Show Suit to Collect Filed Against Dreyfus Suit to recover on a a. noto 1 was wag filed Wed Thursday In Third district court by attorneys for the Bank of at Manhattan Trust company compan against E. E P. P Dreyfous The complaint cites that tho the on April 21 1 1930 loaned alk 1 Brothers Dr Dry Goods company com corn pany Jany on a noto note and that tho note rote note carried tho personal Indorsement Indorsement Indorse Indorse- ment and guarantee of ot the defend defend- ant Up to May 1 21 1930 only iad been paid on the tho noto note and do- do of ot the plaintiff for tor the balance balanco bal bal- ance anco was refused payment It Il Is la al al- In the tho suit BUIt S S |