Show Griffith Clearly Demonstrates Superiority Over Johnny Tuffy Wins Clean Decision Deci sion zion From Baker Boy in Chicago Ring RingBy RingBy RingBy By Bert Demby CHICAGO July 3 UP UP UP-It It now noc can bo said without fear of or contradiction contradiction con con- S that t Tuft Tuffy Griffith of ol Sioux City Iowa S Is 18 a better fighter tighter fight tight er than Johnny Riko the Cleveland Clove Cleve land baker bo boy 8 If It there ever cyer was any an question about it Griffith I 1 rem removed 0 v e 1 all an t S doubts last Jast when for tho the n. first time hi his hand S Sas J was raised 7 as victor Ictor over i 1 Hisko this time time F lP 0 j by a 10 1 round lound decision A It might be bo said Mid showed l 1 Just as much Im- Im provement a a. a c G Griffith rl I everyone rono had expected after acter his re recent recent recent re- re cent victories over VIttorIo Campolo and Paulino Uzcudun but It apparently apparently apparently Is impossible for the Cleveland Cleve Cleve- land hand spoiler ever to spoil Tuffy Tuft Griffith BEST IN FIRST Johnnys Johnny's best round was the first Ho Ito opened up Jp with a n. two handed attack that apparently took Tuff Tuffy by surprise and was slightly ahead I. I on points at nt the bell belt But from there on out Tuffy was complete master mastel of ot the tho situation and it l became he- he e- e came carno only a question of what his mis margin of ot victory would be And AUti so Tuffy is back today on tho doorstep of or orn a n. chance t for r Im Important Important mm- Im- tights fights that may lead him into competition for lor tho the heavyweight heavyweight heavy hta weight title By his win last night he Ime established hed beyond any doubt that like hia defeat last winter b by Jack Gagnon had bad taken away none of ot his speed or hitting power Except for fora a a. return fight with Gagnon in which h ho the tine Boston strong boy OY this thia was Tuffy's first tant skirmish since Gagnon stopped him him in Philadelphia If It anyone left the Chicago o sta sta- ta- ta doubting Griffith's Griffiths ability to I trade punches and batter baiter his way to victor victory against tou tough h opponents he lie must ha have haC C been heen looking the tine other way while whilo Tuffy was smashing right crosses to chin and hammering deadly blows to Johnnys Johnny's bod body i I |