Show LOST BOY FOUND ON FREIGHT TRAIN Left Home Eleven ElC Years Ago and Was Discovered Only by Accident BALTIMORE Aug 8 In 8 In IS young youn Charles Edward Kirchner disappeared and was never heard of or until Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day when he was ac accidentally discovered dIsco cred ered by his law in a freight conductor on the time Baltimore rc Ohio railroad railroad railroad rail rail- road who recognized Kirchner In the pcr person on o of a a. tramp tromp who was stealing a ride Upon being bro brought ht home It was discovered discovered dis dis- covered ered that Kirchner now a full- full bearded man of or 25 5 was in a dazed condition condi condl tion and was able to give only an In Incoherent Incoherent In In- coherent account of his aimless wanderIngs wanderings wander wander- Ings for the past eleven en years |