Show ZEBRA ZONES ASSAILED T T THE HE city commission seems to be accused of ot ota I a social in error placing concrete barriers in the tue downtown streets to prevent carefree automobile drivers from front ploughing into prospective pros streetcar passengers waiting in the safety zones At least a claim ha Las has been filed with the tIle city fathers seeking something like for damages claimed due on account of the fact that the protective e obstacle was in III the tile path of an automobile attempting a crossing at Broadway r and State streets One fact seems to have been overlooked b by r the thc claimants if if the tIle automobile had llad been where it Gb should uld have been car passengers nor concrete would have been damaged It would seem to be a patent fact that time the city has full right to take such suck measures as asmar may mar be e necessary to protect the time lives and bodies of or its people in a 3 public thoroughfare Motorists themselves are to blame for the tile equally patent fact that it was found necessary necessary sary to place in the tile downtown streets solid and massive barriers They rIley arc are equipped with all warning devices any capable and attentive driver could possibly demand Under all circumstances circumstances cir cir- cir cir- if a driver plunges headlong into one of them it is just his Lis bad luck As to what may happen to his passengers who may mar or ma may may- not have had Lad anything to do with such an accident accident accident ac ac- ac- ac responsibility to them is quite clearly fixed upon the tIle driver by law Jaw By no JIO means should the city government be bc alarmed b by threat of damage actions to the tile p point int where they ma may give thought to doing away with whit the safety zones They rhey have Lave been abundantly demonstrated ted to be e necessary for public protection Especially now no that they wear zebra stripes anyone who happens to torun torun torun run run- into one Olle of them with I his Lis automobile should look elsewhere for reme remedy y than to the courts or the city commission |