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Show TII.LIIIIIUS (OMinM.II. A small planet, llie flllcenlh this Jenr, has been illscovercj ty I'rolissor WollI of Heidelberg. ltobelt laouls Hlovensou has sailed for Han rrnnclacn whence he will I roceed via New York to Luglsnd. Thu price paid for silver today by tho treasury elef ailment was h.,7j cenli pir ounce. It Is thu lowest since the sliver purcharu act went lutoillccl. I'o Tal, thu famous Chinese doctor, died In H111 rrannlsco yesterday, of asthma, llnwas 70 yeaisof 6hjnnd came loBau I rauclsCJ fori) yeiirsekO. Thu largo ghs plant of tbe United Htulcacomiauy of rareiittnii, I'd., has Weil totally destroyed by lire, eulall. In ;n lots of $1(10,000. I'rlnceaa Kalulaul of Honolulu was Iho guent or (ha Korons jeaterd.ij. Ihu princess will glvu a farewell address ad-dress tu Iho 1 ubllu beforo she calls. At a mam mrellng today at lluila l'eath, atlenJeil by 2odl raous, to crlebinlu thu Hungarian levulullou of 181 i, re.ohitlnin wtru aditcd lavor-lug lavor-lug ilutigarlau Independence. J At tonight' meeting t( Una Congregational Congre-gational club, Washington, Justice llrewerof Ihu United rJtati Hiii remit Court held that II vt na au lnjuilicu fur Cougrvas to discriminate unu oalrachu tho Chluiae'. Two (,'hlnaiccn came forward in HI. Louie yesterday and nglsttrcd at Ihu olllcu of tho collector of Internal revenue reve-nue irovlJed lor by the Chinese exclusion exclu-sion act of Congress. 'I bey weru Jeu Chow, aged -1, a grieery clerk, Hid Hack Ling, aged 1), a laundry man. The Jlcrahl correal in lout at Klv-ra telrgrapba that Ueueril Portugal's cavalry regiment cf 00 men havo charged oil thu illy of Hiuta Aua. riio government general, Keilnuudiz, wltblS00irooia mint puriuit of the revoltils, who are Hieing toward Hsgc. Mrs, Lnnglry heard tlio newt of Iho death of Ablngdou llilrd during a MuJltirraiican rriibe, and Immediately Immediate-ly started for J.ngland. It la said Halrd has lell her $.0 l.liOO a year, w Ith tho wholu of his racing stud uliJ a niagiilllceut esUbllahinent at New-miraet. New-miraet. Hlsbop Wlgger of Ihu dloctso of hvvr i'ork has Issued a circular teller addressed to each 1 rlcal lu hla diocese including hla former order In which prlcsla weru or lered lu return uUohi-Homo uUohi-Homo those memberaef a parish who sent their children to I ubllu schools lu preference to parochial schools. At tho annual meellng of the Commercial Com-mercial Cable couipan) lu Now York yietorda), tho old litrd of directors was re elected. A tblrl cablu Is to bu laid, and Ihu stockholders atu Invited lotubscribont par lor 10,200 shares of Hie22,StO sharra lion 111 thu treasury, the proceeds to bo used tu pay for thu new cable. Kalaer Wllhrlni' Di.v will hereafter be n legal holldoj in Chicago. Tho ollycouiicll last night by unanimous volu ordered Major Wushburnu lo auiend all munieial business that day and closu the rlllie , Wudueiday laiheday. The motion was made by a Oilman nidi rmun, who nsaerlnl alncu HI, 1'atrlck'a Day had been declared de-clared a legal holloa) iqual courtesy unsduuthu (lermaii 1 imlatlon. |