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Show Itorbrlt Ainrrjr. riiTsnunu, March 20. Corbelt was very angry tonight over the Interview wltu Mitchell published In today's aicrs, In which Mitchell sueerln-ly referred to Corbett'a oiler to right him for nothing, as If ho was unable to secure se-cure backing. "I will now Insist," sail Corbelt, "that Mitchell puis up every dollar of thu31D,O00. If ho cAiiuot securo tho money I will r.ifnso tu fight him, and will then mi et Jackson." Concerning thu statement that "Denver" Hmlth would challenge him for SIO.UUO n side, Corbelt said: Ihuvuhcurd nothing IromHinllh and will pay nn attention to hlci. Un Is n third-ralu flghtir and Lib no bull-iiutalnmy bull-iiutalnmy class" Lite tonight Juhmlulnn, backer of "Denver" Hmlth, called on Corbelt aud exhibited 11 certified check for $500(1, wanting to buck Smith against Cornell, the light to laku place within three) months from tho date of slgntur articles, or Hmllh t lake Mllonell'a place In case Mitchell tliiko, (Julnu was given a cold reception as thu champlou would havo nothing to do with him. |