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Show "ARBOR DAY" DESIGNATED. Governor Thomas Indicates April 1st as a Legal Holiday. Ilia I'rorlKiiintluii llrrniiiiimiillni; lis Oliaertaureliy Hie IMiiiiIIiik or Trees in I'uklle mill I'rlealellriiuiiiU. Thu following proclamation waa Issued Is-sued by Governor Thomas Ibis alter-noou: alter-noou: Ti uutTonr or Utah, 1 KxtcurlM.U! nci , J1"' To tho l'ooplo of tho Territory ol Utah: lly tlltuooflko authority lu mo vested Haturdsy, April I, Ib'll, tho day llxeil by tbo law, Is hereby si t n part as a legal holiday, hol-iday, to bo observed as "Arbor Day." 1.1 orv plllzi.ll wlin ln.tta nil IntitriBt In the wolfjro of tbo Torrltory Hhould on-courago on-courago iho olisortaitco i f lhodu),aid thus aid In promoting the health, comfort and pleasure of thu pooplo. In accordanca Willi the law, I rospoct-fully rospoct-fully rocommond Unit fo,ot, fruit and ornamental trims bo planted on tbo public pub-lic highways, and 111 public and private grounds. In tostlmony whorcof I havo horounto set my baud and chum, I tho great seal of the 'territory lo bo ulllxut. I), no ut Malt l.ako City, this Jlal day of March, A. I). 1WII, fal. AiiTllUn L. Tirovras, llv tho ifotcrnor. Uovernor. 1'IUAII Km.", hecrotury of iho Territory, |