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Show AXOTIIEIt SI1UUT WCldllT CASE. A Coal I'urcliaier hajs Ho Only (lot l.',00 I'otiuili for a lou. A gentleman living In tbe southeastern south-eastern part of tbe city said to a Nrws reporter today that be orderod aud paid for a tou of coal yesterday; that when the Uollvery was tnado this forenoon, a box which bod icon specially built lo bold n ton was not moru than tbree.fourtha filled. Hosiya he told the driver that nt least oOO iunds were missing and Immediately Immedi-ately made his way to the company's olllcu on Last Templo street and Informed In-formed the ueutleiueutowhonihoiravo bis ordi r of bis discovery. Tbu disgruntled purchaser says that be was Informed that lhu scabs on which tho coal waa weighed had uoci-dentally uoci-dentally becomu unbalioced lu such a manner ai to register 1700 pounds aa a ton. This deliclsucy tbo colli) auy ) rojiosed to uiako good out tho oiler was not accei ted. The buyer of Iho coat Mania thu other 200 which aru duu bun and which bu says bu Intends to bavu If bu has to Invoke tho uld of lhu law lu bis behalf. Acting Mayor llesrdiloy promises lo Investigate thu cisu, 'lhu question has breu asked w hero wasthecltycoal Insjector whoso tost of duty Is at lhu yard where the coal was weighed aud for whom Is be working? |