Show Salt Lake Briefs 1 INCREASE of more than in inJune inJune inJune June 1934 over a year ago in Salt Lake City real estate business was reported reported reported re re- re- re ported Wednesday by Werner Kiepe secretary of the Salt Lake Real Estate Estate Estate Es Es- tate board Sale of 44 city residences brought a total of In June of 1933 the total was for 22 sales Governor Blood approved the state real estate code committee including in eluding H. H T. T Covey W. W S. S Barton r. r D D. D. D Stewart R. R A. A Tracy Jr W. W F. F Langton and C. C O. O Jack of Salt Lake Cit City Clyde CI de Fowles of Ogden Clyde Winburn and J. J B. B Mullins I UTAH STATE BANKS were asked Tuesday by John A. A Malia Utah state slate bank commissioner com corn missioner to furnish statements statements state state- ments as to their condition as of June 30 the conclusion of the second quarter Calls for for- conditions of national banks members of the federal reserve system and the tho Federal Deposit Deposit De De- posit Insurance corporation were ere also issued MRS MANNIE l BERKOWITZ of Los Angeles was elected regional adviser of the Phi Sigma sorority at atthe atthe atthe the closing session of ot the second annual western regional conference Tuesday at the Hotel Utah She sue sue- eeds Miss Emilie Simon Los Angeles An An- geles was named as the next conference con con- ference city in the winter of 1936 QUESTIONNAIRES returned to tobe the be state recovery administration by 12 2 industries showed a preponderance nee arice of opinion favoring continuance of f state slate codes of fair competition J. J I H. H I. I McGibbeny McGibben deputy administrator tor or announced Wednesday Three fourths of the reporting industries said aid salary increases had been en made while others said no change had been made FELIX DORAN JR assistant general genral gen gen- eral ral sales manager of the Chevrolet Motor company compan and K M. M Chase appointed Pacific regional manager ot of f the company compan will arrive in Salt Lake ake City Thursday to meet with Chevrolet dealers in this section K C C. C WRIGHT chief engineer of the he state road commission left for Seattle Tuesday night where he will attend the annual meeting of the Western Vestern Association of State Highway High High- way vay officials July 5 5 6 and 7 He will return in about a week TRACTION Power Mutual Aid association Tuesday night elected Charles Roy Higson distribution distri engineer with the Utah Power and Light company as president of the he association He succeeds the late V. V M. M Scott with a term expiration November 30 1934 DR ROLLIN R. R SHANNON of Salt Lake Laker ake Cit City house surgeon and eight completed a years year's study at athe atthe the he L L. D. D S. S hospital Wednesday Dr O. O J. J La Barge chairman of ot the hospitals hospital's hos- hos pital's ital's committee announced The included Dr Gale W. W Anderson and Dr Wallace Clinger of Salt Lake City Dr Joseph L L. Hansen of Goshen Dr Ralph R R. R Merrill of Brigham City Dr Marion B. B Noyes of EphraIm Dr Lawrence Rayman of Toledo Ohio Dr Alton of Los LosAn An Angeles eles and Dr H. H Lloyd of Providence R. R I. I UT UTAH All l MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS' Employers Employers' league will hold its fourth annual outing at Saltair Saturday July 14 Factories are arc urged to hold their annual outings there on the same day in conjunction with the league outing The program will start st rt at 4 p. p m. m Dinner will be served from 7 to 9 p. p m m. m and ond dancing from to 1130 p. p m. m will conclude the program Prizes of ot Utah manufactured products will be given contest winners J W. W v. v SU ll city music di di- director rector ector castl casting the civic opera My ul Maryland by Romberg to be presented presented pre pro the week weck of August 20 at Nibley Nib Nib- Icy ley cy Park Water theater announced Wednesday that several parts remained re reo despite enthusiastic response at the rehearsals Persons interested in trying for the parts arc urged to telephone Mr Hyland W VT or register at the city recreation department in the city and county building MILTON E E. E LIPMAN has been reelected reelected re re- I elect elected d president of ot the board of ot directors di di- directors rectors of ot the Masonic Temple association association asso osso it was announced Wednesday Others elected were J J. Warren Beless vice president James W. W Collins treasurer and E. E G Titus litus secretary CHARGING misbranding the U U. S. S attorneys attorney's office oUke Tuesday filed tiled condemnation condemnation con con- proceedings against packages es of poultry nostrum known as Number A. 7 The packages scheduled sched sched- to have been shipped May 23 to the Utah Poultry Producers' Producers Cooperative Cooperative tive association in Salt SnIt Lake C City ty b by bythe bythe the Fort Dodge Laboratories L. Fort Dodge Iowa contained false state statements statements ments as l to Id the curative properties ol 01 the contents the complaint said |