Show I Deaths 1 FRANK ROSS RAIFF Frank Franic Ross 63 63 3 vice Ice lc president of the American Smelting R z company 2 and a II resIdent of Salt Lake Loke from om 1895 1805 to 1902 1901 died Tuesday at his home In Ruther Ruttier ford N. N J 7 after a Illness During the time Mr fr RaU lived In Salt SaIl Lake Lake- he was connected with the tho smelting firm of ot which he ho later became a II huh cial etal He came here from Omaha where he had been connected with tho Union Pacific PacIfic Pacific Pa Pa- railroad lIe He Is 13 survived by his hla widow Mrs Tosie JosleR R R. Rail RaUf a IL daughter Mrs tn Harrison Wood a son Jack Jact R. R Rain RAUf and a a. brother Harry Harr RaIlS JEANIE THOMAS Mrs Thomas 73 13 widow of the Rev Martin Thomas of died at her home 40 first avenue AnnUl Tuesday a at 9 S a. a m m. To of heart trouble She was born June 10 1880 1860 In Nevada City Cal but had lived In la for form m many years She rs is survived by one doul daughter Mrs Joe me JoeK K Kemp mp Jr of Bineham a Do sort SOl Martin Thomas Justice of the peace puce at a sister Mrs frs Lynn E. E Snell of Vancouver B. B C. C one brother Charles I Monro of Nevada Ne Nc- C- C vada d b City Citi C C CaL t anti and d t three grandchildren a tg n MABEL iIO HOLLADAY LAD Y BLACKBURN Mrs Mabel Holladay Blackburn 50 wife of Joseph C. C 1883 Thirteenth East street died Tuesday at 6 P. P m m. m at the family residence of a heart burt attack Mrs Blackburn was wu born December 31 31 1682 1882 at Santaquin where here she attended the She later attended the Utah State Agricultural college at Logan Losan and after lifter graduation taught school for lor several years yeara She was wu married to Mr Blackburn who was manager of tbt Beech Nut Packing company in Salt Lake for many years nu September September Sep Sep- r S G l OG Mrs XIra DI Blackburn wu was an aa active member of the L L. D. D S. S church having served sen-ed AS is a teacher director and supervisor of tho Gleaner Oleaner department of or the Y V. L. L M. M I. I A. A of the Granite L. L D. D S. S stake Surviving are arc her husband three dough daugh Bunny Dunny Josephine and Madeleine Blackburn Black Black- burn and the brothers au and sis als John W V. V Holladay fl Mrs t Lutle Lutie J H. H Flyer Sirs Mrs r Loiter na of Salt Lake Mrs eJ M Fn James A. A of ann and Mrs Charles A. A Nyman Nrman of North Logan Funeral services will be conducted Friday noon In th the L L. D D. S. S ward chapel Twelfth East Enst and Ramona avenue Friends may mai call at the residence Friday from until 11 30 a. a m. m HOWARD HAYES BOLSTER Funeral services service for Howard Hayes Hares Roister Bolster 53 53 of Seventh East street will bo be conducted eon con ducted at 1230 p. p m. m Thursday la in the Tenth ward L. L D. D S. S chapel Burial wilt will b be In Cen- Cen cemetery 3 Mr Roister Bolster died Tuesday morning at ata a local after an Illness of three years For 21 years icon previous to his illness he lie had been employed by the Utah 0 Oil 1 Refining Refining Re Re- fining company He had been beena K resident rest resi dent of Salt Lake for 7 1 33 32 years coming here 1 from Cortland Ohio where he was born January 16 1880 Surviving him are his widow Mrs Eloise Lottus Loftus Smith Bolster r a son Marvin a step son aon Ted Smith both boh bothof of Salt Lake a brother broth broth- frer er Earl Bolster and anda fr- fr 4 a sister Mrs Alice both of Cortland lOis mother H. H H. H Bolster died five months ago CHARLES H. H FILLMORE Funeral services for Charles CharlesH H H. H Fillmore 35 35 who died In a Salt Lake l. l hospital Monday alter after an appendectomy will willbe be conducted Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at 2 p. p m. m In the Poison Payson L. L D. D 8 S. second ward chapel with Bishop G. G F. F Olson of of The speakers at the services will be I Charles White Bishop Jasper Hill Bill and Dr R. R Stewart Music will be I sung aung by Cob Barney and Irene a quartet J aad the ward choir The American Le Legion Legion Le- Le gion will officiate at atI atthe the She grave in the Payson Payson Pay Pay- I son city cemetery Friends may call at atthe the home of Mrs William Wil liam ham Fillmore at Payson Pay Pay- sort son Wednesday evening eve ning and Thursday Mr Jr Fillmor prior to the D D. D W. W GARBETT GARDETT SR D. D W. W Sr M. M resident nt of Salt Balt Lake for many years ear died at the home of 01 his daughter Mrs Oaf Golf of Duchesne Tuesday at 1030 a 0 a. a m in after otter a short Illness according to word received in la Salt Lake by relatives Mr Garbett was born In to England but bu came camo to this country when a II young man lie He had lived in Salt La Lake e about 40 years ean He lie moved to Duchesne to live lye with his daughter eight months ago 1110 Mr Garbet Garbett was n a member of the Salt Lake M Moose se lodge Surviving are his daughter Mrs Mn Goff o of Duchesne Ducheane and four tour sons D. D W W. Jr W W. C. C William E. E and Jo Joseph Joseph Joseph Jo- Jo seph Garbett all oU of Salt Sal Late Lass The body will wUl bo be brought to B Salt Lake where funeral services will be conducted under the direction of the Moose Moose- lodge Time of ten services Ice j will be announced later FREDERICK G. G SEWELL Funeral services for tor Frederick George Sewell Sowell 59 9 who died In Tonopah Nev Ney Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- will b be conducted Thursday y at 1 p. p m. m In the Masonic temple templo under direction of fY Y Jh Wasatch lodge ladre No 1 t. t YU Public services will bo ho 1 conducted In the Ithe ternie tern tem f 1 t-J t ie le auditorium at J. fIe 30 p. p m. m 1 i Members e b is of the r Shrine patrol will of of- of o te at the burin l w and win will servo serve as pall- pall r r bearers Burial 1 will NJ f take place url la in tho Mount Moun Olive Olivet genie genie- eme- eme f tt tens tery Mr r. r Sewell was a past master of Wasatch Wasatch Wa Va satch lodge No 1 Masons Ma Ma- Mac c r. r sons and a a. member b of of Ot h gs Utah consistory s No 1 and El Kalah temple of the Mystic Shrine He lIe was fatally In InJured Injured In In- injured in Sri a a. fall fol 1 Wednesday Juts July 12 while 11 emo employed r oved at t the White Caps mill at Tonopah He lie died Ina in I Ir a hospital there Sat Sat- r Mr loIr Sewell JAMES DENNIS HEARN OGDEN OGDEN James James Dennis Rearm Hearn retired I O Ogden den policeman died at the family home Twenty fourth street Tuesday after alter a ayears ayears illness years He was w s born la in Asia Aus tin Nev HeY OCto October r 23 1868 1863 a son Ion of John and Margaret Sheridan Sheri Sherl- I dan He Hearn am and came cameto to o n 46 years n ago lfeo He was met retired ned f from Ol Ogden den force the police after In January 1930 1130 r It serving 26 years nau He 4 u was a member r of the theO theo O 0 c e d c l' n U Policemen's j i Mutual Benefit association association asso asso- and also a Il member of tb the St. St Joeph Jo Jo- eph C Catholic L h 0 11 c church Mr Hum Heam is survived sun sur by his widow Mrs Lillian Myers Hearn Ream and three sons lions James D. D Jr Lawrence and Francis Hears Hearn O Osden Orden den and a alster lster sister Mr Mrs Nellie L- L Ryan Run Funeral California arrange arrange- Mr Hearn meats will b be an announced an- an flounced later by Lukin ft k Sons mortuary SARAH SARA KIRK GRADY I Sirs Mrs Sarah Kirk Grady 70 70 widow of ot Michael Grady Grdy died Tuesday at 3 p. p rn m. of ofa ofa ofa a heart attack at the home of her sister lister Mrs Mu G. G K Creamer Crumer West First South Bouth street She had been In rood good health until she ine was stricken a a. few tew minutes before her ber death Mrs Grady wa was as born In la Vermont JENNIE SMITH Sl JOHNSON PROVO Mrs Mrs Jennie Smith Johnson Johnon 47 wife of J. J II n. Johnson engineer for the Utah Railway COMP company died Monday Mondy evening at atthe the tho family residence rz e r 8 South k Second d de East t street of heart and 1 ety kidney t trouble u Mrs Johnson was BS as asborn born March 9 g. 1866 In Almy Amy Wyo Viyo a affa daughter h of John and Mary Buckley Bucey c Smith lh Shortly after her birth the family moved d to Provo w where f Mrs bins Johnson had lived since She was vas graduated from BrIgham Brit Brit- ham Young university in 1910 Alter After graduations I atlon she taught at nt Proctor academy here for lor many years scans Sho She was ins on an active i member of the Order of Eastern Star and lind h had d held every ever office 4 in the local lodge She was a a. member o of the St. St Marys Mary's Episcopal i choir for many years Surviving besides Mrs Johnson her husband are a son lion and daughter Frank and nd Betty Bett Ma May Johnson a i. i J. J EJohnson E E. Johnson ten brothers and sisters William and Stephen Smith Rock Reek Springs Wyo le Wha BS rr J Samuel u Smith Alaska John n Smith Jr and and Mrs Clara Norman Miner Mont Harry HArr Smith Colo Cob Mrs duo Mary Steb- Steb bins Livingston Mont Mrs Theresa Theren Holmes HalIDes Salt Bait Lake and Mrs Mn Sarah Buah Win Winder er Los M Angeles Cal Funeral services will be conducted Thursday Thurs Thun- day at p. p m. m In St St. Marys Mary's Episcopal church r under a auspices pl aS of i r the rr local af O. O E. E p S. S chapter with burial burtal in Mount Olivet vet cemetery ten ten tery Salt BaIt Lake under direction o of the She Berg Bere mortuary I HENRY LOGAN LOGAN Henry Henry 8 81 1 worker In n the Logan Lonn L. L D. D S. S temple for the pas put past two Iwo wo years urs and K a resident of Rexburg Idaho died led at his home here East Third North street Tuesday noon following a prolonged Illness of dropsy lie He wax was born In Switzerland in 1852 1812 IlIon a Il aon ason son Ion on of Johannes and Barbara He joined the L. L D U. U DS S 8 church hurch when a young youns- man and 1 came to this his country in 1893 He lie lived la in Salt Bait Lake Lak until 1895 1505 when he moved to Rexburg here where he had since resided with the exCePtion lion Ion of ot the past two years H He is survived by y the widow Jr Mrs Mar B. B f r Logan n and four r rand sons and nd daughters Mrs tn Ida Flemming John r. r Boise Idaho 1 Mrs tu Mary MUT Fullerton CaL Cat Otto berger bener Idaho Two wives preceded him in death duth The body will be taken to Rexburg for burIal urial by the Woodland Richards Mortuary company SILAS F. F THOMPSON JR ilL BRIGHAM 1 CITY Funeral CITY Funeral services for tor lias Silas Franklin Thompson Jr 59 50 former resident of ot BrIgham City who bo died at aL his hi home ome In la Holbrook Idaho Friday were ere conducted there Sunday Bunday sod and the body was brought rought here for Interment In Brigham CIt city Cemetery He was WILS born here No November 7 7 1875 1575 a aon ason ason son on of Silas Franklin Frankiin and Men Mary Caroline Palmer Palmr Thompson ills His father was wu deputy of Box DOJ Elder Eider county several years and nd during the time A Abe Majors Malara was wu being tried led hero here for the murder of an Ogden Olden of of- leer fleer he was seriously wounded when shot by y unknown parties as IU he be was wa entering his hU home here hut one night Silas SUu Thompson grew to manhood d here bere nd on May r 1 1 1893 1593 married rU Etta KUn of this his 11 city Y then e moved to Holbrook I and en- en eased aged in tn farming where here he had since Ince re re- re sided ded He Will was first counselor in the bishopric of the I L. L D. D S. S church at Holbrook for ion many man years SurvivIng are his widow and a son and 1 Idaho daughter aughter aho and Leon Mrs rs L Lee Bard e Thompson Bailey w Thatcher Holbrook Utah tah five grandchildren a brother and three thue sister alter Orval Orvill C. C Thompson Burley DurIe Idaho aho Mrs Mra Albert Je n. n Idaho Pails Falls Idaho aho Mrs Wallace Hays a. a I Wash Tub and ana Mrs J J. J X 27 n Richards h t Lent |