Show II I 1 COPPER OPPER PRODUCERS MA MAY Y POOL TONNAGE 5 It 14 UP UP The The If A NEW W YORK June of the copper markets marked conS con con- undertone abroad tot to to- Surf here and l' l S easy y t t. t day Domestic copper was as 7 4 3 to 8 cents t pound with second hands selling a and producers af th the lower figure at level Sun the higher are expected ex ex- copper producers T t. t JS reading Leading to hold meetings today and tomorrow to decide u upon n a p plan an for forI f i- i under the thc industrial coni con con- I I i 5 act It n is understood that an ef ef- I lr r H fort will wilt be made to pool the excess United stocks of the metal in the States amounting to about I and tie tic up these stocks with 4 funds tons toes from the thc Reconstruction Finance Fi Fi- fr corporation it r vance Dance Lead was Wa 4 20 cents a pound New NewYork York and cents East St St. Louis Buying was somewhat quieter Zinc was quiet at cents a pound tt New New flew York and cents East St St. Louis LoULs |