Show OIL AND MURRAY FORCES LEADING Two Candidates Top Field FeId of 15 in Oklahoma Primary Race OKLAHOMA CITY July 4 JP- JP Ernest W. W Marland time one oil magnate magnate mag mag- nate and Tom Anglin the chosen candidate candidate can can- of ot Governor William H. H Alfalfa Alia Ifa I- I fa Bill Murray emerged toda today from froma troma a deluge of ot ballots as leading contenders con tenders Lenders for the Democratic nomina nomina- tion for governor of Oklahoma Marland elected to congress two years ago from the strongly Republican can can eighth district in his first venture into politics climbed well on top of ot the 15 man gubernatorial scramble as votes front from more than a third of the states state's precincts were counted The oil man promising a Roose Roose- new deal for Oklahoma homa piled up a lead o of approximately 15 15 votes over Anglin in whose behalf behalf be be- half hall Governor Murray took look to the hustings If It Marland and Anglin maintain their leading positions they will be bethe bethe bethe the two men between whom voters must choose in a runo runoff primary July 24 The Democratic nomination always always al al- al ways has been tantamount to elec tion J. J C C. Jack Walton deposed as governor in 1923 was in third place on the basis of available returns but buthis buthis buthis his supporters expressed c confidence that the rural vote would boost him into inlo the runoff |