Show AT HIS PERSONAL DISPOSAL Secretary Root Hoot Authorized to Build Fortifications at nt His Individual ual Discretion i i WASHINGTON Au Aup Aug 8 The S.-The The PraCtice lIce tice of oC Congress 88 In providing pro that all treat Heat works shall shaH be done by contract and und under r competition is set tt t aside In Inthe Inthe inthe the fortifications appropriation bill passed at the last session That act gives sl the Secretary of or War Var unlimited power Jower nn and discretion 1 I The Thc bill provides plO for S and other othel works of or defense and contains the tho clause that the work mn may maybe maybe be can carried canler led out b by iy contract or otherwise otherwise other- other wise as may be moat and aull anta ad advantageous rous to the Government Go It does docs oes not follow that the Secretary S p War will vill tall fall to ask for bids and make ake contracts In due form torm for the expenditure of or the but Congress Con- Con cress gress gave him him full opportunity I |