Show Smart Tea At Smith Home 4 Complimenting her sister Mrs Raymond Raymond Raymond Ray Ray- mond S S. S Masson of Los Angeles Mrs Charles s Lavens Smith entertained at ata a smart tea Wednesday from 4 until 6 p. p m. m at her home on North Wolcott Wolcott Wol- Wol cott street The tea table was decorated decorated decorated deco deco- rated with a low mound of wax- wax white peonies and till tall ivory tapers were in silver candlesticks Presiding PresidIng ing at the tea table were Mrs W. W A A. Cavanaugh Mrs H. H C. C Goodrich Mrs D. D D. D Moffat and Mrs Fred E. E Smith who were assisted by Miss Virginia Smith Mi Miss Ann Bering and Miss Barb Barbara ra Hague of or Glendale CaL Mrs Masson will vill be with her mother Mrs Mm H. H G. G McMillan n in the Bransford apartments after June 19 Mr and Mrs W. W Karl who have been In San Francisco on their honeymoon have returned to Salt Lake and arc areat at home at Douglas street Mrs formerly was was was' Miss Helen Burt daughter of Mr and Mrs Kent R. R Burt Mrs JR IL W. W Fisher has returned from froma a visit in the east She spent some sometime sometime time in Chicago with Mr and Mrs Mra E. E W. W Johnson and little son and visited visited visited visit visit- ed another daughter Miss Anna D. D Fisher at Alva Okla Okia Susanna Eaton tent tnt will meet Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at 2 p. p m at I. I O. O O. O OF F F. hall hail Election Election Elec Eke tion of a treasurer will be held The marriage of Miss Louise Fagergren Fagergren Fager- Fager gren daughter of Mr and Mrs Willam Willm Wil- Wil lam lm Fagergren and Harry V. V Brooks son of Mr and Mrs H. H B. B Brooks Fifth Filth East street took place Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day morning ir il the Salt Sah Lake L. L D. D S. S temple A reception will be given this evening at the home hom of the brides bride's parents 2329 Lake street streel Mr and Mrs C. C E. E Welch and son Harry Raymond have gone to Beaver Beaver Bea Bea- ver ver Dam lodge at Littlefield Ariz for the remainder of or the summer |