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Show THAT l'liWEIl 1'IiANT. . Anollirr Utlrr oil llio .Snbjirt Irom Nlllhiiu J. Mhtr, Mllh hug grsllom As to loll. Jihtur llcurct A'cwt. Jn my communtiatlona to tho News on January 3rd and 0th, I referred to the ftaslblllly of erecting n lower plant at Coslvlllo or nthor suitable locality whorocoal could bo used direct from tho It and Ilia kiwi r transmitted In this city without having to haul thu coat or having the deuso blink clouds of amoko which are now so familiar tuus. The Items of lost nro of rourso tho first question, as upon tho roit or a cheiuu nud tho relatlvo cipensn of malntenancu everything of an Industrial Indus-trial chainclcr deends, tho probable returiie being moruiaslly reckoned on. TI11- rest of an Installation of from lOuu-horso Kwer upward may bo approximately ap-proximately reckoned nt $100 pur I oiso power, Including therein on-Klnu, on-Klnu, boilers, Koimatort, buildings, build-ings, eta, but not tho lino of communication with tho city, A station having an illodlvo oiitul of Soon horse power, coiling about 1300,000, could bo built by rommunu-lug rommunu-lug with two or moro units of fiou homo ower each and adding thereto ta llio Increase of the Liulnt . w uld warrant. At liferent the power used In this city may In ai roxlmalely rttlcuattd tliui: HAll take Oilf rtsllrosil On nui llsi 1 1 Inn llaiiroad i a sue lleclrli. Itstit IVi H .(! Hotels and other plsnli MA Tolsl sum hsrsepAwcr As Ihecoal would be mod dlrectfrom Urn inlniatlio lumfnciuljbo scrtennl out for trinsportatliu nnd the slack nnd nut coal uxd under tho tollers toll-ers of the powir station , and n refuso or small coal nicd to bo brought hero ixrc t what wi ill 1 como Irom iho hrrakaito In larrlauo. Tho coal Lelng fresh would lo a better fuel that what we get hero clllod alack nud could lo furnished fur onn dollar ir Ion, nr (erhaps loir. The inglnos would preferably bo of tho vcrllial marine lyj i, comound u mdeiislng, suoh as nrofurnlshed by Ihu I.aku l.rlo Knglnierliigcomiany forsoaioof tho new lirgo stations In the l.itt The generators would bo ot some npj roved uiullli Dlar or alternating low apeol tyi, couUd direct to tho tiigtno shafts, using no I oils and Involving no lots In transmission. Tho hollire woul 1 1 refirably I v of tho water tubo IJ III which the llibcoi k and Wllrox coin antes and tlio Campbell and Zull coiii unite havu had sjmu viry sui-ctsstul sui-ctsstul Installations. I'lic station being built Ion these lima with n com(etent engineer as the designer of thu wholo would bo able tu woik with far better ocouomy than tho stations now luru, nu J It Is not exi filing too much.to aiy that n borso owir could bo proluced fur a consumption of tnopoundaof coal it hour. Tho several lanta now hire usuupoulhe averagu four ounds of roalforoue horse iowir, wuloh osti In most coses $.! 50 1 er ton at tbo ljllcr bouse, being about seven lllnoi thu cost for lull only In thu priseut cjso ovi r that In thu plant proposed. ThooxpLiuu for help would alsi bo loir, as a les-ir nutnbir of men am rt-ijulrcl rt-ijulrcl to run a large plant If properly uealgned than to ruu a uuiubir of smaller smal-ler ilants. Tho in-iu could llvo cliuaner tlhm In thu city, and could easily sicuru llulr own hoiiioi, and thus n mom reliable class of man could be accured. Of course In so largo n plant the chill would havo to bo n niau of exjierjuiice and responsibility and would liavo to bo paid uciurdlugly. lo offset thesu ud vantages tho cost of transmission will havo lo ho con-slilirel, con-slilirel, which In tlio ptejonl stito of Ihu art Is a corn aratlvely viuy matter for a distance or forty iiillor. Now for soma ot lliuadvntagia to bu gained by tho city. Ihognator orllouof thoengliitsaud b liters now in Lsa could to Ulijinrtd with, and with them all tho emoku aud whatever what-ever danger of i x lotion now uxlsls. Tho striet railroads could either usb n colHlont current un a separate supply wlru and dtnpetieu with their generators or they oou Id retain thilr resent geuer tors nud run them by nud nlternatu current motion. Thu J.liilrla Light co in any could do thu some. Wneratlie power could bo obtntlud oschenlyas In this lustance, every store, chun h or private homo c in J b i heatod by elcotrlo healirs, with absolutely abso-lutely no amoko, no dusr, no ashes, no kindlings to cut, no coal bills to (.row largir, nud oven coal merchants might retlro and llvo on what they had alriady iudi,aa thero would be very little iliancolelt to mako I rlunes tu Ihu future, llealdes, thero would bathe greatest trial ol nil avoldud,ai no stovo lipoa would havo to be put up aud taken down eviry season. Uf course nil lighting, both public and jrhate, would baby electricity, un no olio could allord to mean) thing else, with all Hi advantage, and coal oil woulJ no longer be required Mlth It daugtr nnd attendant attend-ant trials of forgetting to fill tho limps till they aro wanted for uso. Iho proceed railroad could run Its cars by tho current Irom tho station n long as coal would bo reunited under thu new order of tliluge, which, while not of great advantago from the minis to thu at , would bo of conslderat lu aj-vatiUwvou aj-vatiUwvou the return trl,whloh has Ihu heaviest gradia, as tho coal would nut havo to bo hauled hero to mako thu trip with. Uu Ihu whole, after duo consideration, considera-tion, 1 think It will b found that an luvistuunt on thunbovo lino would be onuof tho lust aud most rellablu In-veslmenta In-veslmenta that could bo madt, aud having unco be u made, there la at I resent no probability of It being suj ersidcd by other methods. Wm. J. tiu.vtii. |