Show S. S L. L WOMAN DIVORCES HUSBAND WHO LOVED FEMININE BEAUTY Declaring that Henry W. W Garrett Garrett Garrett Gar- Gar rett told her he could not be burdened with a home and family tam lam fly ily because he is a lover of fern fem feminine mine beauty and craved freedom freedom free free- dom Mae Greenwood Garrett Wednesday had been granted a divorce In district court Mrs Garrett was ci given cien en custody custod of their minor son and md 35 per month alimony and support money moner ney Delma E. E Richardson was granted grant grant- ed a divorce from roni Joseph A. A Richardson on ground of mental cruelty cruelly She alleged he deprived his family of ot necessities and gambled his lits earnings They were married August 26 1921 at Manassa Manassa Manassa Ma- Ma nassa Colo Cob Mrs Richardson was granted grante custody of ot their five ive children and 40 per month support support support sup sup- port money mone v Norman C. C Northrup w was s granted a n divorce from Edith Northrup on ground o of desert desertion on He alleged ed she left lell him two and anda a half hal years ears after alter they were m married mar mar- lr- lr ried sled April 11 1930 at Cheyenne Wyo and has failed tailed to inform him bins of her whereabouts While Judge Oscar W W. W McConkie McConkle Mc- Mc Conkie Conkle was signing decrees in Inthe inthe the above cases two other divorce divorce divorce di di- vorce suits were filed by Ellen EBen Conner Nelson against Fred N Nel Nelson lson l- l l- l son charging nonsupport and S. S Kreipl against John Kreipl Mrs Kreipl charged d nonsupport and und mental cruelty alleging Mr Kreipl has not spoken to her since D December ember 15 1933 1033 not even to inquire as to her condition of ot health |