Show NO PREPARATIONS TO RESUME WORK IN ANTHRACITE REGIONS RIOTERS HELD 4 SHENANDOAH Pa A 1 Aug Ati 4 s. s Jo Joseph Joseph ph the butcher butch- butch cr er and Matt Matthew he the tho t one-armed one saloonkeeper who Jf are with the murder of off f ff r f Joseph De Beddall In the riots of off f L 4 last week were today toda formally rf- rf committed without ball to the thet t county Jail a at SHE SHENANDOAH Pa Aug 8 S. Gen today todar sent a n. platoon of cavalry to the tho mining settlement o ot of Turkey Run un for the purpose e of 01 making a n. demonstration demonstration dem dem- In vicinity which Is by foreigners The Tho General Generl ha had Information that the lIes lies of ot union non-union workmen are cire annoyed an an- noyed d constantly b by strikers nUll arid their houses stoned J The Information received b by Gen Gobin was contained In n a a. letter from om a woman oman whose hose husband Is worl working inthe in tn the mine at nt She Fays says h her tJ life lite has been threatened every day her ler home borne has been battered with stones each night and a large e rock almost struck her little daughter who ho was asleep In bed bell the ms missile resting on the I pillow against her hea head The foreigners did r rot ot take kindly to the he visit of the troops While goin along a n. rough roush trail at the b base bof of the mountain a crowd some distance up on the ridge out of or reach of ot the troops troop Jeered and ancI called the thc soldiers hard names One stone wa was thrown and then the th horsemen came to a stop and tho the crowd fled through the br 1 brush h. h The firing of pistols n revolvers during the night c continued n but not In Inthe Inthe inthe the neighborhood in which the guardsmen guards guards- men Inca arc are stationed Gen lien GoWn says Bas there Is a trent great number of mischievous ous people prowling the region at night who probably bl shoot oft rr the firearms to scare some ome one The strike sit situation In the Hoah roh region remains unchanged and despite all aU reports to the contrary there are no visible signs of oC preparation preparation preparation tion made to Lo resume ork work in the idle m mInes ues RESIDENT PRESIDENT MITCHELL WILL NOT ATTEND THE MEETING IN IK MICHIGAN Pa Aug S. S Pres PIes Pres- Ment ident Mitchell of the United MIneWorkers Mine MineWorkers Workers will not attend the Michigan conference between the coal operators and the striking miners He Sll said to today today today to- to day it t would not be neCe necessary for tor him to make the trip as he had hall received as assurances assurances as- as s- s that a a. settlement satisfactory to both sides would be reached Mother Jones of oC West est Virginia arrIved arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived Ived In town last night and ha had a conference conference con con- ference with President Mitchell toda today E. E E. E Loomis vice president nt of the Delaware Lackawanna S- S Western Vestern who has been making a a. tour of oC the strike region with a view of reporting conditions to the presidents of or the co coal carr carrying Ing railroads has completed his mission and probably will make his report to the oper operators tors at a n meeting to be held in N Nw New w York tomorrow ARE ARB HELD FOR POR INJURY TO BEDDALL X IN LAST WEEKS WEEK'S RIOT J SHENANDOAH Pa Aug Au 8 The S.-The The Coroners Coroner's jury jun which has been hives Imes s the death eath of oC Joseph Beddall who ho received fatal Injuries In th the riot here last we week concluded Its Inquiry and rendered a verdict holding Joseph Joseph Jo Jo- seph a butcher Matthew a a. one-armed one saloonkeeper and many other rioters unknown to the Jury juo r responsible for or the killing The rue men named In the verdict are now locked Jocke up UD and other arrests will fol fol- fol- fol low Jo ow The two men were taken Into custod custody cus cus- tod tody yesterday afternoon by two constables constables con con- stables who were protected by platoons of ot sol lers from the Twelfth regiment Policeman testified that i when he learned of oC the disturbance he ho Immediately started to summon simmon his I fellow While doing so o he met Pierce Walker Valker a mine worker He asked Walker Valker to call the miners' miners corn corn- and have It use it its Its' Influence to disperse the crowd But said he he only gave ve me the laugh |