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Show l!-3ood'sGtLires Numeroii3 Bolls And Catarrh In tho HoncJ Mr, IV. r- Tucker Itoseburff OtrgDiu " I feel Hint It U ImpfaulMa (ar mt t iar too mucli in fitor of llouJU Hanaiirllla. I wai a Brett turner f rum linpuro I lowl nnl ttnnti In my lien 1. Job comMtun In lie t tu rmnforl me, ftixl I iiilTcrtd from cumcrum 111 Acony Dcyonti Doocrlptlon. V liru I Itgui to tako Hood 8arminrt11i 1 ht cltt-f them, otiljr fuir of wPchram to a lie il an 1 ilnee tlien tliauka to thli eool mtdlrlm, I luva bttn frw from tliU crrat nflllritnu. I patne 1 1 1 iouiiJi In ll.ro wm kt 1 ha CaUrrti In my lie J whleh lu tro iHI m fir)ean I ii Uo Ireeo cured by IIooU tiartuparlfu andy 1 Hood's sk Cures am rnjiijrlnr boo.1 cener.l henllli I e.rneitlv re ommrtiillliKili Hurt uarllli lu nil nho .re .lUicted." W U ltcalli, Itm.burg, Uresou. HOODS Pmseure .iFUter Illi, lillloui. ticia, Jauuillce, luOlneiUoii, bkk lie. laclis. Help ui to help you by calling for Hold llaud CcITu wheu ordirlng your grocorlei, Cheap but good. The Hold I'an'l Ci rr-K ii now on Iho high road t) become be-come the pvople'a favnrlte, lllll'l III NCI. Knit null Irraiiaeliifill Itta Urntiile Ur.lrrll llitllnejr. Itatee tamo a. leat year and are at leat one faro for the round Irlplo Bait Ltiki; Iromfar (Hilut. ralea are lower; ire ne.reit tkket agoot It. (J. W. Ily. for exact ratea, A Conference tclal will leavn Ugdon dally from April Krd to Olh at b 31 a. in.; Itavi. Ball Lake on return trip at C in p. in. Ttiuriin will be made In both direction. In nnu hour, utid train will .topatall Inter medlalii olnt.. Train forimrly leaving leav-ing Bllver City at 11.55 a. m parting I'njaou, Bpanl'li 1 ork, Bprlugvllle, Pruvo, American Folk, Lehi and other I teimidlato olula will, torn noticing April UI, run at an earlier hour .0 a. to arrive at Halt Lake prom) tly at I"a. 111. lit turning, Iralu will leau Bait Lake at o p. m. luile.d of i 03 i. 111, ai heretofore. All other train, will run oil 1 ruuut ichcdulei. Ticket, at the irreatly reduivd rate, ilmllel to Airll 1'itli will be sold Irrm Airll'lrd to Vili Inolualvii from Ugdiu, Bllver City, Bprlugvllle, llliighiunanii InUrmedlule atktlou. i'rom all oilier iioIiiIh ticket will hn ou into Iroiu A 1 ill Hud to Olh, limited lo A rll ihh Htirit iar. niuko conurrthui at Hlo (Irande Weatirn depot fi-r the hotel and tho TtiiiplitJqiuri. J. If. Itry.s itt. Thcdiill Hunt liirei Hlway.unl. f tin lu itreiigth and llavorand full wilght. 1 -Being BeaittifOl- j lo tho lonot of boltiB-that'aall rlRht for us hardwares folki wo only think of III bolngBOOd nnd of how many nails wo can lvo for n dollar. Dut with tho HI 1 womon It 13 Important to bo too swoot for anything, nnd tho MAJESTIC H! RANGE or nELIAULE GASOLINE STOVE will awouton tho tompor of any H woman. Thoy too Imvo wound tliolr way Into tho hearts of many a housct- H koopor sololy on tliolr own morlts. M Thoy may not bo ns boautlful as so 1110, but who I00U9 for bounty In n H rani;o? It Is quality and prloa that nrolookod for, and tho Mnjo3t!o Rangoa H nn(j nollablo Gaoollno Stovoo possoss both, somolhlmi novor boforo found. H VVIion not too busy drop In on us and wu will toll you tho llttlo wo H know about stool rangos nnd sasollnostovos. I SALT LAKE HARDWARE COMPANY, I SIGH OF BIG GUN. 42 and 44 W. 2nd South St. A Henail liter llakea a Well n. Aro y.iu Hill ur, Cooitlpaled or troubltu wllb Jauudlre, Blok Held ache, Had taalu In Mouth, Foul Hre.ih, Coalel Tongue, lly.peniln, ludleeallon, Hot Dry Nkln, Pain In Hack and Ixla-eeu the tthoulJerr, Chill, and 1 ever, ttc? If you have any of theie eymttomi, yeur Liver I. out of order, and jour blood la ilowly being polaonod, brcaute your Liver dor. not act rrtrly. Heroine will rum any dlacrder of the Liver, Btomacb or llowela It hai no equal aaa Llvir Medicine. Price IS cenli. Tree trial bottle, at Z. C. M, I. Drug Dopt. 1 y If yourrncer doea not keip Hill land ( .ifr.c Jo.r hi. memory till he dot. kicp It. nall.r.l'a knew llnhn.nl Till, wonderful Liniment li known from the Atl.utlu to the Pacific, aid from the Like, to tho (lillf. It I. tin, moat penelr.llig Liniment lu the world. It will euro lllieumatlitn, Neuralgia, ( ulr, Hpralnr, llrulie., Wound., Old Bona, Jlurne, Bcl.tlci, Born Threat, HoroCheat and all luflaoi tnatloii, alter all other, have tailed. It will cure Hurled Wire Cut. and lital oil wound, where troud fleahlm. let In, Ilia equally efficient In animal.. Try It an I oi will not bo without It. Prion 60 centa. BoIJ by '.. C. M. I. drug department. Ulvo (,'i,H llmi 1 1 "in n u lilal. It li Hie beat of all acl..ge cofltiw. B MAY WK All. 11 renkrrulltile, lllll He Hat 11. About twi or three month. a?o 1 purchand from you n bottle of Cham, twrlaln'e Cough Heme ly, ut up lu De.Molnee, Iowa, Buch good multi Weio obtained from Ha uie that I eniloae one dollar and auk that you lendmatwii bnttlntiy exprria J,A. Bchivkn, U L. Uth Bt., .New York City. Tu II. II. Lane, Drugnlit, Peekiklll, X, V. Mr. Borlven la preal-dent preal-dent of in v of the larjeat aTlItt faotorlia In New York, an I widely known In tiiilna.ee circle When trouble I with a cold give Ihl. remedy a trial and, like Mr. Bcrlven, you will want L wl en again lu need of inch a medl line. 611 cent bolllea for .ale by Y..U. M. I. Drug Dei I. UAa Ml llll'l 1IION. I beg to Inform my Irleud. and the public generally that I am totaled at M Wibi, I Iritriouth Btreet (In U. Holding'! electrical auppiy ilore.) Bollclt order, for inlnllug, graining, I aer hanging, er cleaning, calco mining, glazing, etc. My aim will lu toglMilhobeitof intlafactloii by my rcrroLnliUervlsloii over all work In-truiltk. In-truiltk. to my rue. Vtty Iteipcclfully, Wm. t. Kma iion, lor lUrgalm In llruiri and Mcdlrlmi, co to the hnulafurd Pliarmury. Jamti O'Cuiiuor, io rletor. 1ll.il ll...uiiri. Mr. A. L. Armitrong, an old drug. alat, and a promlnint cltlxen of thl enterprl'lng town, aj: "I .ell icine forty dilhrent kind, or cough medl oluei, but have never In my e.Xrl eiicHrold.omuch of viy one orllrb ft 1 have of Jlallattt't Jotehound Syrvp. All win) u.u It lay it I. the moat prlcct remedy for Cough, Cold, Conaiinipttoii, au I nil dheaie. of the throat and Lung, they have evtr tried." It I. a ieclt1o forCroiipnuu Whooping Cough. It will relieved Cough In one minute. Contain, m oplatei. 8)1.1 by '.. C. M. I. Drui Deit. X Bee Hip baudaume plLturi. contained In each package of llul I Hand lofTer. king Kltorld Hli'le lleimlal ea Cett.ell lUttfft, oku. Nj,nlt. Chambvilalu Midlclue Co, of I1 Mnlutr, li lu Iowa manut.cturlng Institution and one lu which tbo real-dent, real-dent, of the itatai look upon with pride, Chamlerlalu'i Cough Itemedy haa Ucoma national In reputation mi I nownlu nearly every houaeholl In the Hate and throughout tha great weat, Ita merit, are Inclining (tb-ll.hed (tb-ll.hed In all parti of America. For ulely 7.. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dAa When tired and you want .ornithine: to help y ti unow your oulli try Hold TAWK P. Deseret National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, raid a. lapliel, -J 8100,0.0 ea Burvlna, ... (sao.O IV, DTRKOTOltai U I. llnu. irtiUl. Uoa.a TilATCa.a, rKa Tmilir' W. H.Kit aa. 1. It. llaanaa, J. r. Lima. J 0. CLT.aa. Jieia siit.r. tll.BT tHMWOODBT IX. U. 1-l.nt, r. w. jiioi. uaohOB Koa.ar. J. U, Wi.o.a, B. IL -Lua.uoa. U. 6. Tooao, Cai'ia- Bectlns Deposits Pajable on D.nuo; 9YmcU(c, ChUnffl, St LtntU OnaAa, Lm m4mU lUrrincift CVnlitwn-J CUUi. DOT -! Dipoilt Vu U, fcbiolnUlf k4t-djr k4t-djr ui (Uiprotd liiBU II to IU fw jeu yELLSt FARGO & CCS OaA-isris:, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. IttMUhtJ S6VJ llari inl iel V if lucjrf , make Te! jrrai hli iraniftt ua -tie i riuiitnl rinei of iha I n ti l Mt knd Ktinii, a, and All t tnti on iMi Vm (Jo t l Iliac It tltra of rn mi available in th pTtnrtpal citif or lhs World, fci ecul mien il m a d la thu if I of f-f (irei nod tin lion Idvanoca luad ou con Iff u menu at luweat I artlrulir atient tn rlren to rolle tiooa (hrnuttuut till. Neratla and adinip trrl lrtca Aocoaou aoiicited J. t. Uoolt. Cisbltr BliiETTLER! CEHEUAl-VDAMKLNO V BUSINESS AT MJ..00 MAIN BTIlKUT.ta f CpfottU 111 Ce ep ), e4 1AV0 INTCRE8T ON OBPOBITB. I diiuui una icuocrta. I V ; ' Hail llfo lonK retrotf for hl I rnah angurjomunt at Ua j? r 1 0 Qonrm-rf Ilut thoie ho hive engaged and aro stall engaging building lot In East UaterIoo?s; '-'-' they made their a purclmci This Subdivulon liu riNT. DWELMNRS, cement w.llti, good aaler, goud car icnlcc, loicly turroundingi. Within TIIIti:i: YP.ARS time loll aliould bring fi.ooo cadi Theslircudest builnesi men are bulng them, and loll of tlicm Price now 3 3 5 n i urw.Mi ISaay Pay merits. XXI. E. HUBBARD, -11 WLCST SECOND SOUTH STREET. Hi ' i. eyejfT-ji -aiaai .jawjUvJi-., ' state'baS OF UTAH, CVehfreJMiln ail Xmll TttneU ilnrli, Sail ali cm OniiIImI, QUOOiOOO H'teiilM-i - 000,000 lllaia J Uaaar, Tretiaaat. M llla.inia ea ti.Ua.t llama XI iLLa,l..Li.r. DinccTons: Jounir ultn. an.AHaM II tiaieo., ilaa e. Iloaiiia, ra Y.TaiLoa w- II llnne KraacratLaitaaif. Nariit Y laito. I into T raNnawoarii, .lKBMllll.il . 11. U.lLaa luaar A hoollkt. If Cvmmtrriil l.iljie li all tt$ ae ail.. eceuira toUcutJ, Urot anitimnll. wiivo.D rrooniorr. r.aoaoaM Cio ITtillirl. Clutl-' Cam Capital w,w Caaaiaeiil.. .. , ZION'S SAVINGS Bffl trust coarr.v-s'v, Noa. I and 3 Bait Temple Street, HIT lake iirr, ll t J ll. EinuLiaiiKi, lt;a. liioonroaATnl88S sincoTona, WIl.rnii ouoaorr,yillnif a.naua ij. (Hum. He. imi Jni.rii r, rmril Uanana I atmitnl, aaota M, Linaoa, llaatn J Onavt, JiNaaJ.cn, 1a aa.ni dauw, T. U Wleaaa, rancia U Liaaa, II u, cuinaoa, Aaiua ll. to.p, Lmiiaao u iumut. CIMeal Bavin. a lliak In I Oh, -itta fltH, -eler Ibar, all etbtea ic. tl..l. aj-siratv Uteoilr lioin ma nirr. fi,l. Iave,lia la aoj aau.lrom II M f, rcealied ... iBtereal allewea at 0 pareaal pie a..an,cenponnlad roar liaiaaajair Cor refKBde.e. aolleltcd ..! aar auioa ferarardej tr conttrr dtpeiltQra earef&U allaadad ho. UTAH COMMERCIAL VD Savings Bank, fl-Xr LAKK C1TT, Cnnital. - - $200,000 Surplus, - - S40.000 GENERAL BANKING DUSINESS. riva P.r Cenhlnteroit Paid on Saving. Dipoilli, Compounded Four Tim. a Y.ir. sickci, matim) sriiir.s roB hilu r tux jojcx on jrr or us .uxjvrs. DinmoTone. ruaou .avirao.o, r. vr, tUaaaa, Da Joa. a Incniasa, T. W. CLixaiaCK, nouraa QoaaaT., Tnoa. vr. Jaaa vol. Uicia U. lUaor, lMOa. Uoutilaa, U. E. OCUUMoa iiuuL miom dim, ;z-rrior salt Loko city.i J ln.Ear tun on Tins luroilta lllunrTO.a. V. H Auarlj.eli Jotin J ll.lr. O J eali.Ulj.Ho) Ian U loi. Ilo.. Jlwilufl, W I, oJl,ueoae 11 llowoey John l Una I -" """jVu'yw.' Uov..i-. c..b.r. AT GOSTI 1 My Entire Stock of SHOES AT COST. Evorythlntr Now and Stylish. Socuro Bnrgal ns. FRANK J DUNFORD. 27 W. First South St., flvo doors East of Dlnwoodoy Turnlturo Co. AMERICAN NATIOHAL" BANK, Or SALT I.AKI3 OITV.------ Capital $2SO,000. Surplus $60,000. Organized October, 1890. D-r- tXTEitrsr rjtn ov saumis ai t:ik ncrosirs jjg -..I,,l"f,,,SJl,l",Jll,II,M"-.,","1eall 11 M IlaeoD. tlrelteildenti r. !. Ilollaod, Caahltrity.il llol .iiiI...i.iim la.hi.r A M i.r.nl 11 J dear 11. J.rtll, J W.Juad, L.I Iolbourow,l t , llo.a, t lijah etlli, li U.TuonieUH.T, A liana. 80LOM03NT BROTHE-RQ I Tho Most Sucoossful of nil of our ( J VI HOMEvINDUSTRIES Z. I Jd lo tho manufacturo of UootB and Sltooa, Jj fl Unoxcollod by any aro thoso H r-V of OUR MAKE. y- H Z WE CSETDE BEST OF LEITnER AXD HATERIllSL U 1 Tl. Our work Is dono by hand and warrantod. Tfj jH " Wo carry nlso Comploio Linos of -" Hj 8lLadlos' Fine Footwoar and . 3W Mon'a Clovos. ff m OLOMOH BBOTHEEiO I JAY 0. "WEMPLE COMF Y I ui&SJR. NEW YOHK. wa.;:tit IVr.. CHICAGO. I -' -Fnir-TTT?.Tr. I WINDOW SHADESiSPRING ROLLERS I ARE THE BEST MADE. 1 Sold tfj all Dealers. Xheto QooiU are all Hand Made I I 2Sr tTieyllhaveto print v$f Wm 1 fC' SOME MORE, XyV'S I I UfJnjHE latest. 1 Yv&tp? ISNOTA RICH DAD. VW W 1 MTftjjfAs IT WAS.I N DAYS OF YOREjA Cw)tfe 1 '3-k''A i3UT A MAIDEN FAIR, ISA Vrrt?5y I I yiit-AWpN TREASURE RARE L 3 '"' '" 1 ?'Vt7F-XN0NE CAN HER CHARMS VSSW I M--aV-MfK OUTSHINE -TStFR n' 1 J?i. ' -'a fe'.s AS SHE COOKS WITH SKILL pH-Sl OAK(l 1 1 TTTtiVt WTHEtfW 1 '(vj5"5!-v'l5 V -f With its wire gauze door so fine. ron RAM! nr H Z. C. M. I., Solo Agents In Salt Lako City. i POPULAR v J I C.tabll.h.U QCVSl A"0n,, 1 M" S. E.8ac(iuo M Punctuality. V f VvW Bulla to W r on' VASV Order. 1 Boonomy. VO 35 00. II T" V TAILORS I I I |