Show I I I Lets Let's Let E I Your Y Mind Md M- M M d A Albert Edward Wiggam D. D Sc Se s Explore ore our m With Th Th T. Noted Author Athor of or Tho Pit of tho the Family Tree Treo gA AH 1 L 4 4 F A A. O OF I. I V MARRIED I WON E 1 ASK AK J VI f 55 5 A I l 16 WOMAN FALSE TO TOME HER J i f I I.- I. WD WHEN ii H REALLY ZA I f AN ANOTHER THER Il V 5 c MAW MAN BUT ni I IA I I. I 7 HE HER UTMOST TO KEEP 7 i H M H FROM HER LI FE AND I 5 ouT fl d 4 4 fE OR NO 2 IF AT if I 6 A REAL vy WILL WILLPOWER pOW POWER R 1 i j INNER s 's AN INBORN AND I III CH CHARACTERISTIC ANor PO DO THEY EY R RATHER T ER II THAN AM AW N JN J INDICATE WHAT 77 c 4 1 HE WOULD t ACQUIRED PROBABLY 1 TRAIT Ol OF 41 SUCCEED MIND AT ATIN IN CO Authors Author's Note These Note These answers answer are given from the scientific point of view dew Not all moral questions can be answered with absolute scientific accuracy but no decision as to what is morally right Is possible without H science Science puts put the right of organized society above t the e rights of individuals I 1 No This tragedy happens occasionally oc to very minded high women women women wo wo- men and men also It cannot always be C foreseen or guarded against Where one me can control the circumstances It t usually can be prevented from going beyond a very temporary emotional emo- emo lonal upset The prayer Lead us not ot into temptation is the soundest psychological procedure The only wise thing is to get away and throw oneself more than ever into the life ot of f ones one's marriage partner To at at- tempt empt to continue the other friendship on on a high plane or on a platonic basis asis is dangerous and usually dis dir 2 It Is both Will power Is not some ome separate faculty or power of 0 f mind but merely the sum of ones one's habits habits' of acting decisively in desired directions Some people are born with natural habit forming capacities or r else stronger drives in certain di di- that enable them to build up upa upright a right Avill will or or rather right wn wills for or there are arc as many wills as there arc re habits habits in in large fields of activity Anyone can enormously add to his will power by keeping clearly in mind the rewards of the right acts and nd by practicing them vigorously on ever very every possible occasion 3 They arc are a very strong indica indication tion ion Professor Edward K Strong Jr of Stanford has worked for lor years to find tind what people people already already successful in 18 different occupations such as that of lawyer Ver doctor pharmacist merchant salesman etc really really like and dislike e not only in their work but in irs life lite generally This gives an interest pattern for these occupations occupations occupations' and he has found that students whose interest pattern is close to that of any anyone one of these occupations are arc very likely to succeed at it il The tests get at a p persons person's inner day dreams feelings and attitudes toward things much better than he can do by him himself self |