He placed the bottle bottlo to his lips bent his head far tar backward and drank long and deep Suddenly he reeled reele 1 then lurched and finally fell tell to the floor of ot the wagon wag bed Doctors who hurried to him pronounced him dead His companions companions com corn drove with the corpse to the home of or the dead mans man's parents |