Show TOC TO- TO CONSERVE C WATER Asks Aks Heavy Consumers to Cease Drawing for 24 Hours Warning that tho city water situation situation situ situ- atlon Is becoming serious was ls Is Issued sued Thursday after aCter water department depart depart- ment mont officials requested heavy consumers consumers consumers con con- sumers to cease drawing on the mains for tho the next 24 1 hours Among those th se that agreed to the request were the Country club chub all city cay parka parks and the city cemetery H H. 1 K Burton superintendent of or water works said Mid Mayor laYor John F. F Bowman Instructed City Engineer Harry C. C Jessen to communicate with the Utah lake Jake at once once and order the latter to restrict the draft on secondary sec eec nater water rights thereby safe safe- safeguarding safe safe- guarding the primary rights among imonG the Ule largest of or v. v which Is Salt Lal Lake e City's Pumps operated by tho the city on Sixty fIrth South street to deliver dellver Utah lako lake water in exchange for farmers farmers' Big Cottonwood creek water have been operating full tun capacity since Tuesday Burton said and the city has been taking the farmers farmers' water which was delivered direct into supply lines The gallons draft on the the- supply lines was so heavy Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day said Burton that tho the small distributing reservoirs reservoirs- scattered through the benches were practically emptied b by 7 1 p. p m. m thereby Increasing Increasing ing the hazard haard In lit case of or fire The hope of filling tilling these distributing reservoirs to eliminate this hazard led to the request on large consumers ers to use no water during the et 24 hours hour for Irrigation purposes Provided the city's primary rights In Utah lake can be properly safeguarded safe sae guarded Mayor Bowman said It Is hoped by city officials that no general general general gen gen- eral restrictions will have to be placed on the use of ot culinary water at r. r e |