Show JUDGE DENIES GIRL G Rl SEDUCTION AWARD Overrules Jury Which Set Set t. t Damages at 5 EDMONTON Alta AHa July 4 W- W Justice s f the supreme supreme court today today to to- day dismissed the findings of a j jury ry I which awarded d damages damages' m to Vivian M who vho charged Premier Pre Pre- mier John E E. Brownlee with tion lion The Tho jury also yarded a to o vivians vivian's Vivian's Vivians Vivians Vivian's viv- viv Viv Viv- ians ian's father father fathera a r railroad engineer of Edson Vivian 22 government raph r r. r cl claimed the th premier offered her a government position in Ed Ed- Edmonton rn monton and that s subsequent bs c disclosure dis dis disclosure closure of their relations t ons over a ape ape- period period pe pe- nod of several severa years c rs caused a a suitor to withdraw n a-n an offer ofer o of marriage |