Show TEMPORARY OFFICE FOR CLERICAL FORCE Structure Being Being- Erected ie ted on an White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse House Rouse Grounds for Presidents President's f. f Assistants WASHINGTON W ASHINGTON Aug S. S The S.-The The temporary tempo tempo- temporary Executive now no being being- built on the White House grounds will be a a. brick structure on one tory story high feet teet feetS S long and 50 SO feet teet wide vide It Is to be painted paint paint- ed white Tho The main entrance h having havinga a a. small portico is Is' Ison on th the north side The conservatories conser now between the orfIce of or- fice flee building and the White House are areto areto areto to be removed and an open terrace built to lead Je-ad from the mansion to tho the east eastend eastend end of or the office where there will be bc a I I private entrance for tor the President Just inside the main entrance Is a I large reception hall ball from which h doors lead into each room The President will have o a room In a a. private ute In the southeast corner which will win be connected connected connected con con- ne with the office of ot tho the secretary In the south side and with the Cabinet rO room m In the northeast corner of ot the building The entire west vest end will be he taken up by an office for tor the tho clerical force torce |