Show Breakfast and Buffet Supper Honor Visitors Complimenting ti 1 Mrs II K C. C Baldridge Baldridge Bald Bald- ridge wit wife of ot th the tho governor r of ot Idaho Wednesday daY a L breakfast was given morning by Mrs rS Jes Jesse e H. H Baird ather at ather ather her home home home- on Browning avenue Butterfly But But- sweet peas were re used for decoration of ot the homo antI and th the thit breakfast table was centered with wit witha a II low mound of oC tho the same flower 1 on a Chinese cutwork cloth A doz dozen n guests called from 1030 until 12 o'clock to meet Mrs Baldridge Mr and Mrs Edmund J. J gave a buffet supper aupper on Wednesday lY evening evening eve eve- ning at their home homo in Cottonwood for tor a a. group of oC visiting g governors and a a. few close friends Flowers from the beautiful gardens surrounding sur sur- rounding the home were used about the rooms The Tho g guests were ero Governor Governor Gov Gov- Governor and Mrs Mis F. F B. B Baltar Balzar of ot Nevada Ne No- vada and party Governor and Mrs John H. H Trumbull of ot Connecticut an and party Governor and nd Mrs Harry G. G Leslie sUo of oC Indiana Governor Louis L. L Emmerson of Illinois Governor W W. J. J Holloway of ot Oklahoma and party Governor and Mrs Norman Case Cne of Rhode Island and party Governor William T. T Gardiner of Malno Maino arid and party Governor and Mrs W. W G. G Conley of ot West and pilot party Mr Mi- and Mrs J J. F. F Fitzpatrick Fitzpat- Fitzpat rick Mr and Mrs James Jame Ivers Mr and Mrs Gus P PO Backman P.-Backman Mr and Mrs John C. C Howard Mr and Mrs Russell Richards and Mr and Mrs J J. 3 G. G King ICing I Mrs E. E O. O Lee leaves Saturday for tor Long Beach Beath to spend the tho remainder re- re of ot the summer a a. a Miss Mary Johnson of New York City will arrive Friday to visit her niece and nephew Dr and Mrs R. R C. C Pendleton n and family on Douglas DougLas Doug Doug- las street and Mr and Mrs Henry Johnson and family Miss Johnson will later visit bit her brother and sis sis- tor- tor In tar law In-law Mr and Mrs H. H C. C J Johnson In American Fork en route to o the coast 0 SC Mr and Mrs F. F L. L Packard of oC Los Angeles are receiving congratulations congratulations of their friends on the tho ar arrival arrival ax- ax rival of a 8 son born July I 1 Mrs Packard was formerly Miss Judith Hills HUIs of Salt Lake C C C Miss Marian Is spending spending spend spend- ing the summer in tho the east cast and Mrs Union Worthington Is occupying occupying Miss apartment during luring her absence C Mr and Mrs l Walker Cheesman and family of or Ogden and Moreton Edward Cheesman of Los Angeles are guests of oC Mrs M. M A. A Cheesman Chessman and Mrs Robert Campbell In Cot- Cot Cottonwood Cottonwood Mr and Mrs Charles A. A Clark will arrive Sunday from New York City and will open their home hom In Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton- Cotton wood for the tho summer Gilbert and John Judd sons Bons of Mrs Clark arrive arrivo ar ar- ar- ar rive rivo Friday and will be with tho the Clarks In ln In the tho countr country for the summer C C The meeting of or Silver raple clr- clr cJ clo cle Neighbors of oC Woodcraft will wUl be tie held July 11 at 8 S o'clock at atT T T. T O. O O. O 0 F. F F hall The meeting has been peen postponed d from JUI July 4 4 c |